Written by: Tim Minear
Quote List compiled by: AnGeL X
Darla: But we...
Angel: I know...
Darla: ...and you...
Angel: Yes...
Darla: Then I...
Angel: Three times...
Darla: You're not evil?
Darla: Well, I don't accept this. You cannot tell me that wasn't perfect. Not only have I been around for four hundred years, I used to do this professionally and that was perfect!
Angel: You did me a favor tonight. Now I'm going to do one for you. Get dressed and get out. Because the next time I see you, I will have to kill you.
Host: I'm not deaf, you know! Geez. Keep yer pants on! (Sees Angel) Ahhh. Well. I see we're a little late with that advice...
Host: Between you and me, if it'd taken you much longer to hit your bottom, I was gonna kick it.
Host: What's not to understand? You think you're the first guy who ever rolled over, saw what was lyin' next to him, and went, "Gueeeyah!" You're not. Believe me.
Angel: I wasn't much help? If they wanted me to stay away, why didn't they just tell me?
Host: Would you have listened? Besides, what makes you think they didn't? Over and over and, as for example, over?
Angel: They could have been more specific.
Host: I think I speak for everyone when I say, if all you're going to do is switch back to brood mode, we'd rather have you evil. Because then, at least, leather pants.
Cordelia: (re: late vision) Well, that was helpful!
Wesley: Yes! No! Absolutely! I invite you in! In I invite you!
Angel: How do you kill 'em?
Wesley: Well, there are a number of ways. Of course, one prefers a tidy incanta--
Angel: Wesley!
Wesley: Right! Yes, um, hack it to pieces!
Angel: You kept the name?
Wesley: What?
Angel: "Angel Investigations." You kept the name.
Wesley: We're going to change it.
Cordelia: So I'm guessing "hey, look behind you" not really gonna work, is it?
Cordelia: Listen, I've been impregnated with demon spawn before, and let's just say...didn't work out.
Angel: So? We are talking about the same Cordelia Chase, right?
Wesley: That's correct.
Angel: Well, knowing her...
Wesley: But you don't.
Wesley: It's the visions, you see. The visions that were meant to guide you. You could turn away from them. She didn't have that luxury. She knows and experiences the pain in this
city -- and, because of who she is, she feels compelled to do something about it. It's left her little time for anything else. You'd have known that if you hadn't had your head firmly up your... place that isn't on top of your neck.
Gunn: You check her pad?
Angel: I stopped there earlier.
Gunn: You enjoying your visit to 1973? I meant her message pad.
A: Guys, guys -- does it make sense that she would go there in the middle of the night without calling either one of you?
G & W: They owed us money.
A: Let's go.
Gunn: So -- you had an "epiphany," didja?
Angel: Yeah.
Gunn: So, what, you just wake up and -- bang?
Angel: Sort of the other way around.
Gunn: You know, an epiphany, they can strike at any time. Could be it'll happen about the time you run into one of them lawyers again. You get all "epiphanied off" right back at 'em.
Angel: No.
Gunn: No? You don't think so. Hmmm. Well I hope you don't go havin' another one before we get to Cordelia. I mean -- something happens to her, something bad? I might just have me an epiphany.
Gunn: Yeah. She's alive.
Wesley: Are you sure?
Gunn: Oh, yeah. Her eyes are open. All three of 'em...
Wesley: Oh, dear.
Wesley: It'll hurt more when the thing that's gestating inside of her hatches, I can assure you.
Gunn: Try not to use the word "gestate" again and how long we gonna wait for Angel?
Wesley: We're not.
Wesley: One thing...
Gunn: What's that?
Wesley: I'm toppling over.
Angel: (destroys Lindsey's fake hand) Coulda been the other one. Just be glad I had an epiphany.
Gunn: This gonna hurt?
Cordelia: A lot.
Angel: You okay?
Cordelia: No.
Angel: You're not?
Cordelia: No. You really hurt my feelings.
Angel: Well, I guess I kind of worked it out. If there's no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters... then all that matters is what we do. 'Cause that's all there is. What we do. Now. Today. I fought for so long, for redemption, for a reward, and finally just to beat the other guy, but I never got it.
Kate: And now you do?
Angel: Not all of it. All I want to do is help. I wanna help because people shouldn't suffer as they do. Because, if there isn't any bigger meaning, then the smallest act of kindness is the greatest thing in the world.
Kate: Yikes. It sounds like you had an epiphany.
Angel: I keep saying that. No one listens.
Kate: I'm okay. Anyway, I'm not... headed for another pillathon. I'm very grateful. I never thought you'd come for me. But I got cut a huge break, and I believe... I don't know what I believe, but I... have faith. I think maybe we're not alone in this.
Angel: Why?
Kate: Because I never invited you in.
Angel: I don't want you to come back to work for me.
Wesley: Oh. I see.
Angel: I wanna work for you.
Cordelia: How do we know we can trust you?
Angel: I guess I'll just have to earn that.
Cordelia: Why is it I'm not on the floor this time?
Angel: I've got you.

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