"To Shanshu in L.A."
Episode written by: David Greenwalt
Quote List compiled by: MBNielsen9
Cordelia: What's taking so long?
Wesley: Gee, I don't know, Cordelia. The Prophecies of Aubergion were only written over the last 4,000 years, in a dozen different languages, some of which aren't even human! Why don't we just get a Phalangoid Demon in here, suck the brain out of my skull. Maybe that would speed things up.
Cordelia: He sure gets testy when he's translating.
Cordelia: Hurry up and figure out what it says about Angel, ‘cuz I want to know what it says about me -- if there's torrid romance in my future, massive wealth. If I have to, I'll settle for enviable fame.
Wesley: It's an ancient sacred text, not a Magic 8 Ball.
Cordelia: Nobody gets my humor.
Angel: I thought it was funny.
Wesley: After all you did for him, he sells his soul for 30 pieces of silver.
Cordelia: Actually, he sold it for a six figure salary and a full benefits package.
David Nabbit: What did I do today? Spun off my digital pager network, made a few more million...Alright several. Big whup. What does that mean?
Cordelia: No more shopping at a Penny Saver?
Wesley: I think I know what it means.
Cordelia: A very wealthy man with just no life at all?
Wesley: No, the word in the scroll.
Cordelia: That shoeshine thing?
Cordelia: Angel's going to die?
Angel: Oh. Anything else?
Cordelia: He certainly took that well. Is this that opportune time to talk about my raise?
Cordelia: Pain! Killer!
Wesley: Painful killer demon...
Cordelia: Painkiller!
Cordelia: Enough with the scratch-n-sniff visions!
Cordelia: I ever meet those Powers That Be, I am going to punch them in the nose. Do you think they have a nose?
Cop1: Told you she'd show. She listens for the nut calls on her scanner.
Cop2: You sure she doesn't pick up the radio waves on her brain chip?
Cop1: Don't you want some back up, Detective?
Cop2: Or a Ouija board?
Homeless Woman: He saved me from one of their spies. And by the way, I don't appreciate the Dental Association watching me like that.
Kate: Sorry. It's just...someone who's not even a person lecturing me on "most people" -- it's kind of funny.
Wesley: Every source says it's death.
Cordelia: Well, it's a prophecy. It's not like it came from on high.
Wesley: That's what a prophecy is, Cordelia.
Cordelia: Angel faces death all the time. Just like a normal guy who faces waffles and french fries. It's something he faces every day, like...lunch! Are you hungry?
Wesley: That fact that his death is prophesied, which isn't good news, doesn't concern me nearly as much as the way he took that news.
Cordelia: What? He didn't scream like a girl as some of us would have? Angel's cool.
Wesley: What connects us to life?
Cordelia: Right now? I'm going with donuts.
Cordelia: What are you saying, Wesley? That Angel has nothing to look forward to? That he's going to go on forever, the same? In the world, but always cut off from it?
Wesley: Yes.
Cordelia: That sucks!
Cordelia: Well, he's going to have to start wanting things from life, whether he wants to or not!
Cordelia: You're cut off from life. But don't worry, I'm going to help you with that.
Angel: Oh. Good.
Cordelia: We'll start small. Keep it simple. How would you like...a puppy? Right. A ficus? They're low maintenance. Ant farm?
Cordelia: He's not crazy or anything. He's just different.
Street Vendor: Depressed?
Cordelia: Well, he wears a lot of black.
Angel: I'm sick and tired of you blaming me for everything you can't handle. You want to be enemies? Try me.
Female Oracle: I can't stay long. I've been dead a while. So far, I don't like it.
Gunn: You've done God's work here. If God was a bus boy, he'd look just like you, Jesus.
Gunn: You get enough iron? You look a little pale.
Angel: (look)
Gunn: Okay, it's traditional in the human world to humor people who've done favors for you in the past.
Lilah: Are we going to be late?
Holland: You never want to be on time for a ritual. They chanting, the blood rites -- they go on forever.
Lilah: Remember when Robert Price let the senior partners down and they made him eat his liver? I don't know what made me think of that.
Holland: They haven't even gotten to the Latin yet.
Angel: Don't believe everything you're foretold.
Wesley: Here's something.
Angel: What?
Wesley: The Beast of Amalfi. A razor-toothed, six-eyed harbinger of death...No. Wait. That's due to rise in 2003 in Reseda.
Cordelia: Don't be embarrassed. We're family.
Wesley: I...I'm not used to...
Angel: He's not used to the new you.
Cordelia: I know what's out there now. We have a lot of evil to fight, a lot of people to help. I just hope Skin-n-Bones here can figure out what those lawyers raised sometime before that prophecy kicks in and you croak. (pause) That was the old me wasn't it?
Angel: I like them both.
Wesley: Uh...oops. I may have made a tiny mistake. The, uh, word -- shanshu -- that I said meant you were going to die? Actually, I think it means you're going to live.
Cordelia: Okay, as tiny mistakes go, that's *not* one.
Wesley: It's saying that you get to live until you die. It's saying...It's saying you become human.
Wesley: The vampire with a soul, once he fulfills his destiny will shanshu -- become human. It's his reward.
Cordelia: Wow. Angel human.
Angel: That'd be nice.
Cordelia: What was that thing about him having to fulfill his destiny first?
Wesley: Well, it's, uh, it won't happen tomorrow or the next day. He has to survive the coming darkness, the apocalyptic battles, a few plagues, and some...oh, several--not that many--fiends that will be unleashed upon the world.
Angel: So don't break out the champagne just yet.
Cordelia: Typical. I hook up with the only person in history who ever came to LA to get older.

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