"Blind Date"
Episode written by: Jeannine Renshaw
Quote List compiled by: MBNielsen9
Wesley: Perhaps Angel's discovered a new species?
Cordelia: What? Helen Kellerus Homicidilus?
Wesley: Angel said it was as if she anticipated his actions before he carried them out.
Cordelia: A handy skill -- in a fight or on a date.
Wesley: You found her?
Cordelia: Our first stop doesn't always have to be World of the Weird, you know. Sometimes actual human people can be just...awful.
Wesley: The human eye is only capable of registering a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. But if Brewer were somehow equipped to see outside that range...
Cordelia: She'd be Superman.
Holland: This is kind of our harvest time of year -- where we separate the winners from the, uh, dead weight.
Holland: I don't think she had a happy childhood.
Lindsey: Sir?
Holland: Our blind friend, Vanessa. I think she was terribly abused growing up. I think the details are tragic and shockingly specific. And I think you should create them, sooner rather than later.
Angel: How am I supposed to fight evil if they won't even put it behind bars?
Angel: She murdered a man right in front of me, and I can't even testify to that fact in a court of law.
Cordelia: Well, maybe in night court you could...
Angel: How am I expected to do battle if I can't even get into the ring?
Angel: It's their system, and it's one that works. It works because there's no guilt, there's no torment, no consequences. It's pure. I remember what that was like. Sometimes I miss that clarity.
Cordelia: But...not the trying to kill your friends and family part, right?
Lindsey: I don't want to be here any more than you want to see me. I don't have a choice.
Angel: You always have a choice. You sold your soul for a fifth floor office and a company car.
Lindsey: What was your father? A merchant, right? Linen and silk? Did pretty well. Had a couple of servants -- 'til you killed them.
Angel: Just the one.
Lindsey: I guess it's fair to say you've never seen anything like real poverty. I'm talking dirt poor. No shoes, no toilet. Six of us kids in one room. And come flu season it was down to four. I was seven when they took the house. They just came right in and took it. And my daddy's bein' nice, you know? Joking with the bastards while he signs the deed. See we had a choice -- you got stepped on or you got to steppin'. And I swore to myself I wasn't goin' to be the guy standing there with a stupid grin on my face while my life got dribbled out...
Angel: Ooof. I nodded off. Did you get to the part where you're evil?
Lindsey: I go back there; they're gonna kill me.
Angel: That's what we call an acceptable risk.
Lindsey: I get myself killed, that'll convince you I've changed?
Angel: It's a start.
Cordelia: Why are you going in at all? I thought Born Again Boy was gonna do it?
Cordelia: Well then, it seems pretty simple -- except for the you'll- definitely-get-caught factor.
Gunn: Yeah, I can get a hold of one. But why would I want to?
Angel: In the interest of justice? Maybe doing the right thing.
Gunn: Not really interested in some rich guy's heartbreak.
Gunn: Give me one good reason.
Angel: It'll be extremely dangerous.
Gunn: Okay!
Gunn: Woo-hoo!! My God! They told me it was true, but I didn't believe 'em. But damn, here it is! Evil white folks really *do* have a mecca.
Gunn: Oww! Did you just step on my foot? Was that my foot you just stepped on? Are you assaulting me, up in this haven of justice!? Somebody get me a lawyer!
Lee: Shouldn't we have been memoed or something?
Lilah: That's why they call them *random* mind readings.
Holland: Terminating an employee is never pleasant.
Holland: Quite a pity. You can't get that out of the carpet. *Believe* me, we've tried.
Cordelia: Hey, guess what they've been doing all day.
Wesley: Uh, saving the world?
Cordelia: Well, yeah! But they've been breaking encrypted computer files, too.
Angel: What are the odds, huh?
Cordelia: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay. Willow says "Hey."
Cordelia: Are you telling me self-mutilating, psycho assassin chick reached enlightenment?
Lindsey: Sorry I'm late. Hope I didn't worry anyone.
Cordelia: We just figured you were dead.
Wesley: There is a design, Angel -- hidden in the chaos as it may be. But it's there. And you have your place in it.
Lindsey: You're offering me my job back?
Holland: Oh no. I'm offering you a new job. A permanent one. With a thundering raise and ungodly benefits.

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