Story by: Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt
Teleplay by: David Greenwalt
Quote List compiled by: MBNielsen9
Club Host: In this city, you better learn to get along. Cuz L.A.'s got it all: The glamour and the grit, the big breaks and the heartaches, the sweet young lovers and the nasty ugly hairy fiends that suck out your brains through your face. It's all part of the big wacky variety show we call...Los Angeles.
Actor Guy: Ow. Hey, Ow! She hit me!
Cordelia: I threw that in myself.
Health Club Manager: I'm sorry this club is for members and their guests only.
Angel: Well, I'm thinking of joining.
Angel: Stop that.
Health Club Manager: That guy has horns.
Angel: Steroids. Not good for you.
Angel: The thing about a gym is that you're not alone. You've got people around -- encourages you to work out.
Cordelia: You don't have to work out. You're eternal.
Angel: You got your steam; you got your sauna and your fresh towels. I mean, how bad could it be?
Cordelia: You shower with a lot of men.
Angel: I'll always be a loner.
Angel & Wesley: Vision!
Cordelia: Just a sneeze.
Angel & Wesley: Oh.
Cordelia: Oh?!
Angel: I mean, bless you.
Cordelia: Sneeze. Followed by vision!
Wesley: Nasty demon, unknown origin.
Angel: Awful lot of that in this town. I'm sure he'll feel right at home.
Lilah: Of course, if you don't sign, we'll sue your ass off and kill your children. Just kidding, Donald! Nobody wants a lawsuit.
Lilah: You're not handicapped. You're handi-capable.
Darla: He had consumption.
Lindsey: And died to soon. A lot of that goin' around.
Lindsey: Angel. He's here in town. You can feel him.
Darla: Always could.
Lindsey: He's taken from both of us. So when you feel ready, we'll start thinking about giving a little back.
Darla: Angel. It's been a long time. I'd love to see that boy.
Wesley: I need Suliman's Compendium
[Screams as a book flies of shelf.]
Cordelia: Don't yell like that. You will scare him.
Wesley: Scare him?
Cordelia: Dennis is very sensitive. He's trying to help. He's more a person than a...G- H-O-S-T.
Wesley: I may have someone who can help.
Angel: Who?
Wesley: A parasite demon named Merl.
Cordelia: Maybe it's time to pay your stoolie a little visit. Make with the chin music until he canaries. [off look] I've been watching a little noir festival on Bravo.
Wesley: There's a place he hangs out. A safe haven for demons. I've been meaning to take you there; I think it may be of use for us. But...
Angel: But what?
Wesley: It's a little outside the box.
Demon: I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it!
Cordelia: Your stool pigeon feels safe in a karaoke bar?
Cordelia: Cat got your tongue, Merl?
Merl: I don't have a tongue.
Cordelia: Oh.
Club Host: Love the coat. It's all about the coat.
Club Host: Smart and cute. How 'bout gracing us with a number?
Angel: I don't sing.
Club Host: Neither does Mordar the Bentback. That cat's a foghorn on two legs.
Cordelia: Who is this guy?
Wesley: He's...anagogic.
Cordelia: Really? He looks like he's eating enough.
Cordelia: Come on, Angel. I wanna hear you sing.
Angel: No.
Wesley: It would be for a good cause. We might learn something.
Angel: Who's the boss here?
Club Host: I know you're feeling smooth, in the groove. Isn't that the thing that comes before a fall?
Angel: Three things I don't do: tan, date, and sing in public.
Club Host: How fabulous would I look in that coat?
Angel: I help people.
Pregnant Woman: You're kidding, right?
Wesley: He was good?
Angel: Yeah.
Cordelia: And you... ::CLECKK::?
Angel: Yeah.
Cordelia: Ooooh, that's bad. Which, of course, you already...
Wesley: Cordelia said he was a nasty.
Cordelia: Well, he looked nasty.
Wesley: What? We're supposed to think a creature like that could change his modus operandi overnight? Turn into some noble protector and...defender of...oh God.
Cordelia: Thanks for the obscure visions! We're doing great with that.
Gunn: You should probably go home now [guy runs off] Uh. You're welcome!
Angel: People nowadays. Would it kill 'em to say thank you?
Angel: You well?
Gunn: Picture of health and harmony. Look at you, dog. You haven't aged a bit.
Angel: I've got a situation.
Gunn: So much for the small talk.
Angel: You ever hear of a Preomotu?
Gunn: That like the '62 Chevy with the big cam? Alright, I coulda just said no.
Gunn: He was on our side?
Angel: Yeah.
Gunn: Well, did you find the scumbag who killed him?
Angel: I'm the scumbag who killed him.
Gunn: Oh.
Gunn: You gonna hang here and soak up the guilt?
Angel: It's sorta my job.
Pregnant Woman: Your job?
Angel: Yeah! Look. I got cards! And an office. Well, the office kinda blew up, but we're working out of this other apartment in Silverlake, temporarily.
Cordelia: Who is it?
Gunn: Gunn.
Wesley: What was that?
Cordelia: Something about a gun. What if it's a demon with a gun!?
Wesley: Listen up. Whoever you are. We're well-armed and we know how to do battle, so if you know what's good for you...
Cordelia: My name is Gunn. Angel sent me.
Cordelia: Wesley, you've heard Angel talk about Gun. He's a great guy with a really fly street tag.
Wesley: What's he fly?
Cordelia: It's how they know you on the street, dorko. Gun! It really let's you know you mean business.
Gunn: It's my name. Charles Gunn. Two N's.
Cordelia: It's nice to finally meet.
Gunn: I've seen you before.
Cordelia: Really? The Tan-n-Screen commercials!
Gunn: I saw you in bed.
Cordelia: What?!
Wesley: I can see this is none of my business.
Gunn: You, too.
Wesley: Now just a moment!
Gunn: This all the cases you got goin'? Well isn't this the well-oiled machine?
Cordelia: We set 'em up; we knock 'em down. Well, we did until Angel knocked down the wrong...I'm sure he's getting on top of it now.
Cordelia: You can't see everything. You're just a vampire like everyone else. . . that didn't come out right.
Angel: I thought I was out of the tunnel.
Cordelia: Sure you did. Because the tunnel is...You know, it's something we all...Are we talking real tunnel or symbolic? Just give me that much.
Angel: That light was so bright. I thought I was already out.
Cordelia: It's going to be a long while 'til you work your way out. But I know you well enough to know you will. And I'll be with you until you do.
Angel: What about your inevitable stardom?
Cordelia: I'm not saying I won't have a day job.
Angel: Look, we gotta find her right away. Whatever it takes. There's only one way.
Angel: Oh Mandy. Well, you came and you gave without takin'...
Cordelia: That man will do anything to save a life.
Club Host: I'm gonna have chat with Mr. Tall, Dark, and Rockin'. And meanwhile, Dirthock the Childeater's gonna open up to you all. He's searching for the Gorshan Mage who stole his power, and he's feelin' just a little bit country.
Club Host: You're just the hot ticket. One night only, two seats left, partially obstructed view.
Angel: Tell me where they are.
Club Host: Well, who's a little curt? Who's a little Curd Jurgens in The Enemy Below?
Club Host: My question, first -- and answer true because you know I'll know -- why Mandy?
Angel: Well, I-I know the words. I kinda think it's pretty.
Club Host: And it is ya great big sap! There's not a destroyer of worlds who can argue with Manilow. And good for you for fessin' up.
Pregnant Woman: I really appreciate you helping us like this. But you know how you're not really good at anything? Sure you can do this?
Angel: I grew up around horses.
Angel: Nice horse. Try not to make me looks stupid out there, okay?
Judge: The champion is defeated. She and all her issue are yours.
Angel: I move to appeal that ruling. ::SLICE::
Pregnant Woman: You okay?
Angel: Yeah.
Pregnant Woman: You sure seem to bleed a lot.
Angel: Part of the job.
Wesley: Good idea. Start over with a fresh slate.
Angel: Actually, we're starting over with no slate.
Faith: Bad day. One of the girls in the yard tried to build a rep by throwing down with me. She had low self-esteem and...a homemade knife, so...
Angel: Is she, you know, alive?
Faith: She lives to tell the tale. Took the knife away, and I can't say much for the wrist it came in.
Angel: I had to sing Barry Manilow.
Faith: You're kidding.
Angel: In front of people.
Faith: And here I am talking about my petty little problems.
Angel: Just wanted to give you a little perspective.
Faith: Copacobana?
Angel: Mandy. I don't want to dwell on it.
Faith: The road to redemption is a rocky path.

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