Don't forget to check the What's New Page for updates and to sign the Guestbook.
1/8/2005 - Be sure to update your bookmarks and links. If you are linked to anything other then the index, then your bookmark/link will no longer work. That is because the site was redesigned from scratch and everything is in new directories and has new files names. Please don't forget.
Site v5.1
Wolf's Lair was originally started in April 2003 as a way to show off a friend of mines wall and help me work on my html skills. Two years later it has been through 2 names, 3 url's, and 5 total redesigns. Since I started this site I have learned how to make my own walls and graphics, learned a whole new set of skills and met a bunch of cool people. I hope everyone is enjoying and getting as much out of this site as I have.
Graphics on the pages are made by me unless otherwise stated. Please don't use them for anything other then private use without mentioning me. If you want to post them to your site, Save them to your computer first. Please do not directly link to graphics and walls on this site. That uses up my bandwidth and is the same as STEALING.
Link to Me
Ok I'm just gonna say this once. I like reading about lesbians, and the links and graphics on this site will reflect this. So if reading about some hot girl on girl action is not your type of thing ( why the heck it wouldn't be is beyond me) . Then I suggest finding something a little more up your alley Republican National Party . Otherwise sit back, surf to your hearts content and hopefully enjoy the site.
****Special Thanks to Greebs, Tyrael, Sarah, Gabs and sHaYcH for helping with the site. Love you gals.
***Also thanks to the Pup Play Pen and all my friends who let me drive them insane playing with the site and stare at numerous versions of my walls.
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