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Owner: Wolf

Opened: 4/15/2003

Version: 5.1

Title: Have Faith

Created: 1/6/2005

Wallpapers: 123

Buffy Cap Gallery

Episode List

Season 3

3x16 Doppelgangland - 200, 1200x900 Caps
3x19 Choices - 200, 1200x900 Caps

Season 4

Hush - 420, 1200x900 Caps

Season 6

Older and Far Away - 315, 1200x900 Caps

Season 7

Selfless - 345, 1024x768 Caps

For Caps of Buffy actors in other shows please check out the Other Shows Cap Section

***Hotlinking is not allowed. You may use the caps for private use only. Please do not post to any other site without permission and linking back here. If you use them for anything I would love to see.