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December 31, 2001Monday Update Pre-New Year's Spoilage on the wire today. Sweetie at FanForum posted a bit of the teaser for 'Dead Things'. Buffy and Spike are both winded after having sex on a rug in Spike's crypt (there's some cute dialogue... December 30, 2001Sunday Update Don't know what to say, still nothing of note out there. Somehow I think UPN messed up by having this many weeks between episodes, it seems more like a summer break than a winter one. Luckily, in a... PM Update Nothing new in the world of spoilage. Again, since it will likely be quiet until after the 1st, I'll drop back to doing one update per day. Things should pick up in the days before 'Gone' airs.... December 29, 2001AM Update The site operator of Spoilerdale wrote, saying that they had posted some spoilers incorrectly (big surprise). They specified that they had incorrectly put in the wrong episode for the Birthday and that while Episode 15 will not be... December 28, 2001PM Update A new Buffy spoiler site has appeared in the last few days. Although the site lacks originality in terms of concept (the ranking system seems strangely familiar), it more than makes up for it in the spoiler department.... AM Update Herc has a new update on character death up at AICN, which confirms that the death in 'Dead Things' has nothing to do with the major death spoiler.... PM Update The latest thing to cross the desk was this spoilage that turned up at the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board. I'm combining two different posts here. *Season 6 Finale: It is more of a recreated flashback episode with... December 27, 2001AM Update Nothing to report, but if you still haven't seen the new pictures of Sarah's hair, you can find them at E Online.... PM Update Nothing new to report, I only just got this mornings 'hacked' post into the Blogger system and published with links. I think it's safe to say that in terms of the Buffy boards right now, everything is in... AM Update Blogger was down most of the day, but I posted this in the interim. Joss did an interview for Zap2It, where he talks about doing commentary on the DVD sets, and drops some major spoilage. Before I get... December 25, 2001Tuesday Update Just a little bit of spoilage posted on the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board. Buffy will whack off her hair in a fit of rage. Think G.I. Jane. I've heard Ms. Gellar actually took shears to her real... December 24, 2001Monday Update New spoilage from Herc at AICN. Out of the entire article, a couple of things I want to mention. Herc, like most of the rest of us, is trying to place whether the death in 'Dead Things' is... December 23, 2001Sunday Update No news, but with the holidays I'm only going to update once a day through Wednesday. See you tomorrow.... PM Update Missed this earlier, Joss posted at the UPN Bronze board me talkin' Posted by: Joss - Dec 20, 2001, 10:11 PM Hey-oh. Just thought I'd log long enuf to say, new show, cool, but the rumors of my... December 22, 2001AM Update I've made the updates, and as expected got more than one e-mail about the confirmation about the Buffy/Spike couple status. It is simply a confirmation of the status of the overall pairing of the characters. I said it... December 21, 2001AM Update First note, there will be no PM Update tonight. No new updates until tomorrow morning. I will be doing a major overhaul to the Spoiler Slayer page today, mainly working on rankings for old rumors. Since most of... PM Update Sweetie at FanForum dropped the following spoilage. I hear now that there is a confirmed death in "Dead Things" but it is not a Scoobie member. Any ideas on who it could be? Amy? One of the Troika?... December 20, 2001AM Update Just a brief bit, from the Sci Fi Wire. It's an interview with Danny Strong, where he mentions that he'll be in both 'Gone' and 'Dead Things'. A couple people have pointed out that the Troika is supposed... December 19, 2001PM Update First off, updated spoilage from the Cross and Stake GoneUpdated: Xander confronts Willow, discovers Spike in the middle of something with an Invisible Buffy, and spends some quality time bickering with his fiancee. New: In a fit of... AM Update Just a note, I'm still working on slotting some pieces into the puzzle, but I should easily be finished by this evening. Also, I said I was going to talk about this today, so I don't know why... PM Update Posted under the Roswell Thread on ">AICN is supposedly the schedule for the upcoming Buffy's (along with titles). As usual, I'm skeptical of new titles, but the airdate information would seem to be correct. However, this source hasn't... December 18, 2001Yes, I know I'm posting more than I should and not on schedule. The problem is that now I'm running down a theory and I want to make sure that I'm not missing any information. It's dealing with the numbers... Site Tweaking Update I've just made some further changes to the code. If anyone is still having problems, please drop me a line with the specifics. I punched up the text all-around, which I'm hoping will improve the legibility. I... AM Update Just a couple of things, nothing really spoilery. There's an interview with Michelle Trachtenberg at Which hints at more dancing, no happy-endings, and continued mischief from Dawn. The American Film Institute, has done something no other Awards... December 17, 2001PM Update (early - back to the Noon/Midnight EST schedule tomorrow) Okay, just did the tweaking to the Spoiler Slayer page. Just so you know, I'm not happy with the current method of marking the newer spoilers either. It's more... Almost Back On Schedule Update Nothing in the way of spoilers, but I do want to address numerous comments that I've received about the redesign. Here's my problem... 90% of you love the redesign 8% of you have problems seeing... December 16, 2001The Shot-To-Hell Weekend Update Well, I guess I'm officially back, although I was never really supposed to be gone in the first place. The only real change to the site was that it was being moved to a Dedicated Server,... December 15, 2001Whenever We're Back Up Update This entry is going to cover whatever has popped up while the site was being transferred. I apologize for the delay, if I had known that the sites would have been completely unreachable, I would... December 14, 2001Interday Update First, I won't be around for the evening update, so more than likely there will not be another one until tomorrow. Second, it looks like addresses are getting shifted around, as I can no longer access the site... PM Update Spoilage from KC was posted on the Crawford Street message board. 1st deals with the "geeks" being gone before Buffy's birthday. That is false because her birthday is before episode 16. We are to discover warren is the... December 13, 2001AM Update A Buffy site called StakeOut is posting news that Amber (and maybe Alyson) will leave the show at the end of this Season. They also say that Eliza will have a cameo on Angel near the end of... PM Update Definitely a good time for not a lot of spoilage to be floating around, as I'm still waiting for everything to settle (could be anytime in the next 24-48 hours). I spent most of the day redesigning the... December 12, 2001December 11, 2001PM Update I know this is a bit early, but since I don't exactly know when the new DNS information will propagate, I'm going to update now. If you try to access and get an error or no page,... Important Update I'm in the process of changing servers at my hosting company. This will probably be a week-long process, as site design is going to be required in order to get everything working correctly. One of the first changes... AM Update Not much for this morning. I'll mention Wanda's chat, even though there isn't anything that hasn't come up here before. She does answer a Tara question, and confirms that she has been contracted for '18' episodes this season.... PM Update More posting on the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board from Angel X. Would you mind clarifying some of the Spike stuff? Thanks But I really don't know as much about this episode as I do about "Doublemeat..." He... December 10, 2001AM Update The Cross and Stake is really pouring on the spoilage, this time with info from Gone. Buffy is accidentally turned invisible by the supervillains and a new toy of theirs. Buffy takes advantage of her new situation by... PM Update Angel X posted some more information about 'DoubleMeat Palace' on the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board. I tried to consolidate it here. Is Doublemeat Palace dramatic or comedic in tone? Little of both. There's plenty of humor surrounding... December 09, 2001AM Update A couple of tidbits and some major spoilage... First, I've been running across rumors that Juliet Landau has supposedly said that they will be trying to have her on the show later in the year. Once I track... PM Update No new spoilage, but I thought I would touch base on some topics floating around the net. First, there has been a flurry of speculation that Tara might not be long for the show (or the Buffyverse) on... December 08, 2001AM Update Note: I'm shooting to updating around Noon and Midnight EST, but I'm actually updating here on the West Coast so that is a rough estimate. There might be a bit of flex in the actual times, especially if... PM Update A little spoilage from Wendy on the Kitten Board and on as well. In Ep. 11, Buffy has to save Willow, possibly from the Troika. Somehow the Troika and an invisibility ray are involved. In Ep. 12,... December 07, 2001December 06, 2001PM Update Here's the link to David Fury's comments at the Bronze VIP Posting Board Archive. Zap2It is reporting that the next new episode of Buffy will air on January 1st, with Buffy vs. Dracula being shown on the 25th... AM Update Wendy has confirmed over at FanForum that there will be more Buffy/Spike sex, in Episode 12. Which would back up the spoilage from last night. I'm going to make the additions to the Spoiler Slayer in a few.... PM Update First, before I do get to the spoilery news that is out there, I should just mention something about the amount of e-mail I've been receiving. It has gone from about 25 a day, to around 50 or... December 05, 2001AM Update Hoping that new stuff will surface either later today or early tomorrow. But nothing new for now.... PM Update I'm officially going to try and move to an AM and PM update. Roughly Noon and Midnight EST and for now I'm going to play with titling them. Mainly to try and keep a set schedule up, so... December 04, 2001Things must be slow if all I have to bring up is Wanda's chat. The only reason I even mention it, is that she's still stating that the writers intended to have Oz in the Halloween episode. Now as far... Not from one of your long-lost relations, but from AngelX at the Cross and Stake. Just the teeniest hint to what might happen in 'Gone' (and some speculation). I don't have much direct information on the episode. Just bits and... December 03, 2001First it was a cousin of a friend, then it was someone who knew someone who did janitorial service on the Buffy set, now people are even using their grandmothers to spread fake spoilers. Yes, we have another report of... So the big news, is that there's no news this weekend. It's been very quiet as of late, with the break and all, but with any luck there will be some new spoilage this week. If not, I might actually... December 02, 2001I received an e-mail from AngelX over at the Cross and Stake, who wanted to notify me of an update to one of her spoilers. The original one read... - Buffy and Spike are still on...somewhat. But Buffy keeps her... December 01, 2001Since the old spoiler of "Season Outlines for Buffy hidden in German text in the credits" is making the rounds again, I bumped it out of the old spoiler section and back into the General section.... It's likely to be quiet for a while, but I'll try to post daily with things that I might hear or see. I'm also trying to get into a set schedule for updates, so people won't have to constantly check... |