December 18, 2001

Yes, I know I'm posting

Yes, I know I'm posting more than I should and not on schedule. The problem is that now I'm running down a theory and I want to make sure that I'm not missing any information. It's dealing with the numbers that were being worn earlier this season, and I want to make sure my breakdown is correct. I've got them listed as...

7, 11, 13, 2, 55

However, I don't have an order or who wore what. If anyone knows of any missing numbers or who exactly wore what. My notes point to Dawn wearing the 2 and 55. But I the others. Please drop me a line if you have extra info. Update: Yes, I know that both myself and others it have discounted it based on comments made by some of the writers. However, I've suddenly realized that this might be deliberate misinformation on the part of the writers. In addition, there is very little in the show that isn't pre-planned, which I will demonstrate tonight in the PM Update.

Update Update: Okay, I got the number information I needed. Turns out I was forgetting about the number 8 in 'Life Serial' (which so just ruined where I thought the numbers were leading). But more in a few hours.

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