December 08, 2001

PM Update A little spoilage

PM Update

A little spoilage from Wendy on the Kitten Board and on as well.

In Ep. 11, Buffy has to save Willow, possibly from the Troika. Somehow the Troika and an invisibility ray are involved.

In Ep. 12, Willow shows up late to a Scooby meeting. She is acting in stereotypical junkie behavior: fidgeting, flustery, talking fast. The script uses the term "covering" at one point. And she's been indulging in magic even though she has told the others she isn't.


I can add a little bit more. There is some sort of Invisibility Ray involved. The Troika are using it. AFAICT, both Andrew and Buffy become invisible (not necessarily at the same time)--maybe also Jonathan and Warren.

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