Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: All of the materials borrowed from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel belong to Joss Whedon and to the entities and companies associated with their creation. I have borrowed them for creative and entertainment purposes only. No compensation has been or ever shall be received for the writing below. No copyright infringement is intended. My Website: /www.geocities.com/dragonwriter17/ Feedback: Yes, but only if it’s of the non-flamey variety: DragonWriter17@aol.com Distribution: Mystic Muse and my personal site above. (If you are interested in posting this on your site, please contact me first for permission.) Spoilers: All seven seasons of BtVS, but especially Seasons 6 and 7. Pairings: Willow/Other (Sara) Author’s Notes: (1) This story is in screenplay format, not in fiction format. It is the second of a series of screenplays intended to reunite Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson in several spin-off TV movies that focus on the character of Willow. However, they feature a new character for Amber Benson: Sara. (2) Since the Willow and Sara Series is designed to be a true spin-off, it does employ only canon background material. (3) Shattered Illusions should be read first. Number of Chapters: 7 acts Complete: Yes Summary: Willow and Sara are a month into their new relationship. All is going well--until Wai-Yi, a powerful warlock from China, comes calling. He has come halfway around the world for one thing and one thing only: Willow. But not the good Willow we all know and love. No, he wants Evil Willow. And he’s willing to do anything to get her, including raising Warren from the dead and enlisting his aid in the project. Gifted with powers from Wai-Yi, Warren begins a campaign of terror designed to push Willow over the edge. When Warren fails, Wai-Yi takes matters into his own hands. He succeeds in bringing out Evil Willow, but in the process, he gets more than he expected. Sara ends up being the only thing standing between Evil Willow and the world. ACT ONE ACT TWO ACT THREE ACT FOUR
ACT THREE INT. ELLIE’S DINER - DAY The restaurant is packed with people, and Sara is swamped. Sara rushes between several tasks as quickly as she can, but she’s still got customers waiting to have their orders taken and tables needing to be cleared. Chad stops Sara right in the middle of the restaurant to reprimand her. CHAD SARA CHAD Sara grits her teeth, biting back what she’d like to say. SARA Sara returns to her work. Behind the serving line, Sara growls in frustration. OLDER WAITRESS SARA OLDER WAITRESS SARA Sara grabs two plates of pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries on them and heads out to the floor. Sure enough, Chad finds her. As she walks to her table, he yells at her turned back. CHAD Sara gets a that’s-it look on her face. She places one of the plates on the table before the female customer but keeps the other in her hand. She turns to face Chad. SARA Sara whacks the plate of pancakes in his face. SARA Sara is surprised when the customers in her section start applauding. Chad is in total shock and blusters for a moment. Sara turns back to her customers who ordered the pancakes. SARA MALE CUSTOMER FEMALE CUSTOMER Chad regains his composure. He yanks Sara around to face him. He shakes his finger at Sara. CHAD SARA Sara removes her apron with nametag and throws it at Chad. SARA Sara storms to the front of the restaurant, grumbling to herself. SARA EXT. ELLIE’S DINER - DAY As Sara yanks the door open and stomps out, she slams into Willow, who was running for the door. SARA They go falling to the sidewalk in a heap. SARA WILLOW Willow embraces Sara fiercely, bursting into tears. WILLOW Sara returns Willow’s embrace. Then they separate. SARA Willow doesn’t even respond to Sara’s comment about her job. She just cries. Sara makes Willow look at her. SARA WILLOW SARA Willow begins to cry again. Sara pulls Willow into her arms and holds her, but Sara herself looks very afraid. Across the street, Warren watches from the shadows. He grins with malicious glee. INT. WILLOW’S OFFICE - DAY Willow and Sara return to Willow’s office. Willow heads back to her desk. WILLOW Willow picks up the picture and shows it to Sara. Sara looks at a moment, then shudders and puts it down. SARA Willow stands up angrily. WILLOW Sara is hurt by Willow’s tone. Willow is immediately sorry and goes back to Sara and touches her arms. WILLOW SARA Willow hugs Sara tightly. WILLOW Willow and Sara separate from their hug. Then Sara notices Andrew isn’t there. SARA Willow gets a fearful look on her face. She grabs the phone and calls Andrew’s number. It rings and rings. SARA Willow shakes her head and puts down the phone. WILLOW EXT. ANDREW’S APARTMENT - DAY Willow and Sara rush over to Andrew’s apartment. They find the front door unlocked and slightly open. They enter cautiously. WILLOW SARA INT. ANDREW’S APARTMENT - DAY As Willow and Sara enter, they see that the place in shambles. Then Willow sees Andrew. WILLOW Andrew is sitting in the hall floor with his back against the wall, like he’s just barely managed to drag himself up. He has been badly beaten. Willow and Sara rush to Andrew’s side. WILLOW ANDREW WILLOW Willow reaches for her cell phone. Andrew stops her. ANDREW INT. EMERGENCY ROOM - WAITING ROOM - DAY Willow and Sara are seated in the waiting room, anxiously watching the doorway to the treatment area where Andrew is being seen to. The doctor comes out of the treatment area and approaches Willow and Sara. They immediately rise and meet him halfway. WILLOW DOCTOR WILLOW DOCTOR WILLOW SARA DOCTOR SARA WILLOW DOCTOR SARA INT. EMERGENCY ROOM - TREATMENT AREA - DAY Willow and Sara go to Andrew’s hospital bed, each one taking a side. Andrew is battered and bandaged, lying with his eyes closed. The two women each take a hand in their own. WILLOW Andrew opens his eyes as best he can. WILLOW ANDREW SARA ANDREW Andrew starts to drift off, then he wakes suddenly and grabs Willow’s hand. ANDREW WILLOW ANDREW WILLOW ANDREW Comforted by that thought, Andrew drifts back into sleep. INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - THE LIVING ROOM - DAY Willow and Sara help Andrew in the front door. Ruby waits for them inside. RUBY WILLOW Willow and Sara take Andrew in the study, then return shortly. WILLOW RUBY INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - THE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Willow and Sara and Ruby are in the sitting area. WILLOW RUBY SARA WILLOW RUBY WILLOW INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - NIGHT In the study, Andrew sleeps in medicated oblivion. SARA (V.O.) In the living room, Ruby tosses and turns on the sofa. WILLOW (V.O.) In the bedroom upstairs, Sara rests soundly, but Willow frowns and shakes her head from side to side. WILLOW (V.O.) EXT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - NIGHT Warren approaches the front door, but is stopped by Willow’s shield. He touches it briefly and pulls back. Then he waves his hand around the front door, creating a second shield over the door. Then he smiles. WARREN INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - THE LIVING ROOM - DAY Andrew and Ruby sit on the couch while Sara sits in the chair. Willow is walking around as if she’s been talking already. WILLOW Willow looks first at Andrew and Ruby. They consider her proposal and shrug uncertainly. Then Willow looks at Sara. She is clearly unhappy with the plan. SARA WILLOW SARA WILLOW SARA WILLOW SARA Willow moves closer to Sara and softens her tone. WILLOW SARA WILLOW RUBY ANDREW Sara’s eyes are still blazing with anger, but slowly she caves, shaking her head. SARA Willow relaxes now that Sara has given in. INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - THE LIVING ROOM - DAY - LATER Ruby and Andrew are still on the couch. Willow and Sara are sitting on the floor in the same way they did when they were in the park. One difference is that in their inside hands they hold Tara’s doll’s eye crystal between them. They have their outside hands flat on the floor, palms down. Energy is swirling all around them and going directly into Willow. Both Willow and Sara are breathing hard. Willow breaks the connection. WILLOW SARA WILLOW SARA WILLOW Willow stands up and helps Sara to her feet. WILLOW SARA WILLOW Sara hugs Willow fiercely. SARA WILLOW Willow and Sara kiss then separate. Willow makes eye contact with Andrew and Ruby. Then she leaves. As she steps out the front door, she crosses through the shield. It blinks weirdly. She looks back at it a second, then shrugs and walks off. EXT. AN ALLEY BETWEEN SOME WAREHOUSES - DAY Willow walks down the drive, looking around, not finding what she’s looking for. She pulls out the notepad and crosses off the last item on the list (all of the others are already crossed off). She lets her arms fall to her sides in defeat. Then she gets angry. WILLOW As if on cue, Warren materializes in front of her, grinning. WARREN Warren smacks Willow with a massive magical punch, sending her flying across the alley. WARREN Wai-Yi materializes nearby and watches, unnoticed. Warren goes to where Willow is regaining her footing. He grabs her shirt and lifts her up. WARREN He pulls back and punches right at Willow’s face, but finds his glowing fist blocked by Willow’s equally glowing hand. Warren looks in her face and sees that her eyes have gone red. WILLOW Willow smacks him hard in return and sends him flying and crashing into the warehouse wall. Wai-Yi grins. INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - THE LIVING ROOM - DAY Sara is sitting, slumped and depressed, off by herself. Suddenly she shoots up out of the chair. SARA RUBY SARA EXT. AN ALLEY BETWEEN SOME WAREHOUSES - DAY The fight between Willow and Warren goes into a frenzy now, with both of them going all out, each scoring at different times. The energy bolts get bigger and brighter as it becomes more of magic fight than a physical one. Willow starts to tire, though, and show physical injuries. Warren shows little sign of injury or exhaustion. As Willow crashes against the wall, it’s clear that she’s hurting. INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - THE LIVING ROOM - DAY Sara is crazed with worry. She can sense part of what’s going on across town. She is pacing back and forth. SARA ANDREW Sara moves for the door, but Ruby steps in front of her. SARA Ruby stares at Sara hard, but Sara doesn’t bend. Ruby closes her eyes briefly and shakes her head. Then she steps aside, knowing she can’t stop Sara. Sara heads for the front door. EXT. AN ALLEY BETWEEN SOME WAREHOUSES - DAY Warren starts a heavy barrage on Willow’s shield. It finally gives, and Willow falls down, helpless. Warren grabs her by the throat and lifts her off the ground. Willow claws uselessly at Warren’s hand. EXT. WILLOW’S HOUSE/STREET OUTSIDE - DAY Sara goes out the front door, stepping through the shield, which again blinks weirdly. Then she rushes down the front steps. She stops, confused about which way to go. She closes her eyes and thinks hard. SARA Sara opens her eyes and grumbles in frustration. Then she starts down the street. EXT. AN ALLEY BETWEEN SOME WAREHOUSES - DAY Warren holds Willow up, slowly choking her, enjoying every second of it. Then, he looks away as if his concentration has been broken and his attention directed elsewhere. Then he smiles fiendishly and turns back to Willow. WARREN Willow looks groggily at Warren as his fist connects with her face. Then everything goes black.
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