Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: All of the materials borrowed from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel belong to Joss Whedon and to the entities and companies associated with their creation. I have borrowed them for creative and entertainment purposes only. No compensation has been or ever shall be received for the writing below. No copyright infringement is intended. My Website: /www.geocities.com/dragonwriter17/ Feedback: Yes, but only if it’s of the non-flamey variety: DragonWriter17@aol.com Distribution: Mystic Muse and my personal site above. (If you are interested in posting this on your site, please contact me first for permission.) Spoilers: All seven seasons of BtVS, but especially Seasons 6 and 7. Pairings: Willow/Other (Sara) Author’s Notes: (1) This story is in screenplay format, not in fiction format. It is the second of a series of screenplays intended to reunite Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson in several spin-off TV movies that focus on the character of Willow. However, they feature a new character for Amber Benson: Sara. (2) Since the Willow and Sara Series is designed to be a true spin-off, it does employ only canon background material. (3) Shattered Illusions should be read first. Number of Chapters: 7 acts Complete: Yes Summary: Willow and Sara are a month into their new relationship. All is going well--until Wai-Yi, a powerful warlock from China, comes calling. He has come halfway around the world for one thing and one thing only: Willow. But not the good Willow we all know and love. No, he wants Evil Willow. And he’s willing to do anything to get her, including raising Warren from the dead and enlisting his aid in the project. Gifted with powers from Wai-Yi, Warren begins a campaign of terror designed to push Willow over the edge. When Warren fails, Wai-Yi takes matters into his own hands. He succeeds in bringing out Evil Willow, but in the process, he gets more than he expected. Sara ends up being the only thing standing between Evil Willow and the world. ACT ONE ACT TWO ACT THREE ACT FOUR
ACT TWO INT. WAI-YI’S HOTEL - DAY - LATER Warren is waving his arms in the air, one at a time, as energy dances around his fists. Wai-Yi watches, no emotion, all business. WARREN WAI-YI WARREN WAI-YI Warren looks at his flaming hand and then grins evilly, his eyes shining with anticipation. WARREN EXT. WILLOW’S OFFICE - DAY Willow is walking to her office. Warren is following. He has a camera. As Willow tries to get her keys out of her bag, Warren is snapping photos from a distance. A figure comes up and joins Willow. Warren lowers the camera, looking surprised. He looks back through the lens and zooms in on Andrew. WARREN INT. WILLOW’S OFFICE - DAY Willow and Andrew are hard at work, fixing computers and such. Willow stops for moment and touches a picture of Sara that she has on her desk. The phone rings. WILLOW Willow hangs up the phone then gathers her belongings into her purse. She turns toward Andrew’s desk, but he’s not there. WILLOW ANDREW (O.S.) EXT. WILLOW’S OFFICE - DAY Willow comes out of her office and heads down the street, tailed by Warren. EXT. ELLIE’S DINER - FROM WARREN’S WATCHING SPOT - DAY Warren watches as Willow comes down the street toward the diner. She’s carrying a big brown lunch sack. Warren sees Willow meet Sara, who’s standing in front of the diner. When the two women embrace, Warren’s eyes narrow. Warren looks through his camera, zooms in on Sara. WARREN Warren starts snapping. EXT. ELLIE’S DINER - DAY When Willow and Sara pull out of their hug, they are both smiling happily. SARA WILLOW SARA EXT. THE GAZEBO - DAY Willow and Sara are sitting in the gazebo, finishing up the sandwiches that Willow picked up on the way. SARA WILLOW SARA WILLOW Sara doesn’t answer, she just lets Willow ramble, all the while smiling at her. WILLOW SARA WILLOW SARA WILLOW Willow and Sara start cleaning up their lunch remains. SARA WILLOW They finish cleaning up and start back towards Ellie’s. SARA Sara stops and looks at Willow shyly but expectantly. WILLOW SARA WILLOW SARA WILLOW SARA WILLOW They arrive at the edge of Ellie’s. They turn and face one another. They smile sweetly at each other. WILLOW SARA WILLOW SARA EXT. ELLIE’S DINER - FROM WARREN’S WATCHING SPOT - DAY Warren watches as Willow walks off down the street, leaving Sara smiling and waving. Warren snaps a few more pictures. When he lowers the camera, his face is full of cold rage. INT. WAI-YI’S HOTEL - DAY Wai-Yi is sitting at the table, enjoying a cup of tea. The sound of Warren materializing occurs. Suddenly, a large photo is plopped rudely on the table in front of Wai-Yi. The photo features Sara outside Ellie’s Diner. WARREN WAI-YI WARREN WAI-YI WARREN Wai-Yi picks up the picture of Sara, looks at it for a moment, then passes it to Warren. WAI-YI Warren’s look of disgust quickly changes to evil delight as he takes in Wai-Yi’s implication. WARREN INT. THE MALL - KIDS’ CORNER - DAY Willow is walking near the kids’ play area. She’s carrying a small bag from Things Remembered. Willow sits down on a nearby bench. She looks into her bag and pulls out a box. She opens the box and removes a beautiful silver key chain. The key chain is engraved with Sara’s name. Then she pulls out another item from her purse, a newly cut house key. She carefully puts the new key on the silver ring, then she holds it up and admires her handiwork. Willow smiles deeply. She puts everything away and then rises to leave. She picks up her belongings and walks away from the bench. After Willow has walked only a few feet, Warren is suddenly before her, grabbing her arms.
WARREN Willow’s face explodes in terror as she rips out of his grip and backs away from him. WILLOW WARREN WILLOW Willow starts to power up, her right hand glowing with energy. Warren makes a uhn-uhn-uhn sound and shakes his finger in the air. WARREN Warren begins backing away from Willow. WARREN Willow watches him go, panting in her panic. INT. WILLOW’S OFFICE - DAY Willow bursts into her office, white as a sheet, obviously very upset. WILLOW ANDREW (O.S.) Andrew enters from the back, irritated at being yelled at. ANDREW Willow is still shaking. WILLOW Willow’s legs start to give out. Andrew rushes to Willow’s side and guides her to a chair. ANDREW Andrew is leaning over slightly with his hand on Willow’s shoulder. WILLOW Andrew looks completely shocked. ANDREW WILLOW Andrew continues to look totally shocked as he backs up, loses his footing, and crashes to the ground, his back against the wall or desk. ANDREW WILLOW ANDREW WILLOW EXT. WILLOW’S OFFICE, NEARBY STREETS, ANDREW’S APT - NIGHT Andrew leaves the office and heads home. He is extremely nervous, looking over his shoulder often, jumping at sudden sounds or movements. Finally, Andrew gets to his apartment building. He rushes up the outside stairs to his door. He fumbles with the keys desperately, but eventually gets inside. INT. ANDREW’S APARTMENT - NIGHT Andrew leans back against his door and lets his breath out. He stands up straight and walks into his apartment. Only to find Warren sitting on his couch. ANDREW WARREN INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - THE BEDROOM - NIGHT Willow and Sara are in bed together. They are dressed for bed, but are sitting up talking. Sara is holding her new key. SARA WILLOW SARA WILLOW Willow and Sara kiss several times, then settle into a comfy hug, with Willow laying her head in Sara’s lap and Sara stroking Willow’s hair and back. Willow’s face is content for a moment, then her brow furrows as her thoughts apparently move to less pleasant topics. Sara seems to pick up on Willow’s mood change. SARA WILLOW SARA WILLOW Willow thinks a moment, then begins frowning again. SARA WILLOW Willow sits up, separating herself from Sara. WILLOW SARA WILLOW Willow looks away from Sara and stares at her hands, unable to meet her eyes or speak. Sara reaches out and touches Willow’s hand. SARA WILLOW SARA WILLOW Willow paused and looked away again. WILLOW SARA WILLOW Willow gets a little choked up. Sara squeezes Willow’s hand to give her courage. WILLOW Willow laughs softly, remembering the ridiculous title of her support group. Sara chuckles with her. WILLOW SARA WILLOW Willow stops, tears streaming down her face. SARA WILLOW SARA WILLOW SARA WILLOW Sara pulls away and sits in shock, listening to Willow’s confession. Willow hangs her head in shame. WILLOW Sara has her head down when Willow chances a look in her direction. Willow imagines that Sara is completely repulsed by her now. Willow rises from the bed and goes to her chest of drawers, standing with her back to Sara. WILLOW Willow’s words of self-hatred are cut off when Sara turns Willow around and kisses her with all her heart. Willow starts to cry, and Sara pulls Willow into her arms. WILLOW SARA They separate, but still hold each other. Sara touches Willow’s cheek. SARA INT. WILLOW’S OFFICE - DAY Willow enters the office and turns on the lights. She drops her bag on her desk, covering a manila envelope sitting there. She turns on her computers then moves to the back room and makes a pot of coffee. She comes back to her desk with a steaming cup of caffeine. She opens her bag and pulls out her laptop and sets it aside. Then she puts her bag under her desk. When she sits up from that, she notices the manila envelope. The envelope is large and has her name neatly hand-printed on it in red marker. She looks at it puzzled. WILLOW She turns the envelope over and opens it. Inside she finds an 8 X 10 photo. She pulls it out and looks at it. A look of utter horror crosses Willow’s face. WILLOW Willow drops the picture and rushes out of the office. The picture shows Sara in front of Ellie’s Diner. Warren has drawn a big red bull’s eye right over Sara’s heart.
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