Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: All of the materials borrowed from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel belong to Joss Whedon and to the entities and companies associated with their creation. I have borrowed them for creative and entertainment purposes only. No compensation has been or ever shall be received for the writing below. No copyright infringement is intended. My Website: /www.geocities.com/dragonwriter17/ Feedback: Yes, but only if it’s of the non-flamey variety: DragonWriter17@aol.com Distribution: Mystic Muse and my personal site above. (If you are interested in posting this on your site, please contact me first for permission.) Spoilers: All seven seasons of BtVS, but especially Seasons 6 and 7. Pairings: Willow/Kennedy, Willow/Other (Sara) Author’s Notes: (1) This story is in screenplay format, not in fiction format. It is the first of a series of screenplays intended to reunite Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson in several spin-off TV movies that focus on the character of Willow. However, they feature a new character for Amber Benson: Sara. (2) Since the Willow and Sara Series is designed to be a true spin-off, it does employ only canon background material. Number of Chapters: 7 acts Complete: Yes Summary: Two years ago, Willow lost the love of her life to a stray bullet that was meant for someone else. She's recovered from her loss and even moved on to a new relationship. Then a chance encounter brings her face-to-face with a stranger who looks exactly like her dead girlfriend. What does she do? This is the situation in which Willow Rosenberg, best friend of Buffy, finds herself. It’s been a year since Sunnydale bit the dust, taking the Hellmouth with it. But the danger is far from over--as Willow discovers in her new life with a new job in a new city, all without her best friends Buffy and Xander conveniently nearby. A computer geek by day and a warrior witch by night, Willow leads the crusade against the local forces of darkness. Aiding Willow in her fight are Kennedy, her current girlfriend and now a bonafide Slayer; Andrew, a former member of the Evil Trio, now reformed; and Ruby, a psychic advisor whose gift of Sight is very real. The battle against evil isn’t the most difficult aspect of Willow’s life, however. The hardest part is deciding what to do about her budding friendship with (and growing attraction to) Sara, her beloved Tara’s look-alike. By the end of the movie, Willow will be forced to choose in a way she never expected. ACT ONE ACT TWO ACT THREE ACT FOUR |
ACT SIX INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE SARA’S APARTMENT - NIGHT Willow rushes over to Sara’s apartment. It’s in a run-down neighborhood. Willow knocks but no one answers. Willow uses magic to break in. INT. SARA’S APARTMENT – NIGHT Sara’s apartment is not in good shape, but she’s done the best she could on a waitress’s salary. It is remarkably close to what Tara’s dorm looked like, except for the fact that there are no candles anywhere. Willow goes through the apartment looking for Sara, calling out her name. Willow is in the hallway outside the bedroom. She sees Sara inside. Sara is sitting on the floor between the bed and the wall with her back against the wall. She still has on the clothes she was wearing when Thessaly attacked them. She’s got her knees pulled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around her legs, and her head resting on her knees.
WILLOW At Willow’s voice, Sara jerks her head up, frightened. It’s clear that she’s been crying, for a while.
SARA Sara tries to scoot into the corner as far away from Willow as she can.
SARA As Sara gets slightly hysterical, Willow goes over to her, kneels beside her, then touches her arm. Sara jumps in terror, trying to scoot even farther away. Willow maintains contact.
WILLOW Sara is unwilling to believe at first, but finally the truth of Willow’s actual corporeal presence hits home. She stills and then stares.
SARA Sara drops her head onto her knees, getting upset again.
WILLOW Sara doesn’t respond.
WILLOW Sara sits up violently and pushes off Willow’s hands.
WILLOW Sara doesn’t answer right away. She stares off into space as if remembering.
SARA Sara breaks down. She is flailing about, crying, and repeating “my fault” over and over. Willow grabs Sara’s arms and muscles her into a hug, which Sara finally gives in to and just weeps.
WILLOW INT. SARA’S APARTMENT - LATER Sara is sleeping in Willow’s arms. Willow is stroking Sara’s hair and her back as she lies with her head in Willow’s lap. Sara jolts awake and suddenly sits up. She is momentarily frightened and confused. She tries to move away from Willow, but Willow grabs her arm.
WILLOW Sara worriedly looks around herself. She starts to stand.
WILLOW Willow helps Sara up, then continues to maintain contact after they’re both standing.
SARA Sara pulls out of Willow’s touch, crosses her arms tightly, and hugs herself. Sara won’t look at Willow. She shifts her gaze around nervously.
WILLOW Sara finally makes eye contact with Willow for more than just a second. It is a look of many emotions in one: pain, terror, gratitude, uncertainty. Finally, Sara nods.
SARA INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE – THE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Willow and Sara enter the front door. Willow comes in first, followed by Sara, who’s carrying her backpack. They both seem a little uncomfortable.
SARA Sara moves into the living room and stands by the couch.
SARA Willow goes into kitchen area. Meanwhile, Sara puts her backpack down on the floor and sits on the arm of the couch. Then she gets up and starts wandering around the living room, looking at things.
WILLOW (O.S.) Sara goes to the mantle and looks at the objects there. She picks up one picture in particular and looks at it. It shows Willow with Tara, Buffy, and Dawn at Buffy’s old house. Sara touches Tara’s image.
WILLOW (O.S. cont’d) Sara shakes her head and returns the picture to its place.
SARA Willow returns from the kitchen with sandwiches, chips, cookies, and drinks, all on a tray. She sets the tray on the coffee table. Sara comes over. They both sit. They both take food and drink. It’s an awkward time. They each take a nibble and a sip then glance over at the other person, neither one talking. Sara finally breaks the silence.
WILLOW Sara looks at Willow, wanting to believe but having a hard time doing so. She has blamed herself for so long that it’s difficult to let the truth sink in. Sara finally starts to believe, just a little.
WILLOW Sara doesn’t answer, but it’s clear that she’s thinking hard about what Willow has said. After a long pause, Willow speaks.
SARA Sara also stands. Willow turns to walk away.
WILLOW It is evident that they both enjoy the hug very much. They prolong it, then separate slowly. Their faces are so close, a kiss would be so easy, but they are both nervous and awkward and keep looking away.
SARA Willow heads toward the stairs. Sara grabs her backpack and follows. As they go up the stairs:
WILLOW INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE – THE BEDROOM - NIGHT Sara is on Kennedy’s side of the bed. She is combing her still slightly-wet hair. She’s in her sleeping attire: a long-tailed jersey t-shirt. Her backpack is on the bed along with the clothes she changed out of. The shower is running in the bathroom, meaning Willow is in the shower. The shower stops, and after a short pause, the hair dryer starts. The phone rings. Sara looks at the bathroom as if asking herself whether or not she should answer the phone. She decides to answer it. She crosses to the other side of the bed where the phone is and picks it up. INTERCUT TELEPHONE CONVERSATION – SARA/WILLOW AND KENNEDY
SARA Willow comes out of the bathroom wearing her robe. She has no bandages on her hands now. She’s running her fingers through her mostly-dry hair. Sara holds the phone with the mouth-piece covered.
SARA A look of “Oh crap!” appears on Willow’s face. She grabs the phone. She takes a deep breath and then answers. WILLOW Hello?
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