Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: All of the materials borrowed from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel belong to Joss Whedon and to the entities and companies associated with their creation. I have borrowed them for creative and entertainment purposes only. No compensation has been or ever shall be received for the writing below. No copyright infringement is intended. My Website: /www.geocities.com/dragonwriter17/ Feedback: Yes, but only if it’s of the non-flamey variety: DragonWriter17@aol.com Distribution: Mystic Muse and my personal site above. (If you are interested in posting this on your site, please contact me first for permission.) Spoilers: All seven seasons of BtVS, but especially Seasons 6 and 7. Pairings: Willow/Kennedy, Willow/Other (Sara) Author’s Notes: (1) This story is in screenplay format, not in fiction format. It is the first of a series of screenplays intended to reunite Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson in several spin-off TV movies that focus on the character of Willow. However, they feature a new character for Amber Benson: Sara. (2) Since the Willow and Sara Series is designed to be a true spin-off, it does employ only canon background material. Number of Chapters: 7 acts Complete: Yes Summary: Two years ago, Willow lost the love of her life to a stray bullet that was meant for someone else. She's recovered from her loss and even moved on to a new relationship. Then a chance encounter brings her face-to-face with a stranger who looks exactly like her dead girlfriend. What does she do? This is the situation in which Willow Rosenberg, best friend of Buffy, finds herself. It’s been a year since Sunnydale bit the dust, taking the Hellmouth with it. But the danger is far from over--as Willow discovers in her new life with a new job in a new city, all without her best friends Buffy and Xander conveniently nearby. A computer geek by day and a warrior witch by night, Willow leads the crusade against the local forces of darkness. Aiding Willow in her fight are Kennedy, her current girlfriend and now a bonafide Slayer; Andrew, a former member of the Evil Trio, now reformed; and Ruby, a psychic advisor whose gift of Sight is very real. The battle against evil isn’t the most difficult aspect of Willow’s life, however. The hardest part is deciding what to do about her budding friendship with (and growing attraction to) Sara, her beloved Tara’s look-alike. By the end of the movie, Willow will be forced to choose in a way she never expected. ACT ONE ACT TWO ACT THREE ACT FOUR |
ACT THREE EXT. THE DOUBLE-X BAR – RESUME Sara is still cowering in front of the Jerk with Willow behind her. When Sara doesn’t respond, the Jerk moves closer.
JERK Sara suddenly raises her head and smiles deviously.
SARA Sara throws one punch, then a second, both of which the Jerk blocks, but she comes back with a hard kick to the groin, sending the Jerk to the ground. His friends show surprise, but don’t move. The Jerk groans and writhes for a moment, then manages to regain his voice.
JERK Willow and Sara are smiling at the Jerk’s discomfort, then quickly lose their smiles when the Jerk calls his friends. Willow and Sara run away, with the Jerk’s cohorts following. They round another corner. Willow lets Sara run on ahead, then she uses magic to throw garbage cans in front of the men chasing them, making them all fall down in a big heap. Then she catches up with Sara, and the two women get away. EXT. ELLIE’S RESTAURANT – NIGHT Willow and Sara run raggedly, then stop, exhausted. They are breathing hard and looking back behind them.
WILLOW Sara chuckles, then motions towards the restaurant.
WILLOW Sara walks off slowly while Willow watches her. Sara turns and waves, and Willow waves back. Clearly, the two women are reluctant to leave each other’s company. Sara then turns back around and starts for home. INT. WILLOW’S OFFICE - DAY Andrew and Willow are each working in their respective places. Willow’s on the phone with a customer. Her computer screen shows a newspaper article about the house fire that killed Sara’s parents. Headline reads “Husband and wife die in tragic fire, Ten-year-old daughter survives.” The accompanying photo shows a ten-year old girl cowering as emergency personnel hover about her. Willow prints.
WILLOW Point of view switches to reveal that Andrew, who had originally looked like he was hard at work, is actually playing a video game.
WILLOW Willow gets the copy of the article from her laser printer. She starts to read it out loud quietly to herself.
WILLOW Willow sadly stares at the photo. She touches the photo near little Sara’s face.
WILLOW Willow puts the article aside and continues her research. She finds a copy of Sara’s official birth certificate from Orange Sands and prints it out. She sees Sara’s name, her mother’s name, and the date: October 16, 1980. She also sees the name of the doctor who signed: Dr. Abraham Meeks. She hacks into multiple databases. She finds out that both Marion Connor and Dr. Abraham Meeks both worked at the same place: Safe Harbor Shelter for Battered Wives. She also locates medical records on Marion Connor. She discovers multiple visits to fertility clinics, none successful. She gets out a road map and marks a place on it. Then she stands and gathers her belongings as if to leave.
WILLOW The phone rings, interrupting Willow’s comment to Andrew. She answers the phone. INTERCUT TELEPHONE CONVERSATION – WILLOW AND DANA
WILLOW DANA is calling from her bedroom. During the conversation, she keeps looking over her shoulder as if she is guarding from being overheard.
WILLOW EXT. THE PARK – DAY Dana and Willow are sitting at a picnic table in a secluded area of the park.
DANA Willow gives Dana a look that says “Sounds normal to me, haven’t heard anything ‘evil’ yet.”
DANA INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE – NIGHT Willow is in the living room getting ready to go to Dana’s house. She is packing a bag. She includes both computer repair equipment/tools and magic supplies. EXT. DANA’S HOUSE - NIGHT Willow knocks on the front door. THESSALY opens the door. She is a tall, very thin woman, with a stern face. She is impeccably dressed. She wears a lot of expensive jewelry. She has very long fingernails. She gives Willow a very icy stare.
WILLOW Thessaly just stands there, not moving from the doorway.
WILLOW Thessaly still just stands there.
DANA (O.S.) Thessaly merely inclines her head. Then Dana appears at the door.
WILLOW Thessaly reluctantly steps aside and lets Willow enter, but she glares at Willow the entire time.
DANA (O.S.) INT. DANA’S HOUSE – DANA’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Willow and Dana have just stepped inside Dana’s bedroom. Dana shuts the door. They both exhale like they’ve been holding their breath.
WILLOW Dana nods. She first hands Willow a silver bracelet; it is antique but expensive-looking. Then she hands Willow a picture; it is a snap shot of Thessaly, surreptitiously taken.
WILLOW Willow lays out a square with a crystal on each corner, very much like the one used in “Good-Bye Iowa.” She grinds the mixtures to be used. She places the bracelet and the picture in the square. She pours part of the mixture into Dana’s hand and the other mixture into her own hand.
DANA Willow and Dana assume meditative positions and close their eyes.
WILLOW Willow blows her mixture on the square, and Dana does the same. The two women watch as a mystical mist swirls around them then settles on the square.
WILLOW The mist collects around the picture, duplicating its image in the mist. Slowly, the image in the mist begins to change, from a human face to a demonic visage, one with red eyes and a mark on the forehead: an X with a large circle in the upper quadrant and small black dots in the remaining three quadrants. INT. DANA’S HOUSE – THE STUDY – CONTINUOUS - NIGHT Thessaly suddenly snaps her head up from her book. She growls and her eyes glow yellow. INT. DANA’S HOUSE – DANA’S BEDROOM – CONTINUOUS – NIGHT Willow and Dana are still watching the image in the mist. Suddenly, it becomes alive and growls at them. Then the entire ritual blows up in their faces. |
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