Tuesday, October 18, 2005

This is James Marsters as Brainiac. You will notice that he looks much different than spike as spike has bleached blonde hair.

 In other news, people still don't watch UPN.

 Well all in all things are pretty slow today, nothing funny happening in the verse. Serenity dropped down to 12th at the US box office and to 6th in the UK, bringing it's total to $28,465,904 worldwide. But USA did buy the TV rights for 3 million, still hoping one of the premium movie channels will fall in suit.

In The News -
Serenity TV Rights being sold.
Nina the werewolf gets work.
The Browncoats say thanks and more. Read all about it in News Bites.

And Finally, yes, I am working on a Caption Hell and as soon as I am able to come up with one that is funny, I promise I will post it.

Don't Miss -

SevenofTN's new COLOR ME IMPRESSED. He reviews Serenity #2.

HMC: Live!...and Still Recorded!!! Go to the HMC:Live! page and download Parts 1 & 2!

WARNING: This video is the standard HMC video. In other words it made Eddie Murphy blush.

- Eric "El Prez" Hendrix [@ 10:13 a.m.]

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