Thursday, October 13, 2005

Coolest Hoverboard EVER!

 Why didn't you put the bunny back in the box.

 Today I am back, and with me comes another poll, and with that comes some news bites then me commenting on your comments in my standard asshole fashion, then usually the post update self-gratification Then a "Facts of Life" marathon, then back to the gratification thing...

In The News -

BBFC has a listing of the deleted scenes for the upcoming Serenity DVD, spoilery if you haven't seen the movie, but then again if you haven't seen it by now you probably don't care.

Buffy and Spike pumpkin stencils, the cure for the common pumpkin, and maybe less pictures of the pumpkin throwing up seeds, that was funny that one time I saw it when I was drunk... One time, seriously Frat boys get a life.

More in the NEWS BITES.

Now on to the POLL.

Last Weeks poll asked Your SERENITY Grade is....
A - excellent! 85.2%
B - good! 10.3%
C - okay. 3.2%
D - not good. 0.7%
F - sucked balls. 0.7%

Total votes: 438

Well it seems that our poll count is a little healtier, but alas it appears that 4.6% of you have no soul and that 10.3% need to see the movie again. At least 85.2% of you have your head on strait, now lets see if you had anything interesting to say... And you don't, next poll lets get some real comments involved, or at least some funny ones. Speaking of which our next poll asks the question...

If the film "Serenity" were a woman what kind would she be?

Don't Miss

SevenofTN's new COLOR ME IMPRESSED. He reviews Serenity #2.

HMC: Live!...and Still Recorded!!! Go to the HMC:Live! page and download Parts 1 & 2!

WARNING: This video is the standard HMC video. In other words it made Eddie Murphy blush.

- Eric "El Prez" Hendrix Esquire [@ 11:13 a.m.]

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