Monday, August 22, 2005
SharkBoy and Toothy Girl
The Chosen One?
 It's Monday again? Didn't we JUST do this?

In The News -

- The big news circulating is that JOSS WHEDON has asked TIM MINEAR to write and direct the Spike Telefilm. The following comes from Tim himself...

"I had lunch with Joss and he asked me if I wanted to write and direct some blonde vampire movie thing. Should I do it? (I of course said yes right off, still) Anything under 13 hours scares me. And anything over 13 hours... um. I got nothin'."

Herc at AICN then decided to make sure it was Tim, so he emailed him, and this is what he said...

"Yeah, that's me. Probably shouldn't have said anything, but what the hell. You're behind this somehow, aren't you?"

No contracts have been signed. Nothing is set in stone. But it is apparently true that Joss asked Tim, and Tim said yes. Any other information about this at this point is simply rumour.

There's more stuff for ya in the NEWS BITES.

Poll Me -

Last week we asked, "Joss loves Veronica Mars: How about you?" The results...

Yes! I loved it before Joss! - 37.1%
Never seen it before, and don't care. - 27.9%
I'm going to give it a try since Joss loves it. - 21.4%
Meh, it's alright. - 5.7%
No. I don't care if Joss likes it or not, it sucks! - 4.8%
Other (comment) - 3.1%

Total votes: 229


"To jump on the Veronica Mars bandwagon would require a few things from me: 1. Watch it 2. Buy Season 1 DVD to catch up. 3. Energy to remember to watch it every night it is on and do 1 & 2. 4. After the disappointment in not being able to understand StarGate as a new viewer, I don't have the energy to risk it again. 5. Can I just say I would rather watch my DVD on TV collection instead of any new shows since they all end up being cancelled if I like it? Might help the fans if I didn't watch."
- Aeryn

"I loved Veronica Mars waaay before Joss because it's so completely un-Buffy like. Buffy is a blonde superhero that screws the souless vampire who's killed hundreds, has a English mentor who acts as father figure, and a one-eyed friend that does all of her bitch work. While Veronica is a blonde detective that screws the epleptic soccer player who's under supect of his sis's murder, has a P.I. for a father, and a guy who has affinitite of being taped to a flag pole to do her bitch work. Two completely different shows, right?"
- The Ronin

"I love this show so much that I'd have it's babies..and I'm male."
- Cody

"I'm gonna check it out when it's on video...Know when that is, newsboy?"
- Sarcastic Voice

Matter of fact, I do. October 11th.

Don't Miss -

An all-new ASK THE POOBAH.

FU: Infants Accused of Having Terrorist Names - Reported by Jon Riggins!

Check out the TRAILER for HMC: LIVE!...And Still Recorded by clicking HERE.

 Countdown to DRAGONCON: 10 days. CLICK HERE to go to the DragonCon homepage.

- Matt [@ 10:10 a.m.]

You know we're going to be pantless.


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