8.17.05: Wimps, Trek's Death, and appropriate Wedding Music

From Knox:
Why does it hurt when you punch walls?

Poobah says:
You're a pussy. I'm sending you a copy of the book, "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" so that you'll know what to do when you get your first period.

From LAS:
Why hasn't Otts gotten onto the bandwagon and done some "Firefly" parodies? 'Cause maybe that could actually interest me in the show.

Poobah says:
Because he's French Canadian. That should tell you all you need to know.

From fiat:
Poobah, we still don't know - what DO you do for a living?

Poobah Says:
I shave people's backs. It's a HAIRY job, but someone has to do it.

Where's my rimshot, damnitt?! I pay that drummer for one SPECIFIC PURPOSE, and he can't even do it at the right time!

From Danny:
Who Killed Star Trek?

Poobah says:
One day on the set, the guys who play the Klingons got all pissed off and destroyed everything. Scott Bakula got poked in the eye. I have proof....somewhere.

From fiat:
Why don't the mods on the posting board have "moderator" under their names? Can we have Adjectives, too?

Poobah says:
You will take what I give you, like it, and say "please sir, may I have another?"! Now get to work on mopping my kitchen floor! There's a spot over there! You missed it! WHAT GOOD ARE YOU??!! Don't you cry! There's no crying! There's no crying in slave labor!! Get up! No, don't even think of hitting me with that mop handle! Don't!! Okay, Okay...I'm sorry. You can have what you want.

From Knoxy:
What do you class as a hazard?

Poobah says:
Any film starring Ben Affleck. My God, Ben - Who the hell is your agent, and why haven't you shot him yet?

From fiat:
What will be the "DO NOT MISS" HMC event of Dragon*Con 2005?

Poobah says:
Probably the part where Jon is on the floor passed out and we dress him up like Shirley Temple. The next morning he'll wake up and the song "On The Good Ship Lollipop" will be playing on the stereo. All of this will be taped, obviously. I mean, what good is totally demeaning each other if we can't exploit it at the same time?

From nora:
What song should we play at our wedding for the 1st dance?

Poobah says:
"Highway to Hell" by AC/DC. I pray for the boy's soul. May he rest in peace.

Send me some questions for next week! Email me here. Put "ask the poobah" in your subject line, and remember to give a name! :)

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