Friday, August 19, 2005
SharkBoy and Toothy Girl
Say it ain't so, Cappy!
 It's Friday? Thank Jebus.

In The News -

- The following comes from the Dragon*Con website: "Due to professional commitments, the following guest will not be at Dragon*Con 2005: Nathan Fillion". It appears Nathan, like Joss, will not be at Dragon*Con this year. Editorial Comment: this blows.

We'll have more on this developing story as it comes.

- There are two interviews up. One indy website talks to RON GLASS, and Kristin over at E!Online talks to JAMES MARSTERS. Both are pretty good reads.

More in the NEWS BITES.

Don't Miss -

An all-new ASK THE POOBAH.

FU: Infants Accused of Having Terrorist Names - Reported by Jon Riggins!

Check out the TRAILER for HMC: LIVE!...And Still Recorded by clicking HERE.

 Countdown to DRAGONCON: 13 days. CLICK HERE to go to the DragonCon homepage.

- Matt [@ 9:28 a.m.]

You know we're going to be pantless.


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