Friday, July 22, 2005
Am I losing my mind, or is that Charisma hugging Stan FRIGGIN' Lee?!

Probably both.

In The News -

- ALY HANNIGAN's all over the BITES today, because of the recent CBS panels. She talked about how she and NICK BRENDON's shows are really close together on the same lot. Also how they talked about going up against each other in the ratings, "Nick said to me, 'I think your show goes for the younger crowd, and ours is sort of for older, gay men,'" There was also talk of TP'ing DAVID BOREANAZ's car when he's not looking. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

- THE INSIDE fans won't be too pleased about this -- all 5 of you. Fox has pushed back the next new episode until August 3rd. It may be the last one as well. We'll see.

- There's a great write-up on SERENITY and JOSS WHEDON on the Hollywood Reporter website.

- SCI-FI starts airing all 13 episodes of FIREFLY in order tonight at 7PM EST.

- According to Alyson Hannigan, a Spike movie straight to DVD is what she's been hearing. Fox is currently giving the "we don't know what the hell she's talking about" retort, but they always do that, so who knows.

More can be read in the NEWS BITES.

Poll Comments -

From last week's poll about me getting my marbles back...

"You lost your marbles?!" - Roxy Winters

"It's about damn time that Matt stopped orally pleasing the mainstream audience." - The Ronin

"Come on....more people should've answered honestly that Matt changes his mind more than Zsa Zsa changes husbands.....KISS ASSES!!!!!" - Nora

"I'm glad mostly it's back to what it was....just a bit bummed my articles vanished, but hey! All in the name of improvement. Back to what it was when i first enjoyed this site...when i became addicted to it like children to candy. At least my teeth haven't fallen out yet." - Knox

"Has this site been shut down? Right now i`m lost. Can anyone explain this to me?" - Alice

Are we doing so poorly that people think we've shut down? That can't be good.

Don't Forget -

The SERENITY international trailer is HERE. It's 4.7 mbs, 1:50 seconds in length, and is in wmv format.

An all-new COLOR ME IMPRESSED is up. Review of "Angel: The Curse #1".

FU: Affleck to name baby Serenity!

DIVINE MUSINGS is back! You can read "Montage" HERE.

I'm looking for questions for the next generation of ASK THE POOBAH columns. So send 'em in!

- Matt [@ 9:08 a.m.]


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