Thursday, July 21, 2005
Jayne's mean face says, "We gotta hurry this one up".

A quickie today. Kinda fell behind.

There are 64 screencaps from the SERENITY international trailer in the IMAGES GALLERY. Thanks to my girl Aeryn for making 'em for me.

Poll Me -

Last week we asked, "Aren't you glad Matt finally got his marbles back?" Here are the results...

Hell yes I'm glad! HMC is back to what it should be! - 66.4%
Undecided, because Matt changes his mind all the time. - 14.6%
Eh, marbles or no marbles, I don't care. Where am I? - 11.7%
No. I liked all that off-topic crap. - 4.4%
Other (comment) - 2.9%

Total votes: 137

Only 137? That just pisses me off. How hard is it to click twice? Geez, people. So most of you are glad we're back to our old selves. That's good. I'll post the comments either tonight or tomorrow at some point.

New. Poll. Is. Up. Vote. Now. Ass. Pirates.

Don't Forget -

The SERENITY international trailer is HERE. It's 4.7 mbs, 1:50 seconds in length, and is in wmv format.

An all-new COLOR ME IMPRESSED is up. Review of "Angel: The Curse #1".

FU: Affleck to name baby Serenity!

DIVINE MUSINGS is back! You can read "Montage" HERE.

I'm looking for questions for the next generation of ASK THE POOBAH columns. So send 'em in!

- Matt [@ 12:33 p.m.]


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