Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Timeline Season 2
The dates listed below
are more or less the dates of the events in Sunnydale, NOT in what most of us
think of as 'the real world.'
Click on the episode
title to go to Otts' wonderful episode summary.
Color key - Audience
first sees a character, Buffy (et al.) first
meet a character, Character death, Character leaves show, Romance, Breakup, Character
= important event
Episode 1 (13th in the series)
When She Was Bad
(Buffy deals with some
issues and makes sure The Master never returns.)
September 1997
- Buffy returns to Sunnydale after spending the
summer with her father in LA.
- Xander and Willow almost kiss (interrupted by vamp attack)
- Cordelia finally figures out that Buffy is the
- Buffy smashes the bones of The Master to make
certain he never rises again.
Episode 2 (14th in the series)
Some Assembly Required
(Student reassembles his
jock brother and creates a girlfriend for him)
September 1997
- Giles and Jenny Calendar go on a date to the
high school football game
- Student Chris Epps brings his jock brother
Daryl back to life.
- Daryl dies (incinerated in a
- Cordelia tries to thank Xander for saving his
Episode 3 (15th in the series)
School Hard
(Buffy helps set up
Parent-Teacher Night)
September 1997
- We are introduced to Spike
and Drusilla
- Buffy meets Spike
We find out that Angel is Spike's sire (well, at
this point in the canon; see 'Fool for Love,' episode 7 in season 5)
- We see the first hints that the police and
school officials know something about the supernatural
- The Anointed One dies (locked
in a sunlit cage by Spike)
Episode 4 (16th in the series)
Inca Mummy Girl
(Xander falls for a
foreign exchange girl who¹s really a mummy)
October, 1997
- We first see Oz,
who first sees Willow
- Xander falls in love with Ampata,
- Cordelia is dating Devon
- Ampata dies rather than drain Xander's life force
Episode 5 (17th in the series)
Reptile Boy
(Reptile-worshipping frat
boy party)
October, 1997
- Cordelia is dating Richard, a frat boy in
- Buffy and Cordelia are lured to a college frat
party to be fed to Machida, a snake-demon
- Buffy kills Machida (sword)
Episode 6 (18th in the series)
(Everyone turns into their
Halloween costumes)
Just before and just after
31, 1997
- We are introduced to Ethan
- Xander becomes an army guy, Willow becomes a ghost, and Buffy becomes a
- Oz sees Willow again (and really wants to meet her)
- Cordelia is told that Angel is a vampire
Giles already knows Ethan Rayne
- Ethan calls Giles 'Ripper'
Episode 7 (19th in the series)
Lie to Me
(Buffy's old boyfriend,
vampire worshipping cult)
November, 1997
- The gang meets Billy
'Ford' Fordham, Buffy old boyfriend from LA
- Jenny asks Giles out on a date
- Angel and Drusilla's past is
revealed.! (Angel is her sire)
- We meet Chantarelle, a student who wants to be a
- Buffy meets Drusilla
- Ford dies (first turned
vampire, then staked by Buffy)
Episode 8 (20th in the series)
The Dark Age
(Ripper's past)
November, 1997
- Ethan Rayne is back
- Giles and Jenny share their first
kiss (Jenny later
needs her space)
- We first see Giles drink WAY too much
- We learn some about 'Ripper's' (Giles') past
- The gang encounters Eyghon, a demon once summoned by Ripper
and his friends
- Eyghon is destroyed (jumps to Angel's body and killed
by his demon)
Episode 9 (21st in the series)
What's My Line?- Part 1
(Spike tries to kill
Buffy, heal Dru; we meet Kendra)
December, 1997
- We learn about the Order
of Taraka - assassins
- We discover that Buffy loves ice skating
- Leather-clad guy from the
Order of Taraka dies (throat slit by Buffy¹s ice
skate blade)
- Buffy first meets Willie
the Snitch (one of Angel's contacts)
- Xander refers to the group as 'The Scooby
Gang' for the first time.
- Oz and Willow finally meet.
Buffy meets Kendra, the
Vampire Slayer
Episode 10 (22nd in the series)
What's My Line?- Part 2
(Two slayers, healing
ritual for Drusilla)
December, 1997 (directly
after 'What's My Line? Part 1')
We discover that when Buffy died (drowning in
'Prophecy Girl') that a new slayer was called - Kendra
- Xander and Cordelia kiss
- Spike begins the ritual to heal Drusilla
(interrupted by Buffy)
Buffy thinks Drusilla and Spike are dead (drops an
organ on Spike then burns down the church) - They're not!
- Bug Guy from the Order of Taraka dies (stuck in glue and stomped on by Xander
and Cordelia)
- Assassin Police Lady from
Order of Taraka seems to just 'go away' (does
Kendra kill her or do the SDPD detain her? *scoff*)
Episode 11 (23rd in the series)
(Joyce dates a John Ritter
December, 1997
- The gang meet Joyce's new boyfriend, Ted (who is actually a robot)
- Ted 'dies' twice (fakes it
after Buffy pushes him down the stairs, then for real when Buffy later
pummels him with a skillet)
Episode 12 (24th in the series)
Bad Eggs
(Students are possessed by
their 'child' eggs)
January, 1998
- Buffy kills the Mother Bezoar.
Episode 13 (25th in the series)
(Buffy's 17th
Late January, 1998
- We meet Jenny Calendar's Uncle Enyos
We discover that Jenny is actually Janna of the Kalderash clan of Romany - the clan who cursed Angel with
his soul - and that she is in Sunnydale to watch him
- We see that Spike (weak and in a wheelchair)
and Drusilla (healthy) are alive
- Drusilla assembles The
- Willow and Oz ask each other out on a date
- Angel gives Buffy a claddagh ring
Angel and Buffy have sex
Episode 14 (26th in the series)
(Angel loses his soul)
Late January, 1998
(directly after 'Surprise')
Angel experienced 'one moment of true happiness' when
he had sex with Buffy and lost his soul - he is now Angelus
- Angelus rejoins Drusilla and Spike
- Willow catches Xander and Cordelia kissing
The Scoobies discover that Angel is now Angelus
The Scoobies discover Jenny's true identity (losing Giles' trust)
- Jenny's Uncle Enyos dies (murdered by Angelus)
- Buffy destroys The Judge
(blown apart by a shot from a rocket launcher and his parts scattered
around the globe)
Episode 15 (27th in the series)
(All about werewolves)
Late January / Early
February, 1998
Everyone (including Oz) discovers that Oz is a
werewolf (bit by his young cousin Jordy)
- Willow and Oz share their first kiss.
Episode 16 (28th in the series)
Bewitched, Bothered, and
(Xander has Amy work a
love spell)
The days surrounding
Valentine's Day (February 14), 1998
- Cordelia breaks up with
Amy Madison is practicing witchcraft (see 'The
Witch,' episode 3 in season 1)
- Amy turns Buffy into a rat (and back into a
- Cordelia takes Xander back (ending her
relationship with the Cordettes)
Episode 17 (29th in the series)
(Angelus steps up his
attacks on the Scoobies)
February, 1998
- Buffy and Willow perform 'un-invite' spells on their homes and
Cordelia's car
- Angelus tells Joyce that he and Buffy had sex
Jenny purchases an Orb of Thesulah
and translates the spell to re-curse Angelus
- Giles and Jenny reconcile
- Angelus destroys the computer and printout of
Jenny's curse (still on computer disk that falls under her desk)
- Jenny dies (neck broken by
Angelus and left in a bed of rose petals)
- Giles destroys the factory, forcing Angelus,
Spike, and Drusilla to move to the mansion
- Willow takes over Jenny's job as computer teacher
(also 'inheriting' her stuff at school)
Episode 18 (30th in the series)
Killed by Death
(Buffy in the hospital)
March, 1998
- Buffy discovers the existence of Der Kindestod
- Buffy kills Der Kindestod (snaps its
Episode 19 (31st in the series)
I Only Have Eyes for You
(Ghosts of teacher and
student possess people)
April, 1998
- We discover that Principal Snyder knows that
Sunnydale is on a Hellmouth
- We (but not Angelus) discover that Spike is
healed enough to leave his wheelchair
Episode 20 (32nd in the series)
Go Fish
(Xander joins the swim
Late April / Early May,
- Although we've seen him in several previous
episodes, we finally meet Jonathan Levinson
- Buffy goes out a date with Cameron (who later
becomes a fish monster)
- The swimmers-turned-fish monsters head out to
Episode 21 (33rd in the series)
Becoming, Part 1
(Angelus tries to end the
Late May / Early June, 1998
- We see Angelus'/Angel's past, from the time he
(as Liam) was turned to the time he (as
Angelus) regains his soul to the time he (as Angel) first sees Buffy at Hemery High School in LA
- We see Merrick (Buffy's first, and now deceased, watcher) in
a flashback
Willow and Buffy find the disk with Jenny's translation
of the soul restoration spell
We discover that Willow has been researching the Dark Arts, just for fun
- Kendra returns (sent by her
- We meet Whister, a neutral demon who once
helped Angel
- Angelus tries to revive Acathla, a demon which can swallow
Earth into Hell (he fails this time)
- Kendra dies (throat slashed
by Drusilla)
Episode 22 (34th in the series)
Becoming, Part 2
(Buffy stops the world
from ending)
Late May / Early June, 1998
(directly after 'Becoming, Part 1')
- Buffy meets Whistler
- Spike offers to help Buffy stop Angel so he
can take Drusilla away
Buffy tells her mom that she is the Slayer; Joyce
(more or less) throws Buffy out of her house
Buffy is expelled from Sunnydale High
Angel successfully awakens Acathla,
who begins to swallow the earth
Willow performs the soul restoration spell; Angelus gets
his soul back, becoming Angel again
Buffy sends Angel to hell (sword through the gut)
to stop Acathla
- Spike and Drusilla leave Sunnydale.
Buffy runs away from Sunnydale
I've left out characters
that made minor, one time only appearances.
If you think I've missed something that is important to the canon of the
show, drop me a private message on the posting boards and let me know.
- fiatlux