Overall Rating: 2.4 Matt: 3.8 Eric: 1.0
Written by: Ty King Cast : Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers, Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris, Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg, Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase, Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles, and David Boreanaz as Angel. Guest stars : Andrew J. Ferchland as the Anointed One, and Robia LaMorte as Jenny Calendar. Original Broadcast Date: Sept. 22, 1997 Whilst Buffy waits by a new grave for the occupant to rise, Angel joins her. Their conversation soon turns into a petty argument about her relationship with Xander, and Buffy accuses Angel of being jealous. After dispatching the newbie vamp, Buffy falls into an open grave. The occupant has been dragged away Next morning at school, Buffy and Xander walk in on Giles rehearsing asking Miss Calendar out on a date. Buffy advises him to invite Jenny out for a meal, and tells him about the empty grave. He is intrigued. Elsewhere in the school, Willow is discussing School Science Fair projects with Chris Epps, a fellow science whizz. His friend Eric buzzes around them, taking photos of pretty girls for his private collectionı. Buffy finds Wil, and calls her away to find out who the dead girl was. Cordelia goes with them too to ask Willowıs advice about her own project she feels awkward about asking Chris as she used to date his deceased brother, Darryl. Giles suggests various reasons why someone might need a dead body. None of them good! When Willow discovers that the dead girl was one of three killed in a recent car crash, the scoobies decide to check on the other two girls That night Xander and Giles dig up the graves, while Buffy and Willow discuss Angel. The graves are empty! Cordelia hadnıt gone with them as she had cheerleading practice that night. Someone follows her through the car park. Afraid, she fumbles with the keys, and manages to drop them under the car. Unable to reach them she runs, and hides in a nearby dumpster! The lid opensbut itıs only Angel. He is looking for Buffy. As he helps Cordy climb out, her skirt catches on something. It is a hand! Cordelia and Angel find the scoobies in the library. Angel tells them that they found several body parts in the dumpster, but not enough to add up to three whole girls. He believes that whoever did it has medical knowledge and is keeping some of the pieces. As the dumpster is on school grounds, they conclude that the culprits are students at Sunnydale High. Willow says she can think of several people who would be capable. Chris Epps comes up from his basement, and tells his Mom he is going out. She is sat in front of the tv watching tapes of his brotherıs football victories. Darryl was a sporting hero, and she is obviously unhinged by his loss. She doesnıt even seem to realize that Chris is there. He leaves. After school that evening, the scoobies break into several lockers. They find anatomy books in Chrisıs locker, and something just as chilling in Ericıs! He has cut body parts from various magazines, and taped them together to make a complete girl. Now they know what the graverobbers are up to! Back in Chrisıs basement, Eric sings My Girlı whilst hanging up photoıs of the girls at school The next morning, Giles escorts a hurrying Miss Calendar to her class. He tries to ask her for a date, but canıt find the words. As the bell goes, Jenny asks if he would go with her to the football match later, and they can discuss whatever it is there. Giles agrees. He canıt believe his luck! Later in the science lab he informs the others that three heads have been found. To complete their girl, Chris and Eric need one more body. In the basement, Chris and Eric are discussing that very problem. If they donıt find a suitable head soon, the body theyıve created will start to decay. Chris is horrified at Ericıs suggestion that they kill a girl that night. Darryl, intervenes. Brought back to life by his brother, he looks like Frankensteinıs monster! Chris is consumed with guilt for bringing his brother back like this, and condemning him to a lifeı hidden from sight. He has promised to make Darryl a girlfriend so that he wonıt be lonely, but now is getting cold feet! Darryl persuades Chris to go ahead, and chooses Cordeliaıs photo for the head Back in the science room, the scooby gang realize that murder is now likely. Giles has to go to the football game, and Buffy goes alone to see Chris. His Mom lets her in, but doesnıt know if Chris is at home. All she wants to talk about is Darryl. Buffy goes down into the basement, and finds a drawing of a girl with Cordyıs head. She doesnıt notice Darryl sneaking up behind her, but a noise from above startles them both, and she leaves. Chris and Eric try to kidnap Cordelia at school, but Buffy arrives just in time. Eric escapes. Cordy returns to her cheerleading, and Chris confesses to a horrified Buffy about his brother. Eric runs back to Darryl, and tells him that they have failed. Darryl freaks! By the time Buffy and Chris arrive, the other two have gone back to finish the job. Giles and Miss Calendar are discussing the football as they watch the match. Giles is thrilled when she refers to it as their first dateı. To his dismay, Willow and Xander join them. None of them notice Darryl creeping around beneath their seats as he spies on Cordelia. He grabs her when she breaks to get a drink, and - yet again - Buffy and Chris arrive too late. The slayer persuades Chris to tell her where theyıve gone, and asks him to go and alert the others. Cordy is blindfolded, and tied to an operating table in the abandoned science block. When Darryl removes the blindfold she screams! He tells her they will be together forever. When Eric uncovers the incomplete body on the table beside her she screams again Cordelia promises to stay with Darryl if they let her live, but he wants to guarantee it by making her the same as him. Eric is about to cut her head off when Buffy bursts in! During the ensuing fight, Eric is knocked unconscious, and an overturned petrol can sets the room on fire! Xander arrives to save Cordy, and Giles and Willow drag Eric away. Chris prevents his brother from killing the slayer, and Darryl walks back into the flames to burn with his girl. A short while later, the building is surrounded by fire engines and police. Cordelia tries to thank Xander for saving her life, but he brushes her off to talk to Willow. Giles apologizes to Jenny for ruining their date, but she says heıll have trouble topping it on their next one. He is elated! Angel arrives, concerned, and walks off through the graveyard with Buffy. He admits to being jealous of Xander because he is able to see her all day. They continue their walk holding hands.