Overall Rating: 8.65 Matt: 8.8 Eric: 8.5
Written by: David Greenwalt & Joss Whedon Cast : Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers, Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris, Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg, Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase, Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles, and David Boreanazas Angel. Guest stars : Andrew J. Ferchland as the Anointed One, Robia LaMorte as Jenny Calendar, Juliet Landau as Druscilla, James Marsters as Spike, Kristine Sutherland as Joyce Summers and Armin Shimmerman as Principal Snyder. Original Broadcast Date: Sept. 29, 1997. Principal Snyder is in his office, talking to Buffy and a girl called Sheila. He is trying to decide which one of them to expel. On the one hand Sheila stabbed a teacher with a pair of shears, and on the other hand Buffy is well Buffy! He assigns them the job between them of preparing the school for parent/teacher night. Decorations, food, the whole enchilada. Buffy has some plans for their task, but Sheila clearly couldnıt care less! She walks off as Willow and Xander arrive. Buffy worries how to fit in slaying now she has all this extra work, and Xander tries to console her. He says sheıll be okay as long as nothing bad happens between now and the weekend. That night a new vamp drives in to town In their lair, the vamps are discussing who will replace the Master. They decide it should be whoever can kill the Slayer. This weekend is the Night of St Vigeous, when their power will be at itıs peak, but before they can make plans the newcomer interrupts. Introducing himself as Spike, he offers to do the job for them, and brags of having killed two Slayers already. With him is a lady vampire who is clearly insane. Her name is Druscilla, and she seems to be Spikeıs girl. Spike offers to kill Buffy if the Anointed One and his minions leave the pair alone. In her bedroom, Buffy is talking about parent/teacher night with her Mom. Joyce makes it clear that her daughter has let her down before, and she doesnıt want to be disappointed in her again. The pressure just keeps on coming! Next morning at school, Willow and Xander help Buffy make banners as Sheila didnıt show. Giles calls them to a meeting with Jenny, who has found out about the Night of St Vigeous. St Vig led a vampire crusade in the middle ages, and the vamps must be planning something big as a celebration. Wiilow and Xander offer to help with any preparations, as Buffy has enough to deal with at school! At the Bronze that night, Wil is helping the slayer with her homework. Xander persuades them to break for a while, and Spike stalks the room, watching them dance. He sends one of the other vamps outside to get someone to eatı, then loudly raises the alarm within earshot of Buffy. She runs outside and dusts the vamp. Behind her, Spike applauds. He tells her that he is going to kill her on Saturday. In an alley, Sheila is flirting with two men she picked up at the Bronze. Suddenly, they disappear, and Spike is there instead. Believing the others have left her, Sheila walks off with the new guy Giles, the scoobies and Jenny are discussing Spike back at the library. Angel walks in, and warns them that Spike is very dangerous indeed. If he has threatened to kill Buffy, he probably will succeed! Back at the vampsı lair, Spike tries to persuade Dru to eat as she is very weak. From another room come sounds of chanting the vamps are preparing for the Night of St Vigeous. Dru says Spike should go and be nice to the Anointed One, as he still doesnıt trust them. He grudgingly agrees on the condition that she eats something, and indicates a bound and gagged Sheila! It is the night of the parent/teacher evening, and Buffy is busy preparing food while the others whittle stakes! Even Cordelia is helping out. As the time for the parents to arrive approaches, Buffy offers Willow some of her homemade lemonade. Sheıs forgotten to use any sugar and it is gross! Wil promises to help keep Mrs Summers away from Snyder, and when Joyce arrives she takes her on a tour of the schoolı. Two and a half hours later, and Snyder finally catches up with her. Cordy makes a catty comment as the pair retreat to his office, and Willow promptly offers her lemonade Gilesıs research into Spike has turned up several disturbing facts. He is nearly 200 years old, and used to be known as William the Bloody. He earned his nickname by torturing people with railroad spikes. Worst of all, Spike has fought two slayers this century, and he managed to kill them both! Joyce and Snyder reappear in the school hall, and an angry Joyce orders Buffy to the car. At that moment a gang of vampires led by Spike crash through the window. It would seem that William the Bloody couldnıt wait! Buffy leads the people away, but Willow stops to save Cordy from a vamp. The two then end up locking themselves in a closet. As the slayer barricades herself and the parents in a classroom, Giles, Xander and Jenny are doing the same in the library. The lights go out Giles tries to call Angel, but the phone lines have been cut. He manages to get Xander out of the building, and sends him for help. Back in the classroom, Snyder convinces the parents that the vamps are a gang on drugs. He suggests that they escape through one of the windows, but Buffy says no. She tells them to wait while she goes to get help, and climbs up through a hole in the ceiling. Spike is stalking the corridors calling for Buffy. As her nears their utility closet, Willow and Cordy begin to panic. He is close to discovering them when one of the vamps hears a noise, and Spike realizes the Slayer is in the ceiling. Buffy drops down into the library, scaring the pants off of Giles! He has just decided to come and help her. She asks him instead to lead the adults to safety whilst she takes care of the vamps. In the classroom, Snyder is tired of waiting. One of the parents helps him to open a window. Allowing him to go first, the principal watches in horror as the man gets eaten. He quickly re-blocks the window, but another vamp is hacking through the door with an axe In the corridor, Spike rounds up his gang and goes looking for Buffy. Outside the school, Angel wears his game face, and has Xander by the scruff of the neck. Buffy jumps down from the ceiling behind the vamp that is wielding the axe. She stakes him, and tells Joyce through the hole in the door to hang on for just one more minute. Sheila joins her and picks up the axe. The two patrol together. Angel - still holding Xander - meets Spike in the entrance hall. He greets him as an old friend, and jokes about keeping Buffy sweet so sheıll leave him alone. Xander is furious, and says he knew that Angel couldnıt be trusted! Angel bares Xanderıs neck and offers Spike a bite, but he declines. Outside the library, Sheila has vamped out and raises the axe behind Buffyıs back. Giles sees her through the window in the door, and shouts a warning. Sheila runs away. Buffy returns to let the others out of the classroom, and tells them all to go and sheıll follow soon. Joyce is unsure, but goes anyway. Spike and Angel agree to team up and kill Buffy together. In mid-laugh, Spike suddenly punches Angel. He didnıt buy the story. He calls Angel his sireı, and tells his gang to attack. Angel and Xander run, but Spike senses Buffy behind him and stays to fight her instead. While the two of them fight, Angel and Xander take on the rest of the vamps outside. Joyce canıt bring herself to abandon her daughter and follow the others. As the other parents run to safety, she turns back Spike slams Buffy into the wall, and she falls to the floor. He lifts a wooden beam high, ready to smash her face in, but an axe handle hits him around the head. It is Joyce! "You get the hell away from my daughter." She warns. Buffy gets up, and Spike flees. It is all over, and the police chief discusses the events of the evening with Snyder. They decide to stick to the story about a gang on pcp, rather than tell people the truthı. Giles exits the building, apologizing to Jenny. He says heıll understand if she never wants to see him again, but she smiles and takes his arm. Joyce tells Buffy that she doesnıt care what Principal Snyder thinks. She has a daughter who is brave and resourceful, and thinks of others in a crisis. Buffy is pleased. Cordelia is praying in the utility closet, as she and Willow donıt yet know that it is safe! In the vampsı lair a small beam of daylight creeps in through a broken window up high. Druscilla watches as Spike kneels before the Anointed One and offers penance. Because of his impatience the St Vigeous plans have been ruined. Humility is not in his nature, however, and he soon gets up and says he enjoyed every minute! Spike grabs a squealing Anointed One and throws him in a cage that is hanging from the ceiling. He hauls it up by the chains until itıs in the beam of light. A scream and a puff of smoke later, and Spike is the new Big Bad.