Quotes: Buffy Season 3
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005
Faith: The vamps, though, they better get their asses to DEFCON ONE, 'cause you and I are gonna have fun, you know, Watcherless and fancy-free.
Buffy: Watcherless?
Faith: Didn't yours go to England, too?
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005
Giles: It-i-it's... it's a great honor to be invited. Or so I'm told.
Faith: Oh, it's boring. Way too stuffy for a guy like you.
Buffy: Um, maybe I should introduce you again. Faith, this is Giles.
Faith: I see him. If I'd've known they came that young and cute, I would've requested a transfer.
Buffy: (grossed out) Raise your hand if 'ew'.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005
Faith: Dyin' to meet the fam. I'm in.
On Buffy inviting her over for dinner.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.03 Faith, Hope and Trick | Added on September 05, 2005
Faith: (to Buffy) Okay. Hey, later. (to Giles) We will talk weapons.
She follows Xander and Willow out of the library. Giles watches her go.
Giles: This, um, this new girl seems to have a lot of zest.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.05 Homecoming | Added on September 06, 2005
Xander: Buffy and Faith are in the library getting all sweaty.
Cordelia: They're training.
Xander: I stand by my phrase.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.05 Homecoming | Added on September 06, 2005
Faith: Oh, man! Guys should break up with you more often.
Buffy: Gee, thank you.
Faith: No, I mean it. You really got some quality rage going. Really gives you an edge.
Buffy: Edge Girl. Just what I always wanted to be.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.05 Homecoming | Added on September 06, 2005
Faith: You got the tix already. Why don't we go together?
Buffy: I don't know about that.
Faith: Come on. We'll find a couple studs, we'll use 'em and... discard 'em. That's always fun.
Buffy: Okay, I'm in. Not the stud-using part, though. Or... probably not.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.05 Homecoming | Added on September 06, 2005
Faith: What are you two so mopey about?
Xander: Oh, we're not mopey. We're groovin'. On Oz's band. He's a great guy, Oz.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.05 Homecoming | Added on September 06, 2005
Faith: Scott? There you are, honey!
Faith: Hey, good news.
Faith: The doctor says that the itching and the swelling and the burning should clear up, but we gotta keep using the ointment.
Faith: (to Scott's date) Hi.
Scott: Uh...
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.07 Revelations | Added on September 06, 2005
Faith: Yo, what's up? Hey, time to motorvate.
To Buffy in the Bronze.