Quotes: Buffy Season 3 
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Faith: Hey, girlfriend. Bad time?
Interrupting Buffy and the rest of the class during a chem test.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Faith: Vampires.
Buffy: Uh, Faith, unless there's a total eclipse in the next five minutes, it's daylight.
Faith: Good for us, bad for them. Found a nest.
Buffy: (smiles, suddenly comprehending) Has potential.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Faith: Rise and shine, people.
Buffy: It's your wake-up call.
After bursting into a vampire nest during daylight.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Faith: Call me!
To the dancing boys in the Bronze.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Buffy: Okay, we got ten, maybe twelve bad guys and one big demon in desperate need of a Stairmaster.
Faith: I say we take 'em all, hard and fast and now.
Buffy: We need a little more firepower than none. We should head back to the library.
Faith: Well, I guess Jacuzzi Boy isn't going anywhere. I just... wish we had... (spots the hunting store) Ah. That is too good.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Faith: (spies a crossbow) Ah. Score.
Buffy: Think they're insured?
Faith: Strangely, not my priority. When are ya gonna get this, B? Life for a Slayer is very simple: (walks to a vertical case) want... (breaks it) take... (reaches in for a set of nun-chucks) have. (stuffs them into her pants)
Buffy: Want... (walks to the case) take... (stops in front of it) have. I'm gettin' it.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Officer: Now spread 'em.
Faith: You wish.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Buffy: He's just a friend.
Faith: So? What are friends for? I mean, I'm sorry, it's just, all this sweating-nightly, side-by-side action, and you never put in for a little after-hours (thrusts her pelvis forward and grunts)?
Buffy: Thanks for the poetry. And, no. I love Xander. I just don't... love Xander. Besides, I think it ruins friendship to do that stuff.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Officer: Now cuff 'em.
Faith: (to Buffy, smiling sexily) I like him. He's butch.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Officer: That's some artillery you two were puttin' together. You with one of them girl gangs?
Faith: (sarcastically) Yeah. We're the Slayers.