Quotes: 3.14 Bad Girls
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Faith: You think too much.
Buffy: Hey. There's one more.
Faith: How do you know?
Buffy: I think too much.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Faith: Nicely diverted, B!
Buffy: Diverted? That was me fighting for my life, Miss Attention Span.
Faith: This isn't a Tupperware Party. It's a little hard to plan.
Buffy: The count of three isn't a plan. It's Sesame Street.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Wesley: Ah. This is perhaps Faith.
Faith: New Watcher?
Buffy and Giles: New Watcher.
Faith: Screw that.
Buffy: (to Giles) Now, why didn't I just say that?
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Buffy: Faith, wait. Look, I know this new guy's a dork, but... Well, I have nothing to follow that. He's pretty much just a dork.
Faith: You're actually gonna take orders from him?
Buffy: That's the job. What else can we do?
Faith: Whatever we want. We're Slayers, girlfriend, the Chosen Two. Why should we let him take all the fun out of it?
Buffy: Oh, that would be tragic, taking the fun out of slaying, stabbing, beheading.
Faith: Oh, like you don't dig it.
Buffy: I don't.
Faith: You're a liar. I've seen you. Tell me staking a vamp doesn't get you a little bit juiced. Come on, say it.
She stops and folds her arms, waiting for Buffy's answer. Buffy can't help but smile, and looks down to hide it.
Faith: (laughs) You can't fool me. The look in your eyes right after a kill? You just get hungry for more.
Buffy: You're way off base.
Faith: Tell me that if you don't get in a good slaying, after a while, you just start itching for some vamp to show up so you can give him a good (grunts and punches)!
Buffy: Again with the grunting. You realize I'm not comfortable with this.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Faith: Hey, slaying's what we were built for. If you're not enjoying it, you're doing something wrong.
To Buffy.
From Buffy Season 3 > 3.14 Bad Girls | Added on September 09, 2005
Buffy: What about the assignment?
Faith: Tell you what: you do the homework, and I'll copy yours.