Eliza Dushku Icons: Eliza: Tru Calling 

The Rules
Rules for usage:
- All icons at this website are linkware. That means that all we ask in return for the hard work we did on our icons, is a link back.
- If you're using one of the icons at LiveJournal, DeadJournal, GreatestJournal or a comparable site, we ask that you please credit us (faithsolace.com) in your UserPicture Keywords or Comments, and, although this is not a requirement, we'd really appreciate a link back in your User Info.
- If you're using one of our icons on a message board, give us a link back in your signature.
- You are not allowed to use these icons for anything else but as an icon, and that also means you are not allowed to use it as part of your own icon gallery unless you have written permission from the icon's author to do so.
- You are not allowed to modify the icons (even the blank ones) in any way whatsoever.
- Please do NOT direct link to any of the icons. Direct-Linking is a crime and costs us money!