This is almost like a progress report since Faith's incarceration. A lovely touch that lets the viewers know Angel is actually visiting her and giving her support. Going by the conversation, this is not Angel's first visit! (Bless him!)
Story LineWe're transported to Faith via a nice sweep of the prison. Actually, this was a surprise and a pleasant one at that. There were no clues that we were about to visit Faith. Cut to inside and the jig is pretty much up once you see the glass and phone. Angel sits and waits. Via his eyes, we know someone is coming. Then, she sits and we all know. Angel picks up the phone and says: "Hey." Faith replies "Hey"... (read more) |
BreakdownIn the couple of minutes we have with Faith, she tells us she gets picked on. Although, 'someone with esteem problems' rang a little hollow as that's actually part of Faith's problem. Anyway, she's hanging in there. Also, Angel is giving her perspective and encouragement along with a dash of humor. (It's important to note that this isn't Angel's first visit either, which is nice. It's good to know that he's been visiting for a while). I'm sure just knowing... (read more) |