Break Down
In the couple of minutes we have with Faith, she tells us she gets picked on. Although, 'someone with esteem problems' rang a little hollow as that's actually part of Faith's problem. Anyway, she's hanging in there. Also, Angel is giving her perspective and encouragement along with a dash of humor. (It's important to note that this isn't Angel's first visit either, which is nice. It's good to know that he's been visiting for a while). I'm sure just knowing that he cares - something Faith has always needed- helps her enormously.
We get another tiny insight into 'mom' too. It seems prison food isn't unlike what she was used to growing up.
Strictly for those who are interested, Faith's prison number 43100. The 4 is D-which is Dushku. The 310 is what you get when you multiply 62 (Faith's initials -also seen in Five By Five on her blue T-shirt) by the '5' in Faith's catchphrase and the '0' is for 2000 (the year of production).