Break Down
This episode establishes once again for those who had Faith painted as not as good as Buffy or just a sleazy poor girl, that she's far from it. Eliza makes Faith vulnerable and believable. It's amazing that Faith has the heart (after Revelations) to even attempt celebrating Christmas. But there are the string of lights adorning her spartan room, showing that she's at least trying to enjoy 'the season'. Also, again we can see how Faith still isn't over the hurt by the way she responds to Buffy's invitation. She may be wise to the fact that Buffy's there on her mom's direction (which probably hurts in itself), but there's nothing smart-alec or vitriolic there. Frankly, Faith would be justified to tell where Buffy where to go. However, her 'party' lie is obvious as is her hurt.
The fact that she shows up at Buffy's house says even more about her character. Rather than stay in her apartment and brood or perhaps go to the Bronze, she really wants to experience a family Christmas and make up with Buffy. Again, admitting her Christmas presents are "crappy" shows that Faith isn't half or even a quarter as confident as she appeared in Faith, Hope and Trick. If she were confident, she wouldn't care what either Buffy or Joyce thought. For Buffy's part, it would seem that she feels bad for leaving Faith out of the loop in Revelations, hence her stressing to Faith that she'll explain later ". . .I promise". At the end of the episode, when the flakes are falling, the one person who seems to get the most joy from them, is Faith. Smiling and palms upturned, you get a sense things just maybe okay. That perhaps, things can go back to pre-Post. After all, snow is frozen rain and rain is water and water is rebirth.