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Better Days - 0401
The Watchers Council has to deal with the new headache of the world knowing about 'monsters' and their inability to tell the good ones from the bad.

Unspoken - 0402
Rowena must go on a dangerous journey back to Siberia where she got the Opus and remembers her past along with way. Against Ro's wishes, Kennedy is assigned to go along for protection. 

A Little Faith - 0403
Faith has her hands full when she runs into her sister, Hope. 
Based on a True Story - 0404
Andrew's script about the Watchers Council finally gets to Hollywood.
Withdrawal - 0405
Rowena's experiments with vampires might be going too far and a familiar face shows up at the council.
Hide-N-Seek - 0406
Yet another unpredictable Halloween for the Watchers Council.  
















Better Days 09/26/06
Unspoken 10/03/06
A Little Faith 10/10/06
Based on a True Story 10/17/06
Withdrawal 10/24/06
Hide-N-Seek 10/31/06