Help Page
We have very basic submission rules:
This archive has a general readership audience. We receive many visits from children, young adults and adults. As such, given such widespread clientele, we must request that all Ratings are accurate and we may electe NOT to run an adult restrictive website.
Since this is a privately owned and run site, with NO ASSOCIATION or relationship to Fox, Joss Whedon, UPN or Warner Bros.'s legal ownership of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we are allowed the right to refuse fanfic on the following material restrictions:
Sexual and Adult Material
Excessive Graphic Violence
Plagiarism and Other Restrictions
For further clarification on these restrictions, continue below:
The Archive reserves the right to refuse:
Fanfiction containing graphic sexual material, sexual imagery or sexual inference that may be considered excessive or inappropriate. These stories may or may not be archived on the Slayer's Fanfic Archive, at the Archivist's discretion. Any existing stories that contain graphic sexual material may be removed should readers ask of it.
Fanfiction containing excessive graphic violence of a realistic nature and is violence for violence sake (rather than a plot element of minor degree) will not be archived on this archive. This world has enough horror in it, let's not generate more.
Plagiarized material that does not give due credit, or is an entire reproduction of another person's work will not be allowed on this archive.
The Archive reserves the right to refuse to archive any work wherein invalid information has been given to the archive by the submitting author.
These rules and guidelines are subject to revision at any time.
Barbie Girl (Becca)
Filmtheory (Jim)
Malice (Jess)
MebbtheScribe (MichaelB)
Reset (Allie)
Shay (Marrisa)
somnambulist29 (Shea)
Stephanie Loss
Wendyness (Wendy)
Questions?Contact Us
All stories on this site have been archived with the authors' consent. Do not copy these stories for your own uses without the express consent of the author themselves. Buffy the Vampire Slayer TM and Angel TM are © UPN, WB, Fox and its related entities. All photos on the site are © UPN, Fox, Warner Bros, and/or their respective owners. No profits are being made by use of these images.
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