Creative Works
Sanctum (Part 2)
By Cryptic
Disclaimer: Yada, yada…Why Joss, why??
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"…And I am watching you mister." Snider called from his office after a tall, well-built man in a long dark coat.
"Hail Hitler," Angel muttered under his breath, as he closed the Principal’s door. He had spent the first fifteen minutes trying to convince the chicken to leave the haven of his closet, swearing he wouldn’t bite him, and the next fifteen receiving threats that were equally futile. Great day, so far.* at least I didn’t run into Buffy*
He sighed once again before opening the door to his class. *at least I think it is my class*
"Ahem..Is this the Art 101?" He asked a redhead who just stared at him, leered rather.
"Oh, yes, you must be new. I am Brenda McFeey." She pressed into him shamelessly. "You can have the seat next to mine."
"Well, actually," He proceeded to the teacher’s desk. "I’m your new teacher. My name is Angel…Giles. And I’ll be teaching your Art 101 until the new teacher shows up."
"So.." he was just about to ask what they had done so far, when the door opened and Willow, Oz, Cordelia, Xander and Riley rushed in.
Angel blinked twice to make sure he wan’t dreaming. Cordy grinned like an idiot, perfectly aware of how stupid it was to grin at you obviously new teacher. Xander just gaped, Oz raised a brow. Riley looked about confused…and Willow, she lunged forward straight for Angel’s neck.
"Oh, Angel..I can’t believe it’s you..Oh, god, she’ll be SO surprised." She got a hold of herself, grasping the whole teacher-pupil situation, but still repressing a wide grin."Bite him" she pointed to Riley.."He’s such a bore" she whispered.
Angel just stood there transfixed. This wasn’t in the deal, this was not at all in the deal..
"Xander do close your mouth," he quickly reverted to teacher mode again. "And have a seat."
Xander just nodded, flashing him a genuine smile. *something’s definitely wrong with the boy*
"Boy, I wanna see Buffy’s face, when she finds out" Xander whispered.
And just at that the door swung open once again and Buffy charged in muttering excuses..And froze at the spot, feeling an oddly familiar tingle all over her body.*oh, God, this isn’t true*
Angel slowly turned around, speeding up the inevitable. Her jaw literary dropped down to the ground. He was so incredibly handsome, she vaguely asked herself if there could ever be anyone who could possibly look better in white.
He had put on a white blazer on top of his black pants, after Giles had managed to convince him he should emit "A friendlier image". But she, she was so much more beautiful than he remembered. Temptation incarnate..
They both got wrapped up in each other’s eyes, feeling the wave of desire and passion surge at them, and drowning in it.
Angel was the first one to snap out. *she has a boyfriend now, she doesn’t want you anymore*.
And the moment was gone. He turned away, asking her to take a seat in a dispassionate voice.*God, this is going to be very hard*
The rest of the lesson passed smoothly without further interruptions and calamities. Buffy trying to look anywhere but at him, acknowledging how she had not at all forgotten what he looked like, how he kissed, how he made her feel..
This was hell, he was convinced. Being so close to her, and not being close to her at all. Not being able to touch her, to hold her close. He was dying all over.
The bell finally rang after what seemed a century to the lovers.
"Uhh, Mister Giles, sir…Mr. Giles" Brenda called him form the first row.
He looked at her as if seeing her for the first time. *what does she want with Giles?* Then it hit him.
"Mr. Giles, yes, that’s me – Mister Giles" he choked at the words. "Please call me Angel. Giles-the librarian is my nephew.."
"You mean uncle" Xander to the resque.
"Yeah uncle" He gave Xander a thankful look.
The group started giggling at Angel’s involuntary slip. Angel himself shocked them all, breaking into a large grin.
Buffy was dazzled . . .He had such an amazing smile, she mused over half-slitted eyes. She suddenly had to fight another onslaught of lust for this incredibly handsome man. Her Angel *no longer yours* her conscience called and she knew how right that was. But she wasn’t over him, she could never be. She loved him, and she had to get him back *add that to the list of priorities – get Angel back* their gazes locked and she could swear for a moment there was the same fire that consumed her.*no, scratch all other things, and get Angel back* .
She gave him another gentle smile, reveling in the feeling of completeness that just being near him inspired. And then it happened…
"Buffy, sweety pie," Riley wrapped his arms around her waist. "Won’t you introduce me to your friend? You obviously know him?"*what a loser*
She wished he could sink into the earth as Angel came and shook hands with her "boyfriend", introducing himself as Giles’ nephew, who was often visiting in the summer and helping out at the library.
Giles interrupted the uncomfortable scene as he walked in to inquire after Angel’s first lesson and froze in his tracks.
"Oh..MY..I didn’t know, I swear, Angel" He made a small apologetic smile, while Angel was shooting daggers at him.
"Good move, Giles..You fooled me there for awhile." Willow whispered somewhat hurt.
"It wasn’t me, Willow, I didn’t know you’d take art..By the way why are you taking art?"
"Oh, it’s a long story, Giles." They all exited laughing, telling Giles about it. Only Buffy and Angel, silent and in deep thought.
So afraid to love you
more afraid to lose
Clinging to a past that
doesn’t let me choose…
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