Creative Works
Love is Forever (Part 7)
By Marj
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the Buffyverse, the only thing I own is my imagination. :)
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Part Seven
Joyce paced back and forth. Where could her daughter be? She said she was going to sleep over at Willow's, and she never came back. The police had searched everywhere, and she had asked all her friends, they all said that they couldn't find her either. She feared that she had ran away. Most of her stuff was gone, but you would think she would leave a note, or at least something.
She sat down on Buffy's bed, and tried to think. She took the stuffed cow she had on her bed, and hugged it. She looked around the room. Maybe she could find something that could help her find out where her daughter went. She went over to her desk, and opened the top drawer. She was surprised to see a wooden cross, a silver cross on a chain, a bottle of holly water, some garlic, and a wooden stake? What on earth would she do with all this stuff? She opened the rest, they all seemed to have normal stuff. In the last one though she found a diary. She wanted to read it, but…well, it was hers, but maybe she was meant to find it? She doubted that, but it would probably help her find out where she went.
She took the diary, and sat down on the bed. She opened it carefully, on the front there was a painting of an angel. It looked like a dusty old book to her. She started to read the first page…
Monday, October 15, 1996
New school, new town, same deal. I tried to just quit, but that didn't work. I forgot, there's only one girl in all the world, so in less I die, I can't just quit. Now there's an idea, I can commit suicide. Tada! All better, it would end all problems, but that would be stupid. Today was pretty hectic, I almost got killed by a vampire, among other things. Anyway, today I met some friends, Xander, Willow, Cordelia, and possibly Jessie. You ask why I say possibly? Some vamps got him, and in less I can find him in time, he's a goner. I went to this club called the Bronze tonight, pretty cool. I met a guy on the way there. He didn't tell me his name. He was dark, gorgeous, in an annoying sort of way. He had black hair, a little spiked in the front, chocolate brown eyes, and he was pretty buff. I really didn't like him, well, okay maybe I do a little. I guess I wouldn't talk about him so much if I didn't like him. He knows I am the slayer which is a plus, and he seems to know all about demons, and the like, so if we did happen to fall in love, then he wouldn't be in danger. Mom's already on my back, but it isn't my fault or hers. I'm the slayer, and I can't tell her. I wish I could, I wish I could make her understand. I wish…I got to go. Bye.
Joyce put the diary down slowly, she was beginning to think this wasn't such a good idea. She's a what!? Well it least she thinks she's a vampire slayer. The guy that she met on the way to the Bronze must have been Angel. She skipped to about three quarters into the diary.
Friday, January 11, 1998
My Mom is beyond pissed now. I really wish I could tell her. The last three days have been pretty weird. The Gorch Brothers, the Bozo's, or whatever there called. I got in trouble because of them. Stupid bad guys. Of course some of the time it was nice. 2 of those nights I was with Angel, smooching in the graveyard, even though we were supposed to be patrolling. God, I love him. He is the sweetest guy, correction, vampire I have ever met. Last night I found out he can't impregnate. I guess that's good, well, in the future, it might be a problem if we want a kid. Though it would be seriously weird if we had to tell him or her that "Your dad is a vampire, and your mom is a Vampire Slayer!" I guess its for the best. The fact that he can't get me pregnant got me thinking. Am I ready?
She had read enough, she would just skip to the last entry. She wondered why Buffy never told her that she was involved with him. Probably 'cause she would flip out. She skipped to the last entry.
Monday, January 18, 1998
Today was probably the best day with Angel I have ever had, well, for now that is. My birthday is coming up, I shouldn't say that today was the best I have had with him. I had this really weird dream this morning. Drusilla killed Angel, and it totally freaked me out. I went over to his apartment before school, and he was really nice. He comforted me, and we kissed a lot, I mean a lot. We also talked. He wants to, he does, he really does. How I know is I tried to say something and it came out wrong. I said "I like seeing you first thing in the morning." He smiled and answered: "Its bedtime for me." I replied: "Well, then I like seeing you at bedtime." That's where I really screwed up. I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped. "You know what I mean." I added shyly. "I do, I think. What do you mean?" He asked with love in his eyes. I almost answered in a whisper. "The part at the end of the night, when its time to say good bye. Its getting harder." I must have been bright red by then, but then he said something that made me suddenly exited. "Yeah, it is." He answered simply. I acted normal till I got outside, I must have skipped the whole way to school. Willow and I talked about it the whole time, and guess what?! Willow asked Oz out, and I don't know where there going, but she got a date! And with Oz! I am so totally happy for her. The day passed fast. Me and Angel had planned to meet in the park tonight. I was thinking that this might be the night, but, maybe it would be better to save it till my birthday. The date went well. We walked in the park, and kissed for a long time on make out hill. I wonder if that hill actually had a real name before. We walked back to his apartment hand in hand. It wasn't that late, we had plenty of time left for our date. He took off his jacket when he got in, and carefully took off mine. We talked a little bit, but ended up kissing like we always do. Tonight was the first time me and him had ever frenched. It was nice. He started it, but very weirdly enough, after a couple of seconds he took his lips off mine and asked if it was okay for him to french me. How many guys actually ask if it is okay to french you? Only ones that are sweet loving, kind, sensitive, and I can go on and on, but I will end up filling a page full of all the nice things about Angel. Actually, probably more than a page. We were getting pretty into it, before I knew it he was on top of me, but with in a 30 seconds he was off me, and suggesting that I get home so mom wouldn't get worried. Either he was thinking the same as me, or he was having second thoughts about what he had said this morning, I hope not. Well
Sorry I stopped there, Angel had just popped in. He had came all the way over here just to apologize for suggesting I leave. He admitted that he wasn't sure that he was ready. He sat down on the bed, and kissed me lightly on the lips, and then went outtie. He is such a sweetie, but he wasn't ready? I wonder why he didn't just call? I guess 'cause he loves me, and he thought it would be nicer if he came over. He didn't even mention the fact that I was holding my diary, probably because that last time I totally freaked out when I had thought that he had read it. He wasn't ready? Oh well, I have my whole life ahead of me. Okay, wow, that was the longest entry I have written since me and him said are "Final good bye's." Well it really wasn't final, we got back together. I got to go. Bye!
It was simple, she just didn't understand her daughter, and she never would. She couldn't think of any reason why Buffy would run away. She seemed to be super happy. Maybe they made love, and she found out she was pregnant, and she ran away. No, this entry was only from a few days ago. Angel did seem really nice, and smart, and when she saw him before, she had to admit that he was very handsome. Buffy was right, what kind of guy asks to stick their tongue in your mouth, none that she had met. She skimmed through the diary in till she found what she was looking for, Angel's address.
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Giles sat in the chair by the bed. He looked at the to blood samples he held in his hand. They both looked the same. He knew that slayers blood was a brighter red then most peoples blood, and that vampire blood was thick. He sat in Angel's apartment. For the last hour he had been trying to figure out who's blood was all over the bed. It seemed to be mixed, and plus it was dry so it was even harder to tell. He already knew that it was pointless to waist his time here. He already knew that Buffy was a vampire, but he was "Search every boring angle guy." He wanted to know how it happened.
He heard a knock on the door, and a woman's voice call Angel. It wasn't Buffy, he knew that. He took his chances, and opened the door. Miss Summer's stood in the doorway, a bit confused.
"Your not Angel." She said him. He smiled back.
"No, sorry, I'm not him." He said glumly, thinking of Angel & Buffy.
"Do you know where he is. Its just I read some of Buffy's diary, thinking maybe it could help me find where she went. It mentioned Angel a lot." She said the words "a lot" as if they were supposed to be underlined, and in bold print. "And I thought maybe he could help me." She read it? That means… he would have a lot of explaining to do.
"Um, no, actually I don't no where he is, but I have something to tell you that will help you understand a lot, and it will also help you understand what happened to Buffy, and Angel." She looked at him curiously.
"And Angel?" She asked confused. He nodded his head.
"Come in" He said gesturing for her to come. She looked over at the bed, and almost screamed.
"What- who- I- uh, I don't understand." She said finally. She noticed Buffy and Angel's clothes were strewn around on the bed, and the floor below. "So they did?" She asked quietly.
"What?" He looked over at what she was looking at. "Oh, yes, they did." He said glumly. "How did you find out they were involved?" He asked. "Oh, yes, stupid question." He said, as she gestured to the diary. "May I?" He asked picking up the diary.
"I don't know, you may not like what's in there." She said cautiously. He shrugged, and opened the diary. He scanned the last page, and then quickly shut it.
"Uh, now, where was I?"
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