Creative Works
Love is Forever (Part 10)
By Marj
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the Buffyverse, the only thing I own is my imagination. :)
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Part Ten
Joyce walked cautiously home. There were such things as Vampires? Giles
had explained everything. She finally understood her daughter, but it was
too late. She decided that she would read the whole diary to help her
understand who her daughter really was. Before she had left Giles had
gave her millions of crosses. Her pockets where bulging with them.
She couldn’t believe this was all happening. One moment her life was
normal, and now…every things changed.
Her daughter, and her daughters boyfriend were evil vampires. Wonderful.
As she walked home she couldn’t help but think of her little 17 year old
daughter having sex with a handsome 242 year old vampire she had only met
once. She sighed as she took her keys out and stuck them in the lock.
She stopped for a second, she heard a noise behind her. She turned around
slowly. In front of her was Buffy, vamped out and everything.
"Hi Mom."
. . .
Willow, Jenny, Oz, and Giles sat in the library in silence. Giles had
just explained everything to Oz and Jenny, and had just told Willow about
Cordelia’s death.
Willow sighed softly, and pushed her terrible thoughts behind her. "We
have to find the curse." She said breaking the silence. Giles looked at
her blankly.
"I wish we knew how." He said, sighing softly.
"Well, we will just have to find out how. And we better hurry up!" She
said firmly.
"Well, we better get to work then." Jenny said in her ready to do
anything tone. She said heading into the stacks.
"That’s the spirit!" Willow said. "Come on, we got find this curse, and
curse our vampirettes! The more time we waste, the more people they
kill. So, get your butt’s out of that velcrow chair, and let’s find it!"
She yelled at a very stunned Oz, and Giles.
"O-Oh k." Oz said, a little afraid he might anger her more. She nodded,
and headed into the world of books.
. . .
Oz looked through what seemed like the hundredth book that night. His
eyes tiredly skimming the page, and then the one after.
Something suddenly caught his tired eyes. "The spell of Restoration." He
mumbled to himself, as he read over the spell. It was it! It was the
stupid spell they had all been looking for all night!
Exiting out of the stacks, he ran down the stairs, and stuck the book in
Giles’ face. "I found it!" He yelled, nearly deafening the man.
Giles grabbed the book from him, and skimmed the page quickly. His face
lit up as he read it. "This it! Oh, good job, Oz!" He said cheerfully.
His slayer and her vampire lover would finally be back!
He read over what they needed for the spell, and ran into his office to
get the supplies. "Orb of Thessula, and herbs." He mumbled to himself,
as he took the things carefully off the shelf. He put them down on his
desk and sat down, and looked over the spell. It was a lot to read, and
he knew it would not be unknown to Buffy, and Angel with the psychic
vampire, Drusilla. There was so many things that could go wrong, so many
things that he still could not find. He did not know how they were going
to pull this of, but he was going to make it happen.
. . .
Buffy sat across from Angel in the garden, her foot outstretched toward
him. "Rub my feet?" She asked with a cute smile.
"Of course, anything for you, love." He said with a grab of her small
foot. He kissed each toe individually, making her sigh softly. Then he
started massaging her right foot, rubbing his fingers over her sensitive
muscles in small circles.
"Mmm, that feels good." She said softly.
"Good." He said kissing up her leg, her tiny leather skirt giving him
easy access. He lay comfortably on top of her, and kissed her neck,
nipping it with his fangs lightly. The blood slowly tickled Down her
neck, and across her collar bone. He licked it up, like a cat licking at a
saucer of milk. He kissed the wound slowly, and watched as it healed with
in seconds.
He jumped off her quickly, he looked around frantically. She looked at
him strangely. "What is wrong?" She said, taking his hand, and standing
up next to him.
"I’ll be right back." He said, almost as if he was talking to himself.
He ran out of the room, without another word.
"Oh well." She sighed, and sat back down on the velvet couch, that oddly
enough sat in the middle of the garden.
. . .
"Dru!" Angel called as he swiftly came into Spike and Dru’s room. Spike
was out doing something with his flunkies, so Dru was alone. She lay on
the ground, shaking, and convulsing. "Dru, are you okay. Talk to me
sweetheart." He said, as he laid her down on the bed.
"Angel, something bad is going to happen. Something horrible is going to
happen to you and Buffy. You have to stop them!" She cried, grabbing at
his arm.
"Who do I have to stop, Drusilla?" He said, petting her head softly,
trying to calm her. She looked in the distance for a second.
"Buffy’s old friends, the librian, the guitarist, my gypsy relative, and
the young computer girl. They have the spell, Angel." She hissed,
staring straight at him with empty, but worried eyes. "You have to do
something, my Angel." She whispered, letting her finger tips slide over
his cheek.
"I will." He promised. "Thank you, Dru." He said, kissing the back of
her hand, and walking out of the room. She smiled as he left the room,
always happy to help her dark sire.
He walked back into the garden to see Buffy fast asleep on the couch. He
would talk to her about it later tonight, it could wait. He picked her
up, trying not to wake her, and carried her into their room. He laid her
down carefully on the purple, velvet sheets, and took off her jacket. He
brought the covers up to her neck, and crawled into bed with her. She
yawned, and cuddled up next to him. "Good night, Angel." She said
softly. He smirked, and kissed the top of her head.
"Goodnight, Buffy." He whispered in her ear, trying to push his worry’s
behind him so he could sleep.
. . .
He did not know how they had done it, but the spell was finally set up.
All they need to do now, was perform the spell. "Willow, we almost ready
over there?" Giles asked, handing Oz another stick of incense to burn.
"Almost, just need to setup the orb." She said, placing a large round
crystal, in a basket filled with crimson velvet cloth. She smiled as
she adjusted the orb, so it faced upright. Angel and Buffy would be back,
but devastated. She cringed when she thought of the things that could
happen. One of them could commit suicide, both of them could! They might
kill each other, they might go insane, or they might swear to never see
each other ever again. Stop it Willow! she thought to herself. She
sighed softly, it would definitely be hard.
"Ready over here." She said, turning to Giles. He came over, and
inspected her work.
"Very well done. Well, let’s get this show on the road." He said softly,
with a twinge of worry. He took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyes,
slipped them back on, and picked up a pile of papers.
Oz lit his incense stick up, and waved it around a bit, letting the sweet,
mystic smell seep into the room. While Willow did the same with a pot of
herbs. She sat on the table over the orb. Jenny, standing next Willow,
held book from which she would read the spell after Giles was done reading
some Latin.
Giles looked at the papers, whispering a short prayer that this would
work. He then started to recite the introduction to the spell….
. . .
Buffy slowly sat up in bed. Her head was all tingly, and she did not feel
well. I thought vampires could not get sick! she thought to herself.
She suddenly felt a tearing feeling in her stomach, and she felt dizzy.
She grabbed on to a nearby chair, but fell over anyway. The last thing
she saw was darkness as Angel ran over to her side about 30 seconds too
"Buffy?" He whispered, running his fingers through her hair. He shook
her lightly, in hope to wake her from unconsciousness. He breathed air
into his not needed lungs sharply as he felt a tearing feeling in his
stomach. He knew the feeling all too well, he was too late. There was
nothing he could do now as he slipped in to unconsciousness, falling right
next to Buffy.
. . .
Willow watched in awe as the orb glowed bright gold’s, and yellows that
filled the room. It went out, and then glowed once more, before it
disappeared into thin air. She gasped, and looked around the room, just
to make sure everyone saw that. Oz just stared at the orb, not able to
"Wow." He said, putting it simply. "I am guessing that means that it
worked?" He asked, turning to the brainiac in the room, Giles.
"Yes, Oz. That means it worked." He responded, with a proud, and happy
smile on his face. "That means it worked." He said again.
"So, what do we do now?" Willow asked.
"We go home, and get some sleep. Some very much needed sleep." He said,
starting to clean up the mess they had made.
"Do you want us to help, Rupert?" Misses Calendar asked.
"No thanks, I think I will just be fine." He responded. "You can all go
home." He said, smiling to himself as he walked into his office.
. . .
Page 10 of 10
To be continued...?
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