As of 12/31/2001, we received 181 total votes.
Similar to Cordelia because "i talk and dress like her."
Similar to Cordelia because "same clothing."
Similar to Cordelia because "i talk and dress like her."
Similar to Gunn because "1. He looks great 2. His Humor"
Similar to Wesley because "he's clever and funny in a way."
Similar to Fred because "i just don't seem to fit in sometimes."
Similar to Angel because "I can relate to him and what he goes through."
Similar to Angel because "I'm kinda broody like him."
Similar to Angel because "I like how he is growing with each and every problem thrown in his path, either past or present, and how he´s still standing afterwards."
Similar to Angel because "I can't sing at all."
Similar to Angel because "I don't sleep at night, hate the sunlight and have a whole load of sins to repent..."
Similar to Angel because "I admire his struggle for redemption and I see that he cares about people, even when he doesn't want to let it show."
Similar to Angel because "I guess I am like Angel because I am truly what you call an outsider. Imagining what I want but never can have and being in the shadows hoping and praying like i was like everyone else."
Similar to Angel because "I always get the fine women after me..!!"
Similar to Buffy because "we both like Angel."