

The Bugman was a member of the Order of Taraka who posed as Norman Pfister, a cosmetics salesman from the company ‘Blush Beautiful Cosmetics’. He was actually a demon who could turn himself into thousands of maggot-type creatures at will. He attacked Cordelia and Xander, who later killed him by poring glue on him whilst in insect form in What’s My Line? (Part 2).

Appeared in: What's My Line? (Part 1), What's My Line? (Part 2)
Related Trivia:
  • Mary Kay Cosmetics
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 5th September 2004
    Updated: › 14th August, 2005
    Hits: › 750  

    7 Comments about “Bugman”

    1. anniec says:

      Not maggot-type creatures, actually, since maggots have no legs.

    2. Rozzi says:

      ughh god that guy is gross!!!

    3. buffybot says:

      i never got why that guy was dangerous… sure, bugs are icky, but how would this guy have actually killed anyone???

    4. Abby M. says:

      Gross them to death? :)

    5. lins11 says:

      Could it have been because of the whole maggots eat flesh idea? I know that they used to be used to eat up dead skin but recent thoughts are that they also eat healthy skin….is disgusting I know but was just a thought!! Is the only way I can think that he would be really dangerous

    6. arkaná says:

      In the original script the body of Buffy’s neighbor was supposed to be shown, partly decomposed and with the maggots creeping out of the eyesockets…. ugh!!
      Guess the network thought it was too gross to show, that is if the eps aired early in the evenings??

    7. MissKittyFantastico says:

      I thought the bug guy was SO creepy!

      But I did love Buffy’s quote from this episode: “You and bug people Xand, what’s up with that?”

      te he he Eurgh!!

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