"Temple of the Slayer "
Author: TrinityLast
Email: trinitylast@wambtac.com
Notes: This is totally AU. Vampires exist, but they aren’t hunted by
the Slayer, they protect her. She has Slayer strength, etc, but doesn’t
have to use it. Treated as royalty by the Temple, she really only has to
kill demons in rituals. Giles is her link to the Temple, still called a
Watcher, but he literally "watches over her", and keeps her safe, also treating
her as royalty. However, the Slayer does have to kill demons sometimes,
and Lothos happened, so she’s still the Buffy we know and love, not the
stuck-up girl of Hemery High. She still trains with Giles, too. All weapons,
blah, blah, blah. Just in case. And she hunts demons sometimes, when she
gets restless, or they hear that something’s going on. She’s been known
to leave for a week or so at a time, when "the slayer is needed."
Additional Notes: Picking up at Buffy’s first year of college, the gang
is all there, including her mother, but only Giles and Buffy know she’s
the Slayer (Oz and Anya as well, for obvious reasons, but they haven’t told
their better halves.) Angelus is, as the Master’s Grande Childe, a very
high-ranking vampire, but he’s never been to Sunnydale before this, as there
was no need.
The lore of the Slayer goes like this: "One girl in all
the world with the power of the Gods. Where she leads, we will follow. Where
she treads, we shall clear. She is our Savior."
By the way, I just realized where I got the basic idea...it
was from the fic "Storm" by Gabriele
Schulz - She has Olivia refer to Giles as a "Worshipper in the temple
of the Chosen One." I didn’t even realize I did it. I’m so sorry I didn’t
give her credit!!! Anyway, that’s where the idea came from, I think. Or
at least, it planted the idea in my head....so, thanks to Gabriele!!
After a quick stop at Anya and Xander's for an address from the ex-demon...which was given without questions asked, due to the couple’s current activities, Willow stormed into the mansion without knocking, glaring at Angelus who was still pacing.
"What the *hell* do you think you're doing?"
Head snapping up, Angelus cringed. "Buffy?"
"Darn right Buffy! She just spent three hours crying into my lap! If you don't find her attractive, which, I personally find hard to believe is possible for any man with *eyes*, you should never have led her on like that, I don't care *what* the damn prophecy says."
Angelus swallowed harshly and sank into a chair, dropping his head into his hands. "She thinks I don't find her attractive?" It was barely a whisper.
The redhead sighed and came over, sitting opposite him on the couch. "Well...yeah. And if that's not the case...I seriously suggest you go correct her."
Hair unbrushed and pulled into a ponytail, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and a hooded jacket, Buffy Summers was *not* the vision of beauty she normally was in class.
This was not helped by the fact that Riley Finn kept staring at her like she'd grown another head.
So did the professor, actually. Which was the kind of thing to make a girl nervous. If she cared at all. Which, this particular morning, she didn't. She was numb, barely bothering to take notice of her surroundings at all.
Which explained why she never felt the needle slide into her arm after class as she passed Riley.
Ten seconds later she was on the floor, unconscious.
Angelus was starting to panic. He was pacing Buffy's dorm room, glancing at the clock every few seconds, and every minute that passed made his gate a bit faster. She was an hour late already. She wasn't at the watcher's. She wasn't at a friends. Willow confirmed that she was at class, but she didn't see her leave, because a few of the hacker's friends had accosted her after class, and they'd lost sight of each other.
The phone rang and Angelus dove for it, knowing it was Willow. After a few moments on the phone, he hung up and stormed out of the dorm room, making for the Psych building.
Willow was at Giles. They'd just put two and two together.
The TA for the class Buffy and Willow'd had that morning was Riley Finn.
To be continued...