"Humanitis "

Author: Saber
Email: daschus@adsnet.com




After getting over his astonishment at her words, Spike and Buffy proceeded to have an enjoyable day together. They went to the movies, played cards, tried to make dinner and failed miserably, and generally had an all around good time.

They were currently sitting in front of the television watching Politically Incorrect and throwing popcorn at the screen each time Linda Tripp appeared. At the commercial break, Spike stood and took the now empty bowl to the kitchen to make more popcorn. "So, how's the hedgehog?" he asked when he'd seen she'd followed.

"I don't have..." Buffy trailed off with a glare. "His name is Angel."

"Yeah, yeah," he said with a wave of his hand.

Buffy continued to glare at him as she answered, "Angel is fine."

"I take it all's well in Lover's Lane then?"

"We're not...together like that anymore," Buffy told him. She frowned. "Deja vu."

"Does this mean I have to give the whole bloody ‘you'll never be friends' speech again?" Spike asked.

"Spike, I will always love Angel, just like you will always love Drusilla," she said, popping a chocolate covered grape from the bowl still on the table into her mouth. "But sometimes that's not enough and you have to move on."

Spike turned and looked at her in surprise. "That's what your mum told me."

"I'm saying momisms?" Buffy asked with a look of horror. She sat down heavily at the kitchen table. "I'm not ready for momisms."

"Don't worry, pet. It'll be awhile until you need them."

"Right. Awhile. Not anytime soon because I'm not pregnant," she said, purposely avoiding the perfect opening to tell him. He was the last one who didn't know of her condition. However, only her mom, Willow and Oz knew he was the father and she'd sworn them all to secrecy.

"I think the show's on," he told her, dumping the fresh popcorn in the bowl.

Buffy jumped up and grabbed two fresh sodas from the fridge, then rejoined him on the couch. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get comfortable again. After ten minutes, she got up. "I'm going to patrol."

Spike looked up at her in shock. "What? Why?"

"Vampires are not exclusive to Sunnydale," she answered.

"I'll go with you," he said, standing.

"No, you stay," she replied quickly.


"Spike, I am the Slayer, you are human, hence I beat them and you get beaten."

"Fine," Spike said, glaring at her. "But you shouldn't go out there in that condition."

"Jeez, first Angel, then Giles, then mom and Willow, and now you!" Buffy exclaimed. "Just because I'm pre-" She stopped suddenly and looked at him with wide eyes. "You know?"

"That you're underdressed to fight?" Spike asked, confused by her outburst.

Buffy looked down at the shorts and t-shirt she was wearing, then wiggled her bare feet on the carpet. "Oh. Um, yeah. I guess it would be good if I change." She gave him a pained, embarrassed smile, then quickly disappeared up the stairs.

Frowning, he followed her after a minute. "Slayer?" He found her sitting on the small fold-out couch in the sitting room, face in her hands. He walked over and crouched in front of her. "Pet, what's wrong?"

She removed her hands to see Spike looked worriedly at her, his blue eyes filled with questions. "I'm sorry. I'm just..." She yawned, breaking the sentence.

"I have a better idea than patrol, ducks," Spike said, taking her hands in his. "Why don't we call it a night. You can take my bed and I'll stay out here on the sleeper."

"No, I'll stay out here," Buffy said. "I'm the guest."

"And as the guest, I say you take the bed," he replied.

"What if I don't want to? Are you going to make me?"

"Yes," he said. "I will."

Buffy arched her brow in challenge. "And how do you think you're going to do that?"

"Like this," Spike answered, dropping her hands and grabbing her knees.

Buffy squealed out in laughter as he tickled her. She scooted back on the couch away from his hands, but he followed. Kneeling next to her, he grabbed her at the waist, his fingers torturing her hips and ribs.

"No, no, no, stop, stop, stop," she gasped out between laughs, trying to capture his wrists. He evaded her hands, continuously tickling her. Finally, she decided to cheat and rolled off the couch, knocking him backwards onto the floor.

She scrambled to her feet and ran, her footsteps loud and heavy on the stairs. Spike gave chase and they ran around the great room like children.

"Give it up, Slayer," Spike taunted from the opposite side of the downstairs couch.

"It didn't work when you were a bloodsucker and it ain't gonna work now," Buffy shot back, weaving on her feet. He gave her a mocking grin, then faked left before launching himself up the middle, right over the back of the couch.

Surprised, Buffy was tackled to the ground. They both hit with a thud, Spike half on top of her, one arm pinned under her waist. He grinned wickedly at her, his face scant inches away from her own. "Got you."

"I can see that," she breathed, looking into his so blue eyes. "Now what are you going to do with me?"

Spike's grin faded as the chemistry between the two former enemies rose. "I'm going to kiss you," he whispered in reply.

"You are?" Buffy asked in a small, trembling voice.

"Dead cert," he answered, lowering his lips to hers.

The kiss was so gentle, it was as if a breeze brushed over her lips. Her eyes shot open when she felt him pull back and saw a ghostly smile playing on his face as he studied her under his lashes. Whatever he was searching for he must have found because he lowered his head again, capturing her lips.

This kiss was coaxing, asking her mouth to merge with his. Both their breathing sped up as their tongues tentatively met, then slowly began to dance.

Spike's heart was pounding in his chest, the arm he was leaning on was trembling slightly and his brain had shut down completely. All he could focus on was Buffy's soft lips against his, the erotic brush of her tongue. He'd wanted to do this for what seemed like forever.

Eventually they had to break apart. Luminous hazel eyes stared at bright blue ones, their heavy breathing and pounding hearts the only sound in the rom

With a new found awareness, Spike got up and helped Buffy to her feet. He gave her a shy smile, then bent his head and pressed a quick, soft kiss on her lips. Without a word, he put his arm around her waist and led her up the stairs to his bedroom.

Buffy's knees trembled as she stood next to him in the lamp lit room while he turned down the covers. Suddenly, he picked her up in his arms and set her in the bed, smiling mischievously at her, his eyes alight with humor. Brushing a soft kiss across her cheek, he whispered in her ear, "You got the bed."

She started to giggled as he straightened, pulling the covers up over her body. He ran his finger along her jaw line, then tapped it once against her lips. "Goodnight, Slayer."

With a wink, he switched off the lamp and left the bedroom.

Buffy heard singing, sort of, as she pad towards the kitchen the next morning. She covered her mouth to hold back her laughter as she watched Spike nod his head in time with the music coming over his walkman as he stood in front of the stove, making breakfast.

"Head like a hole, black as your soul. I'd rather die, than give you control," he sang, stirring the eggs in the pan. "Bow down before the one you serve. You're going to get what you deserve. Bow down before the one you serve." He picked up a second fork and began to tap out a beat on the edge of the metal pan. "You're going to get." He tossed the fork in the air, spinning to catch it. "What you de-"

Spike saw Buffy standing there, watching him. The fork clattered to the ground. Quickly pressing stop on the walkman, he pushed the headphones off his ears. "How long have you been here?" he asked casually.

"Long enough," she replied, taking a seat at the kitchen table, huge smile on her face.

His face was burning as he picked up the fallen fork and tossed it into the sink. Turning back to the pan, he asked over his shoulder, "Hungry?"

"Starved," Buffy answered. "Then again, lately I'm always starved."

"Why's that, pet?" Spike asked.

"I'm...a growing girl," she sort of lied, avoiding telling him yet again. She cursed at herself in her head for being a chicken.

"Eat up, then," he said, putting a plate in front of her. "Can't have my Slayer starve to death."

Buffy looked at the food, then stood and retrieved the syrup from the refrigerator that still proclaimed its love for her. She poured a large amount of the sweet, sticky substance over everything on the plate, then took a bite. "Yum. Delish."

Spike arched a brow at her, but did not comment as he fixed his own plate up before taking a seat across from her. "Did you sleep well, luv?"

"Like a baby," Buffy answered, then lowered her eyes. *Tell him,* she said to herself. "Um, Spike?"

"Yes, pet?"

"Why do you still have all the windows boarded over?" she asked quickly. *Coward.*

He took another bite of food, chewed and swallowed while he gathered his thoughts. "I think it's because I'm afraid."

"You?" Buffy said incredulously.

"Yeah, me," Spike said with the same inflection. "Not everyone can be the fearless Slayer."

"I'm far from fearless, believe me," she said. "But that still doesn't tell me why."

"Maybe I don't want to wake up one day a bloody pile of ashes," he replied, stabbing at his eggs.

"That would be an inconvenience," Buffy joked.

He looked up, saw her grin and rolled his eyes. "You're a laugh a minute, Slayer."

"I know," she replied. They ate in silence for a few minutes until her plate was nearly empty. "This is really good."

"Breakfast I can do," Spike told her. "Especially since I normally get up with the birds."

"Why so early?" Buffy asked.

"I only slept few hours a night, er...day, most of my unlife," he replied. "It didn't change too much now that I'm human."

"I take it that's why you're so good at a lot of stuff," she commented. "Knowing you, you must have really been bored."

"‘Immortality, Captain, consists largely of boredom,'" Spike quoted. At her confused look, he added, "Star Trek."

"Ah," Buffy nodded, giving him an you're-really-weird-but-I'm-not-going-to-say-it-out-loud look.

"Yes, I was bored out of my bloody skull most of the time," he answered her question. "I finished the picture, if you want to take a gander."

Buffy grinned and stood, taking her now empty plate and putting it in the sink. "Is it still on the table?"

"No, it's in the basement," he replied.

She nodded and made her way to the basement as he started to put the dishes in the dish washer. The vastness of the finished room was her first impression as she flipped on the light. Nice beige carpeting covered the floor, fake wood paneling covered the walls. A large computer desk with computer was set up along one wall, shelves of more books and a variety of games lined another.

Walking further into the room, she saw two framed pictures on the wall. "Wow," she said as she saw herself in the finished drawing. The second one was of Drusilla, the vampiress having a faint smile on her lips, her eyes surprising clear and full of devilish mischief. She heard Spike come down the stairs and commented over her shoulder, "These are really good."

"Thanks, pet," Spike replied, coming to stand behind her. "I did one of Willow and Oz which I sent to Oz the other day."

"For her birthday?" Buffy asked. She caught sight of another picture out of the corner of her eye.

"Yes," he answered as she walked away from him.

"Spike," she sighed when she was close enough to the picture on the dartboard. "This isn't very nice."

"Who said I was nice?" Spike replied.

She scowled at him, then returned to looking at the picture. "It is a good picture of Angel, though, in a mocking sort of way."

"Thank you," he said sincerely. He gave her a lopsided grin at her look. "So, pet, what are you up for today? Cards? Going for a walk? Making out?"

Buffy gave him a slow, seductive smile and walked over to him with a sexy prowl. She put her hands on his t-shirt clad chest. "I think," she said, running her hands up around his neck. "We should." She looked up at him and licked her lips. "Go for a walk."

Spike groaned as she stepped back from him with an evil grin. "That was cruel, Slayer."

"But fun," Buffy replied cheerfully.

His arms snaked out and yanked her to him, pressing her petite form to his lanky one. "This is funner," he whispered before capturing her lips in a searing kiss.

This kiss was infinitely more powerful than the tentative one they shared the previous night. He demanded rather than asked, claimed rather than coaxed as their mouths and tongues met in a passionate battle. Both their hearts were slamming against their rib cages, excitement coursing through them while they melted against one another, trying to get closer.

Spike released her slowly, their breaths coming in quick pants, and took a step back. "Now," he croaked, his voice heavy with arousal. He cleared his throat, then continued. "How ‘bout that walk?"

It was cool outside for early May, but that did not deter families from venturing forth. The park where they walked to was full of people enjoying the sunny Sunday. Children played catch with their dads, some flew kites, others fed the ducks floating in the small lake in the center of the park. Side by side, the two former enemies made their way down the path around that lake, avoiding rollerbladers and bicyclers until they came to a bridge crossing the water. There, Spike led Buffy down the bank to the water's edge where small fish could be seen swimming in the shallow stream that fed the lake.

"This is my favorite spot," Spike confided in her as he picked up a handful of rocks and began skimming them across the surface. "Even when I was my old self, I'd come down here and sit under the bridge all day, protected from the sun but still able to enjoy it."

"Are you sure you're a vampire?" Buffy asked, crouching to run her hand in the water. "Or rather, were."

"Some little blond girl changed me," he admitted. "I loved violence and death, being in control. My days were filled with things to entertain myself, but my nights were for the hunt, for blood. Then I go to Sunnyhell with my Princess and my perfect unlife started to fall apart."

"How? You seemed pretty confident and in control to me," she said, picking up a shiny rock from beneath the surface.

"First of all, no matter what I did, you and your mates blocked me at every turn," he said, tossing a rock at a school of fish. "Then you go and drop a bloody organ on me."

"Mess with my boyfriend, you pay the price," Buffy said with a grin.

"But then your bloody boyfriend came back to our side and made a mess of my life," Spike replied. "He took over my home, took my woman and was a bloody fucking nuisance all around. Add to that the fact that I was stuck in a bloody wheelchair because of you."

"Sorry," she apologized, giving him a sheepish grin.

"Don't be, pet," he told her. "If it was the three of us, you'd be six feet under no matter that you're the best Slayer I've ever seen."

"Overconfident much?"

"Only telling the truth, Slayer," Spike replied. "I would have killed you just to shut the wanker up, but I couldn't and I ended up admiring you even more than I already did."

"You admired me?" Buffy asked, surprised.

"Of course," he answered without hesitation. "You're a beautiful, strong, witty girl who didn't give into Angelus' games. Then I made the deal with you to get Dru back and we left, but I couldn't stop thinking about you, wondering if you were alright. That was one of the reasons I went back to that bloody hell hole."

Buffy looked up at him. The sun was casting strong shadows on his face, making his already chiseled features more defined. His brow was knitted slightly as if in disgust or anger with himself.

"Then I found out that stupid wanker was all soul-having again and I got jealous," Spike continued. "Jealousy on me does not equate with logic, hence the spell to make Drusilla love me again."

"But the spell was never completed," Buffy said. "And you said you were going to go back and torture her into loving you again."

"Never made it," he shrugged. "Ended up here in LA, trying to forget the way you pressed up against me in your kitchen, or the way you fought by my side, or the way you told me to duck." He skimmed another rock across the surface. "Good thing I was already dead or I would have bloody well drank myself to death. I started coming out here after I got the house to be part of your world even if only a little. Then one day I woke up human and the rest you know."

Buffy stood and went over to him. "Well, I'm glad you changed or I would never had gotten the chance to know how great you really are," she said, wrapping her hands around the back of his neck and pulling his head down for a kiss.

Spike blinked in surprise, then dropped the rocks still in his hand and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close as his eyes closed. The kiss was tender and sweet and they stood exploring and tasting one another until a few kids from the bridge above started dropping rocks into the water near them.

Breaking apart was difficult for both. Spike brought his hand around and put it under her chin, lightly caressing her lower lip with his thumb. "Have I told you how wonderful you are?"

"Once," she replied. "But you were slightly delirious and naked at the time." The look on his face made her giggle. "Don't worry, I didn't look...much."

Spike started to blush, releasing her. "Did I do anything else that I don't bloody remember so I can be embarrassed all at one time?" He watched as a deep blush stole over her face, deeper then his and he sighed. "What did I do?"

"You remember I told you that you talk in your sleep?" Buffy asked, her eyes studiously avoiding his as she geared herself up to tell him. "Well, let's just say that's not all you do in your sleep."

He frowned, not understanding. "I didn't wet the bed, did I?"

"No," she replied immediately. "Nothing like that."

"Good," he said. After she didn't go on, he asked, "Then what did I bloody do?"

"You, um..." Buffy paused and took a deep breath, then quickly finished, running her words together. "Madelovetome."

"Do what?" Spike stepped forward and captured her chin, making her look up at him. "Repeat that."

Buffy was blushing so red, she must have matched Willow's hair. "You made love to me," she replied in a small voice.

Shock could not adequately describe the look on Spike's face. He let go of her and took a step back, almost falling over the loose rocks. He could not believe what she just told him. How could he not remember making love to her? It was his every fantasy to do that, and he slept through it. "Bloody fucking hell," he cursed, staring at her.

Buffy's face fell into sadness at his reaction. "I'm sorry. It happened so quickly that I didn't stop you. I understand why you wouldn't want to..." She was interrupted by him grabbing and silencing her with a hard kiss.

"Slayer, do not ever think that I would not bloody want to," Spike told her. "I want to make love to you so badly it hurts, and not just here." He put her hand on the bulge in his jeans that had hardened when he thought of making love to her. "I love you so bloody fucking much and hate that the first time I was able to touch your heavenly body I was fucking asleep!"

She stared at him, her eyes huge as she felt the evidence of his arousal and heard his words. She knew that he loved her, he'd told her often enough even though he'd been mostly out of it. But she thought that he would have been ecstatic, not angry. If this was his reaction to him making love to her, she could imagine what it would be if she told him she was pregnant. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Don't be sorry, pet," he said, stifling his anger at himself. "I should be bloody apologizing. It couldn't have been all that good to have my affections thrust onto you."

"Nice choice of words," she couldn't help saying. She began to giggle, which turned into a full fledged laugh as the conversation played back in her mind.

Spike stared at her as if she'd grown a second head. "What's so funny, Slayer?"

"You, me, this," Buffy laughed.

"It's not funny," he growled, stalking away from her back up the side of the bank. "I wanted candles and soft sheets and music and to be bloody conscious!"

Buffy watched as he stomped off, her laughter dying immediately. Tears sprung in her eyes as he disappeared from sight, the fact that she didn't tell him about the baby weighing heavily on her. Wiping her eyes, she climbed up the bank and headed back towards the house alone.

Buffy entered the house and winced at the hard music coming from Spike pounding on the piano. She recognized the song as ‘Halloween' by Ives, a very freaky off-key song that gave her the wiggins when she'd first heard it. Walking over to him, she slid onto the edge of the piano bench next to him, her back to the keys as the chords rung out into the room. His face was a smooth mask, the only way she could tell he was still angry was by the clenching of his jaw and slight pursing of his lips.

He finished the song with a resounding crash, then immediately cut it off. The silence was deafening after that, making Buffy shift uncomfortably next to him. "I'm sorry," she finally said, breaking the oppressive quiet.

"No," Spike said sharply, his hands clenched into fists on his knees. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm the one who's sorry, pet. It couldn't have been all that good for you..."

"Actually, I enjoyed it," Buffy interrupted, blushing. "A lot."

He looked at her in surprise. "You've got to be joking."

"Um, no," she replied, studiously avoiding his gaze. "I-I've also been wanting try it again."

Spike blinked in shock, then he closed his eyes to reel in his raging hormones caused by her quiet words. He licked his lips, then pressed them together, hands now gripping his knees.


The tentative sound of his name made him open his eyes and see her beautiful face marred with a frown. Raising a hand, he ran the pad of his thumb over the frown lines on her forehead, smoothing them. Then he traced down the side of her cheek and over her lips before dropping his hand. "I'm so sorry I got upset, luv."

Buffy shrugged. "No big." She leaned forward suddenly and kissed him briefly on the lips. "All's forgiven."

"Cor, you are so bloody fucking wonderful," Spike said, bringing his hand up to brush her hair away from her face. "I want to make love to you, Slayer. The way I should have done in the first place."

"Then why don't you?" Buffy replied, looking into his eyes.

He inhaled sharply, his heart beginning to hammer in his chest. With a small groan, he wrapped his hand around the back of her head and pulled her into a kiss. He felt her try and get closer and he bodily hauled her onto his lap, no small feat for the way they were sitting. The kiss grew from tender to passionate, not stopping until they absolutely had to in order to catch their breaths.

Spike leaned his forehead against hers as he forced himself to calm down. Buffy went to kiss him again, but he stopped her. "No," he said, backing his head away.

Buffy gave him a look of utter confusion. "What?"

"We're not going to do this now," Spike told her, his hands loosening their tight grip on her waist.

"But I thought..." Buffy trailed off, her hormones both from arousal and her pregnancy out of control. She finished her sentence with a meek, "You don't want me?"

Spike ground his pelvis up against her bottom. "Does this feel like I don't bloody want you?"

"Then why..."

"Slayer," he said, putting a finger over her lips to silence her. "When we do this, we're going to do it right, not twenty minutes after I find out I shagged you and didn't even know about it. That just makes it seem like I'm trying to make up for it."

"But I want you," she pouted, nipping at his finger.

"And you'll get me, pet," Spike replied with a small smile. "But not today. Besides, your mum will be here in a few hours and what I want to do to you will take a bloody hell of a lot longer than that."

Buffy blushed rosily. "So, what do we do until then?"

"I didn't say we couldn't make out," he answered slyly, then pulled her in for another kiss.

"Spike?" Buffy said from her perch on top of the piano. She was laying on her stomach, turning the pages when he nodded as he played.

"Yes, pet?" Spike asked, fingers dancing lightly over the keys.

"Do you want to go to the prom with me?"

"Do what?"

"Prom. You. Me. Tuxedo. Dress. Limo. Dancing," she said each word slowly, mockingly.

Spike rolled his eyes, then replied, "Are you sure you want to take me and not pumpkin?"

"Yes, I'm sure I want to take you and not Angel," Buffy answered, turning the page. "I asked you, didn't I? Besides, Angel and I aren't together anymore in the together sense. Did that make sense?"

"It didn't make dollars," he said, giving her a smirk. She groaned and thumped her head on her arm. "I'd love to go with you, ducks."

"Really?" Buffy asked, raising her head to see if he was serious.

"Yes, really," Spike replied, not breaking the song he was playing. He tilted his head and gave her a quizzical look. "Do you know how to dance?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"I take that as a no," he responded.

"Spike, I know how to dance," she said. "I dance at the Bronze all the time."

"That's not dancing, that's flopping around like a corpse hanging in the breeze."

"Um, major eew," Buffy said, giving him a disgusted look.

"When's this prom?"

"May 22," she answered.

"Bloody hell, that's not enough time to instruct you properly," he said to himself, then shrugged. "Oh well."

"Spike, you do realize that you're talking to yourself," she pointed out.

"That comes from hanging around you too long, Slayer," Spike replied.

"Hey!" Buffy said, shutting the songbook on him. The doorbell rang, cutting off any form of retaliation by the former vampire. Instead of moving, he started to play another song from memory as the Slayer slid off the piano to answer the door. "Hi, mom!"

"Hi, sweety," Joyce greeted, entering the house. "Hello, Spike."

"Joyce," Spike greeted. "Come to take away this pain in the arse?"

Buffy scowled at him as Joyce laughed. "Do you want her instead? I could happily leave her here," Joyce joked.

Spike met Buffy's eyes, a different type of smile on his face. "I'd love to have her."

"Guys," Buffy whined, blushing under his gaze. She picked up her overnight bag and thrust it at her mom. "I'll meet you in the car."

Joyce smiled knowingly at her daughter. "Ok, I can tell when I'm not wanted," she said. "I'll talk to you soon, Spike."

"I have no doubt," Spike replied. As soon as Joyce left, Buffy walked over to him and smacked him upside the head. "Hey, what the bloody hell was that for?"

"Because I felt like it," Buffy said, pushing past his arm so she could stand between him and the piano. "Now, are you gonna kiss me or what?"

"Pushy, pushy, Slayer," he said, standing. There was barely enough room for the two of them in the small space and Buffy was forced to lean back against the piano, her backside hitting the keys. They plinked off-key, but neither of them cared as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her breathless.

The car horn sounded from outside, making the couple reluctantly break apart. "I'll, uh, call you," Buffy said as they forced themselves to move to the door.

"You do that, luv," Spike replied, placing another quick kiss on her lips. "Be careful."

"I will," she said. "Don't want to go to the prom all black and blue."

"No, we wouldn't want that," he responded, opening the door.

"Well, bye," Buffy said, giving him an awkward smile. She turned and quickly left.

"Bye," Spike said quietly as he watched her head for the car. He waited until they drove off before closing the door, then leaning back against it. "Bloody fucking hell, that girl is going to kill me yet."

Running his hand through his short hair, he wandered into the kitchen and picked up the phone. "She asked me to the prom," he said into the phone without greeting when Oz picked up the other line.

"And?" Oz replied.

"The last prom I saw was in the picture Carrie and, though it would be fun, I don't think it'll be that bloody," he answered.

"Ah," Oz said. "Next weekend we'll get you set up."

"Thanks, mate," Spike told him. He heard Willow in the background ask the werewolf something.

"Buffy didn't tell you anything, did she?" Oz asked for the red head.

"She told me we had sex," he replied. "I can't believe I don't bloody remember."

"Nothing else?"

"No," he said, going over to the fridge to take out a soda. His hand froze on the handle when he saw a new, very naughty message put together under the original. Somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered where she'd gotten the extra letters and why she knew that song, while the rest of him became rock hard. He cleared his throat. "I have to go."

"Ok. Later," Oz replied.

"Yeah," Spike said, quickly hanging up the phone and heading for the stairs. He was either going to take one very cold shower or have one very intimate conversation with his hand as he saw the words again in his mind.

When I think about you I touch myself.

Spike pulled at the collar of his starched white shirt, wanting to rip the bow tie off and shove it down someone's throat. Willow and Oz were waiting in the limo along with Xander and his date...Cordelia, believe it or not...while the former vampire stood in the Summers' foyer waiting for Buffy.

The three weeks had passed by rapidly, with Buffy and Spike spending hours on the phone together. Oz had gone down to LA to assist the peroxide blond in getting a tux, corsage and arranging for a second limo to take the former enemies back to Spike's house after the prom. He'd arranged with Joyce for Buffy to spend the weekend again, including Senior Skip day the following Monday, which to his surprise, she readily agreed. This weekend was to be the weekend and everything was going to be perfect. *Unless she never comes down the bloody stairs,* he thought, switching the white corsage to the other hand.

"She'll be down in a minute," Joyce said, coming down the stairs with the overnight bag. "I'll leave this by the door for you to pick up later."

"Thanks, Joyce," Spike replied. "For everything."

"You're welcome, Spike," Joyce said with a smile. She hid the bag in the living room and picked up the camera off the coffee table. "Don't worry. I promised I'd only take a couple."

"Hi," came a soft greeting from the stairs. Spike turned from Joyce and he felt his collar tighten again at the vision before him. Swallowing heavily, he let his eyes travel from her upswept hair, over the scoop-necked, pale yellow dress, which was cinched around her just below her breasts, leaving the rest loose and airy as it fell just below her knees. Her feet were encased in matching, strapped, heeled sandals. Around her neck was a simple, gold cross similar to the one she'd given him and she was carrying a small clutch.

"You look..." Spike was at a loss for words, his heart pounding in his chest. "Bloody fucking hell," he swore quietly as she finished descending the stairs. She walked right up before him and smiled, making him swallow nervously again.

"You look good, too," Buffy said. She saw the camera flash and turned to give her mother a look. "Mom."

"Just a couple," Joyce said, holding up the camera.

Buffy looked back up at Spike and rolled her eyes. "Humor her," she told him, hooking her arm through his and turning them both to her mom. Joyce snapped a few more pictures before Buffy called a halt. "That's enough, mom."

Spike was still stunned in silence as Buffy came back into his line of vision. She was grinning up at him and he couldn't breathe. "Is that for me?" she asked, pointing to the corsage.

"What?" Spike said, coming out of his stupor. "Oh. For you. Yes."

"And to think, you just learned your three letter words today," Buffy joked.

He scowled at her, fully snapping back to reality. "Very funny, Slayer."

"I know," she replied as he opened the box and took the white orchid out. She held out her hand and he slid it over her wrist to the snap of another picture. "Mo-om."

"Sorry, honey," Joyce said, clearly not.

"We'd better go before I go blind from the flash," Buffy said, opening the front door. "I'll see you in the morning mom."

Joyce winked at Spike. "Have fun."

"Goodnight, Joyce," Spike replied, closing the door behind him. He held out his arm to Buffy. "Shall we, milady?"

Buffy giggled. "Let's roll."

"Wow, Buffster, looking good," Xander commented as they joined the group in the limo.

"You can't even tell that you've gained weight," Cordelia added. Xander pinched her arm. "Ow! What was that for?"

He leaned over to whisper in her ear as Oz spoke up, "You do look good, Buffy."

"Thanks, Oz," Buffy said. "It was a pain trying to find a dress."

"But we did," Willow piped in. "And only after twenty-two stores."

Spike looked over at Buffy, wondering about the brunette's comment. She looked the same to him, but he'd never seen her in a dress before. She'd been wearing long, loose T-shirts when she was over three weeks ago. He tugged at the collar again and she swatted his hand away, re- straightening the tie. "So, guys, what is everyone doing tomorrow?"

"Oz and I are going to the Wharf," Willow replied, taking her boyfriends hand. "I've never been there before."

"It's a nice place, Willow," Spike told her, then frowned. "Although I haven't been there in twenty years."

"That's right, you're old," Cordelia said, looking at Spike. "Wait, how old are you? Angel old?"

"Cordy, he can't be that old, seeing as how Deadboy was the one who made him," Xander said. He turned to Buffy. "Speaking of dead things, where is my least favorite person tonight? Usually he's hanging around you like a dog on a bone."

"Angel's patrolling tonight, since Faith is going to the prom, too," Buffy answered, ignoring Spike's sullen look at the mention of his sire. "And he does not hang around me that much."

"Actually, Buffy, he does," Oz said.


"He doesn't hang around her other than to keep her safe," Willow commented. "It's not like Faith is going to help now that she is pre-"

"Willow!" Buffy interrupted loudly with a glare to her friend. Embarrassed silence filled the limo and Spike wondered what was going on between the friends.

"So, Spike. How old did you say you were?" Cordelia asked, breaking the silence. "And don't you feel kinda weird going to a high school prom?"

The Senior Prom was held in the high school gym, which the cheerleader said was tacky but it was better than the Bronze. Decorations and tables were set up around the large room, almost hiding the fact that it was the gym. A DJ blasted music over several speakers as the group entered. Cordelia immediately pulled Xander to the photographer set up in one corner, wanting to get the picture taken before the night ruined her makeup or hairstyle.

"I can't believe those two are kinda back together again," Buffy commented as they went off.

"Hellmouth," Oz summed it up in one word.

"Hey, B, red, wolf-boy," Faith greeted as she came up to them, punch in hand. She looked Spike over from head to toe in a predatory fashion. "Who's the hottie?"

Buffy moved closer to Spike protectively, staking her claim. "This is Spike, my date."

"Got ya," Faith said. "I'm Faith."

"The other Slayer," Spike said, placing her.

"The same," Faith replied.

"Now that introductions are over," Buffy said, latching onto Spike's arm. "We're going to dance."

"Laters," Faith said as Buffy dragged Spike away.

"I take it you want to dance," Spike chuckled as they joined the throng of students on the floor.

"I didn't like the way she was looking at you," Buffy growled.

"Jealous, pet?"

"No. I don't want you to get rabies," she replied, wrapping her arms around his neck despite that it was a fast song. They danced together for several songs before the Slayer called a break, having to go to the ladies room, which was one of the downfalls of being pregnant - frequent potty breaks.

"Having fun?" Willow asked as she and Oz joined Spike at the table while he waited for Buffy.

"Yes," Spike replied. "Although if any other bloke looks at the Slayer, it might get a bit bloody in here."

"She is sort of glowy tonight," Oz commented thoughtfully.

"Aren't moms-to-be normally glowy?" Willow asked her boyfriend. Her eyes widened when she realized what she said and quickly looked at Spike. To her relief, he wasn't paying attention because Buffy was walking to the table. "That was close," she whispered to Oz.

"Slightly," Oz agreed.

Buffy sat down at the table with a sigh. "Dancing sure makes a Slayer hungry."

"Want me to get you something, pet?" Spike asked, leaning towards her, resting his forearms on his knees.

"Nah, I can wait a little longer," she told him. She looked up in time to see Giles heading for them and groaned. "No saving the world tonight, dad. I've been a good girl."

"Wh-what?" Giles said in confusion as he came up to the table.

"Never mind," Buffy said. "What's up doc?"

"I only came to wish you a pleasant weekend," Giles told her, then looked sheepishly at Willow. "And to ask if you could unfreeze that infernal machine for me."

Willow smiled. "Of course," she said, standing as did Oz. "See ya later, Buffy."

The three left and Buffy sighed in relief. "Good. I don't want to be the Slayer this weekend. I want to be Buffy, normal girl."

"You could never be normal, luv," Spike commented with a grin. He stood and held out his hand. "Dance?"

The hours passed rapidly and before they knew it, students and their dates were slowly heading out to after prom parties or other activities. Spike held Buffy close as they danced to the music, oblivious to those around them.

That's all I wantedSomething special, something sacredIn your eyes.For just one momentTo be bold and nakedAt your side. Sometimes I think that you'll neverUnderstand me.Maybe this time is foreverSay it can be.

That's all you wantedSomething special, someone sacredIn your life.Just for one momentTo be warm and naked At my side.

Sometimes I think that you'll neverUnderstand me.But something tells me togetherWe'd be happy.

I will be your father figurePut your tiny hand in mineI will be your preacher teacherAnything you have in mind.I will be your father figureI have had enough of crimeI will be the one who loves youUntil the end of time.

"Ready to go, pet?" Spike asked quietly.

"Where?" Buffy asked in reply.

"It's a surprise," he answered with a small smile. She nodded and he led her outside after a quick goodbye to the others to the waiting limo. She looked at him with an arched eyebrow, but got in as he held the door for her. They pulled up in front of her house and he told her to wait as he climbed out. He returned almost immediately, handing the driver the overnight bag before getting back into the limo.

"Where are we going?" Buffy asked again as they pulled away from her house.

"I'm squirreling you away until Monday night," Spike replied. "To have my wicked way with you." Her eyes widened as her heart caught in her throat at his devilish grin. He pulled her into the closer to him, his arm around her waist. "It's a two hour drive, luv. Rest while you can."

"Oh," she said breathlessly.

Spike left Buffy to use the powder room as he brought her bag to the master bedroom. Once there, he quickly lit the candles scattered around the room and hit play/repeat on the CD player. Shedding his jacket, vest and tie, he unbuttoned the top button of the dress shirt and cuffs as he glanced around the room to be sure that everything was perfect.

He heard a gasp from the doorway and turned to see Buffy standing there, the candlelight casting a soft glow over her. Silently, he walked over to her and held out his hand. When she put her smaller one in his, he raised it to his mouth and kissed her knuckles before turning it over and placing a kiss on her palm.

Buffy's heart skipped a beat when he did this and she unconsciously licked her lips. He led her further into the room after closing the door and pulled her into his arms in a classic dance position. Moving slowly, their eyes met and held as they swayed to the soft music. Neither one knew who initiated the kiss, but neither cared as their lips gently brushed against one another's.

Passion rose between them at a slow burn, starting from their feet and leading up to their mouths, engulfing them. Buffy began to unbutton Spike's shirt as his fingers ran up and down her back, sending shivers of longing down her spine. She pushed the shirt off his shoulders and he dropped his arms to let it fall to the floor. Frustrated at the white t-shirt she found instead of skin, she plucked at it, pulling it from the dress pants.

Spike broke the kiss only long enough for him to pull it over his head, then he pulled her closer to him, his lips capturing hers once more. He inhaled her sweet scent, his entire body burning with desire. Lightly, he ran his hands over her bare shoulders and arms before running them back up to cup her head in order to deepen the kiss. He felt her hands caressing his bare back and a tremor ran through him.

With a small moan, he once again broke the kiss and took a step back. He dropped to his knees before she could protest and began to unstrap her heeled sandals. His hand ran up the back of her calf as he lifted her foot to remove the shoe, making her tremble. He repeated the action with the other foot, then trailed both hands up the sides of her legs as he stood again. He wasted no time in wrapping his arms around her again as he toed off his own shoes, his mouth melding with hers.

Buffy felt the bow being untied by his deft hands as she ran her fingers around the waistband of the tuxedo pants. His muscles rolled under her as she touched his stomach, arousing her more. The zipper of her dress descended and he pushed the straps off her shoulders. Dropping her hands, she let it fall off of her, pooling at her feet. She stood before him, clad in only a satin bra and panties, gold cross necklace around her throat, her abdomen slightly swollen and hard in her fourth month.

Spike stopped the kiss again in order to see her. His eyes traveled slowly from head to toe, worshipful and loving, not noting the extension of her stomach, only the beauty of her. Buffy flushed under his perusal, reaching forward to the button and zipper on his pants. He brushed her hands away and instead picked her up, carrying her to the turned down bed and setting her gently upon it. Then he unhooked the front clasp of her bra, freeing her. He inhaled sharply at her beauty as he dropped the scrap of satin to the floor.

He quickly shed his pants and socks, joining her on the bed. He kissed her passionately on the lips, then began kiss and lick a fiery trail along her jaw line, down her throat to one of her breasts. Gently lifting the soft globe, he lavished her pebble like nipple with his teeth and tongue. Buffy ran her hands through his hair, holding him to her as he moved his ministrations to her other breast. Tendrils of electricity were shooting from her nipples to her sex as he worked his magic on them.

Suddenly, she pulled him up to claim his mouth, her hands scratching lightly down his back. She managed to get him onto his back, then proceeded to kiss and lick her way down his chest as he did her. The muscles in his stomach rolled again when she dipped her tongue into his navel, his hips rising on their own accord. With a feminine smile, she rubbed her cheek against the erection straining under his briefs and was promptly hauled up his body on the receiving end of a searing kiss.

Spike had her on her back again, kissing his way down her body. His fingers wrapped around the edges of her panties and pulled them off of her. He settled himself between her legs, licking and nipping at her inner thighs before inhaling her heady scent. His tongue flicked out against her clit after he had separated her silken folds, exposing her to him. Buffy hissed in pleasure, arching up against him as her hands wove into his short blond hair.

He brought her to a quick orgasm, sending her writhing against his face. She cried out in pleasure as he drew her climax out until she lay limp beneath him. He removed his briefs as he kissed her inner thigh, then up her hip and over her hard abdomen. He paused, frowning slightly because something seemed wrong, but he dismissed it as he dipped his tongue into her navel, continuing his way up her body.

Buffy caught his wandering mouth with hers, tasting herself on him, feeling his hardness against her thigh. She arched her hips, silently begging for him to fill her. He put his hand between them, positioning himself at her wet opening, the tip pushed slightly inside. He broke the kiss to look down into her eyes, his love for her shining out of his bright blue ones. He then used his hand to grasp hers, intertwining their fingers before he thrust into her.

She thrust up against him in response, wrapping her legs over Spike's hips. Their lips crushed together again as he moved in and out of her in the rhythm of the ages. Slowly the fires that had always burned between them grew to an inferno level, causing them to fly into orgasm, crying out each other's names.

Hands still entwined, Spike rested his forehead against hers, both of them panting heavily. Sweat glistened on their bodies, casting them both in a slight glow from the candlelight. Their hearts pounded a staccato beat in time with each other as they came down. He finally moved out of her, turning them so Buffy was cradled against his chest, not letting go of her hand.

They lay together silently, the soft strains of music the only sound in the room.

Buffy traced patterns absently on Spike's bare chest after he had let go of her hand. "Spike?"

"Yes, luv?"

"Did you..." She trailed off, gathering her courage. "Did you notice anything different? About me, that is."

Spike frowned. "What do you mean?"

Buffy rolled onto her back, head on the other pillow, to stare at the ceiling. Spike followed her, turning onto his side and propping his head in his hand. His eyes traveled slowly over her nude form bathed in the candlelight and felt himself becoming aroused again. Then that feeling that something was off hit him and the comment Cordelia made in the limo came back to him. Reaching forward, he ran his hand from just under her breasts down to her sex, watching carefully. His hand rose slightly, then dipped over her abdomen.

Buffy turned her head to see his face as he did this, scared about his reaction. She should have told him when she was here three weeks ago, or even earlier, but she had been too much of a coward. Her mother had chastised her on the drive home and in the following weeks, as did Willow. Even Oz had spoken up, telling her Spike should know.

She watched as his brow furrowed while he ran his hand over her abdomen again. He pressed on her slightly, the frown deepening as he felt the hardness of that area. Taking a deep breath, she geared herself up to tell him. But before she could, he moved and began to rain light kisses on her. "Spike-"


"What...what are you doing?"

"Kissing you," he answered with a small chuckle, not stopping.


"You're beautiful," Spike whispered, moving his body over hers as he kissed up the valley between her breasts. "So bloody beautiful."

"Spike-" She was cut off again by his mouth claiming hers, his fingers dipping between their bodies, making her juices flow. She arched up into him, her hands sliding around his back as he sought entrance. He surged into her, making her mewl in pleasure as their pelvises hit. The rhythm varied from slow and languorous to quick and hard as they climbed to the peak again. They climaxed almost simultaneously, then collapsed together as their hearts raced.

Spike nuzzled her neck in long time habit, resting his weight on his forearms. "You were saying?" he asked in her ear, making her shiver.

"I was talking?" Buffy replied, running her hands up and down his back. He chuckled sending chills down her spine. Slowly, he pulled out of her, raising his head to kiss her thoroughly before moving off of her, returning to his side with his head propped in his hand. She didn't want to move, ever, but mother nature didn't agree. With a moan of protest, she sat up and slid off the bed. "Be back."

Spike watched her bare ass as she toddled to the bathroom, faint smile on his lips. Rolling onto his back, he stared up at the ceiling, his body a mixture of giddiness and tiredness. For the first time in over a year he was truly happy. He had the woman that he loved in his bed where she belonged and it looked as though she was in no hurry to leave. He was even content to be human.


He turned his head to gaze at the beauty standing in the bathroom doorway. She had completely released her hair and it hung loose, framing her face. He noticed that she was nervous, one hand holding the doorframe, the other curved around her stomach as she chewed on her lower lip. He propped back up onto his side, patting the bed next to him. "What's wrong, luv?"

Buffy didn't move. The sight of her flushed skin and rounded belly in the mirror had been a shock and she knew there was no more waiting. However, if she went over to him, she'd never tell him. "I'm pregnant," she blurted out, gripping the doorframe so tightly in cracked in punctuation.

Spike stared at her, frozen, as her statement sunk into his brain. His eyes darted to the swell of her abdomen that her other hand was curled around. His heart felt like it was being ripped in two at the thought that she had been with someone else and was now carrying that man's child. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" he finally asked, his voice slightly hoarse.

She shook her head no, still not moving from the doorway. "Are you mad?"

"No," he replied immediately. "Never." He rolled off the bed to his feet and went over to her. She looked up at him, wide eyed and he pressed a quick kiss on her lips, then swatted her rear as he went to get past her into the bathroom.

Buffy yelped and jumped away from the door, earning a small smirk from Spike. He went into the bathroom and closed the door, then leaned back against it, hands clenched at his sides. He looked at himself in the mirror and cursed under his breath. "I'll kill him," he growled, turning on the faucet.

Buffy went over to the bag sitting on a chair and opened it. She pulled out a t-shirt and slipped it over her head, then put on a clean pair of panties before sighing heavily. Her stomach let her know she was hungry and she silently padded out of the bedroom, heading for the kitchen.

Spike emerged from the bathroom to find no Buffy and the bedroom door open. He grabbed a pair of jeans out of the dresser and slid them on before going in search of the Slayer. He found her in the kitchen, staring into the pan on the stove as she stirred, empty can of soup on the counter. He went to get a drink out of the fridge when he saw new words made from the letter magnets.

I'm sorry.

Stalking over to Buffy, he spun her to face him and kissed her savagely, plunging his tongue into her mouth to claim hers. He held her close, one hand tangled in her hair, the other around her waist. He broke it only when he heard the soup bubbling. Breathing heavily, he turned off the flame then stared down at her. "I love you, dammit, and you have nothing to be sorry about. It's not your bloody fault some pillock knocked you up..."

Buffy's mouth dropped open as he went on, realization dawning that he didn't know he was the ‘pillock' who got her pregnant. Although his tirade was sweet, albeit a bit bloody in his descriptions, she interrupted him. "Spike, it's your baby."

"...the wanker not-" Spike stopped suddenly as her words pierced his thoughts. His voice grew faint when he asked, "What?"

"Um, you're the father," Buffy told him, concentrating on pouring the soup into the bowl. When he didn't say anything, she looked over at him. He was standing there, mouth slightly open in shock, his blue eyes wide. It didn't look like he was breathing, which concerned her. "Are you ok?"

In response, his eyes rolled up and he fell to the floor in a dead faint.

"Spike? Spike, wake up," Buffy said, kneeling on the floor at his side, patting his cheek.

Spike opened his eyes slowly, focusing on the blond leaning worriedly over him. "You're not bloody joking, are you?"

"Uh, no," Buffy replied, giving him a strained smile. "You're definitely the dad."

Spike closed his eyes again, taking a deep, unsteady breath. *Bloody fucking hell,* he thought, but not in anger or despair. It was more disappointment in himself for making her pregnant. He sat up, then smoothly got on his knees, facing her. Then he pulled her against him in a tight hug, his cheek pressed against her hair. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"Sorry? Why?"

"Why do you bloody think?" he said, releasing her. "For making you pregnant!"

"You don't want the baby?" she asked in a small voice.

But he didn't hear her as he went on another tirade. "First I get made human, then I have sex with you and don't even bloody know it, then I make you pregnant! Bloody fucking hell, can't anything go right?!"

Tears started to fall down Buffy's cheeks at his words. With a choked sob, she stood and ran from the kitchen, startling Spike. He smacked his forehead with the heel of his hand and took off after her, swearing at himself. He snagged her at the top of the stairs, pulling her roughly against him, though she could easily break away if she desired. "Slayer, I'm sorry."

"No you're not. You hate me and hate that I'm pregnant," Buffy sobbed.

"No!" Spike said sharply. "Buffy, cor, no. I hate myself. I've been nothing but a bloody pain to you since we met, always trying to destroy you and when I stop, I manage to ruin your life anyway by knocking you up."

"You didn't ruin my life," she told him. He loosened his hold enough to give her an incredulous look. "You just made it more...interesting."

"Interesting, right," he scoffed.

"Look, you bleached moron," Buffy said, getting angry. "I'm the one who didn't stop you back in February, I'm the one who decided to have the baby and I'm the one who always made your life hell. So get off your high moral horse, you pathetic excuse for a former vampire!"

Spike stared at her flushed, angry face for a moment, then started to laugh. Buffy scowled up at him, making him laugh even harder. She smacked him on the chest, breaking out of his arms only to stand there with hers crossed over her chest, glaring at him.

"Cor, pet, I love you," he said when he finally calmed somewhat. "You never bloody cease to amaze me."

"Ok, I'm lost," she said, throwing up her hands. "And you're nuts."

"Nuts, eh?" Spike said, a sly smile crossing his face.

Buffy suddenly found herself in his arms, being carried into the bedroom. He practically threw her on the bed, making her shriek. He pounced on her, pinning her arms above her head, grinning down at her. "Spike!"

"Slayer, shut up," he said, capturing her mouth with his. He kissed her passionately, pouring all his tightly wound emotions into it - from her being here with him by her own free will, to their lovemaking, to the news that she was carrying his child. His child. The one that he'd always dreamed of having with her but never thought would be a possibility.

Breathless, he broke the kiss to peer down at her, his blue eyes lit with an unearthly glow. He released her, climbing off the bed then pulling her to her feet. He tugged the t-shirt she was wearing over her head and let it drop to the floor. His gaze dropped to her abdomen, then back up to meet her own. "Can I...?"

Buffy's face lit up in a large smile at his tentative question. "Go for it, papa."

Slowly, he brought his hand forward and put it over her womb. Buffy watched the play of emotions on his face - amazement, awe, happiness, a little pride and, most importantly, love. Suddenly, he let out a war whoop and grabbed her up in his arms again, spinning them in a circle. When he finally set her on her feet, he tilted up her chin and place the softest, tenderest kiss on her lips she'd ever experienced.

"I adore you, Buffy," Spike whispered after the kiss. Then his eyes widened comically. "I'm going to be a father."

"That's what normally happens when two people have a baby," Buffy said, giggling.

"Me, a bloody dad," he continued. "I think I'm going to heave."

Buffy snorted, then covered her mouth and nose with her hand. The dumbfounded look on his face changed to excited pride and he bounced across the bed to grab the phone. She turned and arched a brow at him questioningly as he dialed. "Spike, it's quarter to four in the morning. Who are you calling?"

"‘Lo?" said a sleepy voice at the other end of the phone line.

"I'm having a baby!" Spike exclaimed.

"Actually, that would be Buffy," Oz replied tiredly.

"Who is it?" Willow asked her boyfriend, blinking sleepily up at him as he turned on the light.

"Spike," Oz answered the red head.

"But a baby. Me. A bloody father," Spike said into the phone. Buffy came over to the other side of the bed and stood in front of him, giving him a look. "She's so amazingly beautiful."

"That's great, man," Oz replied. "You do know it's four in the morning."

"Give me that," Willow said, taking the phone from him. "Spike?"

"Cor, a baby," Spike said absently, staring at Buffy's belly.

Buffy took the phone from him. "Hello?"


"Hey, Wills. Sorry about that," Buffy said.

"‘S-ok. I'm just glad you finally told him," Willow replied. "He sounds excited."

"He told me he was going to upchuck."

"Um, I don't know if that's a good thing or not," the red head told her.

"What?" Oz asked.

"Spike's reaction was to toss his cookies."


"Actually, his first reaction was to faint," Buffy said over the line. Spike leaned forward so he was eye to eye with her navel as if he could peer inside at the baby. She giggled. "Spike, what are you doing?"

"What is he doing?" Willow asked.

"I don't know," Buffy replied. "I'm going to hang up now. Sorry Spike called...hey, why did he call you?"

"He didn't, he called Oz."

"You're at Oz's?!" Buffy said. "For shame!"

"I'm being a good girl," Willow told her, then giggled. "Just ask Oz."


"Bye, Buffy," Willow said.

"Bye." Buffy disconnected and set the phone on the night stand. "Spike, what are you doing?"

"How does a baby fit in there?" Spike asked, more to himself than to her.

Buffy rolled her eyes and pushed him up in order to straddle his lap. "It's just one of those mysteries of life."

"I love you, you know," he said, looking into her hazel eyes.

"I know," she replied. "And you're not that pathetic."


Spike woke and turned on his side to snuggle with Buffy, but his arm went around air. Opening his eyes, he frowned when he found the Slayer missing from his bed. "Buffy?"

He turned over and looked towards the bathroom. The door was open and the room empty. Pushing himself to a sitting position, he ran his hand tiredly over his features, then climbed out of bed. *She's probably downstairs eating,* he thought as he slid on a pair of jeans. He smiled to himself when he thought of why she'd be downstairs eating and quickened his step.

His steps faltered when he found the kitchen empty. "Slayer?" he called out tentatively. No answer. He turned in a slow circle, eyes scanning the immediate area, his brow knitted together. "Slayer?" he called, louder this time. He looked towards the refrigerator, thinking perhaps she went out and left him a note.

There were no notes on the refrigerator. None. Not even the ones which he'd put up there months before with Joyce's phone numbers or the first note he had received from the Slayer. The letter magnets still proclaimed that he loved Buffy, but there was no message underneath it as there had been that early morning.

Spike heard the sound of the newspaper hitting the front door. Puzzled at the missing things, he went to retrieve the paper. He opened the front door and squinted at the bright sunlight shining down on his front steps. He stepped into the light to pick up the paper and screamed as his bare skin started to burn.

Jumping backwards into the house, he looked down at his slightly smoking arms. "BUFFY!" Spike yelled, slamming the door shut. He turned on his heel and sprinted to the basement, hoping she was there. Not only did he not find her, the drawings on the wall were missing as was the one of his sire on the dart board.

He ran back up the stairs, yanking open the powder room door. No Buffy. Continuing to the second floor, he checked the second bedroom, quickly glanced in the bathroom then ran back into the master bedroom. His eyes darted over the surfaces of the room, noting the fact that there were no candles, no overnight bag, no tuxedo.

Dread settling over him, he went into the master bathroom and turned on the cold water. He splashed his face several times, then reached behind him to grab the towel of the rod. Straightening, he pressed the towel over his face, wiping downward. That's when he saw...or didn't see...his reflection in the mirror.

"No," Spike whispered, hitting the light switch. He saw everything in the bathroom, including the towel in his hands, but not himself. Dropping the towel, he touched the mirror in hopes that he was imagining things, but it was solid. Panicking, he slapped his hand over his neck, searching for the pulse that had beat there for months. It was gone.

"NO!" he yelled, slamming his palm against the mirror, shattering it. The large shards rained down onto the sink, cutting him as it bounced of the hard surface. Dashing back into the bedroom, he scooped up the portable phone and dialed. "Pick up, pick up, pick up."


"There's something wrong," Spike said rapidly. "Buffy's not here and I don't have a bloody reflection!"

"Interesting," Oz said over the phone.

"Is that all you can say?!"

"How about who is this?"

"It's me, Spike," Spike replied.

"I don't think I know a Spike," Oz said cautiously.

"Cor, no," he said quietly as he heard the werewolf speak to someone.

"Hello?" Willow said.

"Willow?" Spike said. "Do you remember me? Please say you do."

"Um, yeah. Wh-why are you calling? Do you still want me to do the spell?" Willow asked tentatively, her voice slightly fearful. "I thought you were going to torture Drusilla into loving you again. Unless I got that wrong. Or it didn't work. Didn't it work?"

"Willow, you know I didn't go back to Brazil," Spike practically pleaded. "And Dru is dead, you sent me a bloody sympathy card!"

"N-No, I don't think so," Willow replied. "Uh, I have to go now, Spike. Bye."

The line disconnected and Spike sat there in shock. Willow and Oz, his two good friends, didn't remember him. He had no reflection, no pulse, got burned by the sun. He suddenly clamped his hand on his chest near his neck, looking for the cross necklace Buffy had given him. It was not there.

Dialing another number, he waited for the woman he thought of as his mum to pick up. "Hello?"

"Joyce, it's Spike," he said hopefully into the phone.

"Who?" Joyce asked over the line.

"You don't remember." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"Spike? No, I'm so-...wait, Spike as in Drusilla's Spike?"

"Yeah," he answered.

"Wh-What do you want?" Joyce asked fearfully.

"Nothing," Spike said, trying hard not to give into the tears that were forming behind his closed lids. He hung up and set the phone on the night stand. He sat there for several minutes before deciding on a course of action.

Two hours later he hit the Welcome to Sunnydale sign, backed up and ran it over again for good measure.

He pulled into the parking lot of Sunnydale High School, then slumped down in the seat. He lit up his twentieth cigarette and tried to push the horrible feeling in his heart away as he waited for the sun to set. His mind flitted over everything that he clearly remembered happening over the past months - waking up human, becoming friends with Oz, Willow and Joyce, Drusilla's death, kissing Buffy, dancing with Buffy, making love to Buffy, finding out Buffy was pregnant with his child.

Finally, the sun went down enough that he could get from the car into the school. Walking quickly, he made his way to the library, bursting through the doors to see his friends and the Watchers sitting there, but no Slayer. They stared at him, too surprised to move. "Tell me you bloody remember," he demanded without preamble.

Willow was first to react, letting out a squeak and jumping from her seat in front of the computer to Giles' office. She came out with a large cross, handing it to Giles who was frozen in the doorway. Oz stood, brandishing a pencil like a stake. Wesley looked confused.

"Spike," Giles said with menace in his voice.

Spike let his gaze go from person to person, studying them. All he saw was fear, and he could smell it, too, as well as hear the blood rushing in their veins. He pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes, the world he'd gotten use to belonging in disappearing beneath his feet. "Please no," he said in a hoarse voice.

The door opened behind him and he heard the beautiful voice of his Slayer. "Hey guys, wha- Spike!" He suddenly found himself shoved up against the counter, stake pressed up to his chest, a furious blond glaring at him. "What are you doing back, Spike?" Buffy demanded.

The tears that had threatened to fall all day filled his eyes as he looked down at the woman he loved more than life itself. He squeezed his eyes shut, choking back a sob, then opened them as those very tears silently streamed down his cheeks.

Buffy frowned at him. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You don't remember, either," he stated quietly. Slowly, he brought his hand up to touch her cheek and flinched when the stake was pressed further into his chest as she jerked her head away.

"Remember what?" Buffy asked with little patience in her voice.

"Me," Spike answered.

"Actually, I've been trying to repress," she replied. "But for some reason, it doesn't help if you keep showing up."

"I can't do this," he said. "I can't bloody do this. I can't go back to the way things were before."

"Listen, blondie, will you tell me what the hell you want before Giles needs to get out the dust buster?" Buffy growled.

Tears still streaming down his face, Spike took a deep, unneeded breath and looked her right in the eyes. "I love you," he told her. "Please remember. I need you to remember. I don't want to be a bloody vampire again."

Buffy just looked at him with confusion written all over her face. "Are you on drugs?"

Not able to take it anymore, he shoved her away and ran out the library doors. He halfway down the hall when he spun and punched a locker door, denting it. Then he turned and leaned against it before he slid down as the sobs overcame him. "NO!"


"NO!" Spike screamed in anguish, ignoring the Slayer who called to him.

"Spike!" Buffy yelled, shaking him hard.

Spike shot straight up, looking wildly around him, his breaths coming in short gasps. Sweat coated his body as he focused on the blond at his side. "Buffy?"

"Hey, what's wrong?" Buffy asked, concern on her face.

He grabbed her and pulled her to him in a tight hug, not caring about the awkwardness of their positions. All that mattered was that he was there, in his bedroom, with Buffy. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you," he repeated over and over.

It had only been a nightmare.

Unable to get back to sleep after the nightmare, the couple was down in the kitchen making cookies. Actually, they were making a mess, but the dough tasted good. "I've turned into a bleedin' pansy," Spike said, sprinkling flour on the pastry towel.

"How's that?" Buffy asked, alternating between decorating the cookies and eating the decorations.

"Crying all the bloody time, having all these bloody emotions," he replied. "I've even brooded for days on end."

"No," she said in mock horror.

"Piss off," he growled back. "I'm no wanker like Angel."

"No, you are nothing like Angel," Buffy replied. "And you already had all the same emotions, Spike, you just didn't show them."

Spike was silent as he rolled the dough out, contemplating what she'd said. "You know what else is different?"


"I haven't bloody killed anyone in months," he told her. Picking up a cookie cutter, he pressed it into the dough. "I haven't had the desire to rip someone's head off and bathe in their blood."

"Pleasant," Buffy muttered.

He went on as if she didn't say anything. "I'd wager it's because I don't have the taste for blood anymore. Well, that and no one has annoyed me, yet."

"I find that hard to believe," she said.

"It's true," Spike replied. "I go to the grocers before the rooster crows and the humans everywhere else have been bleedin' saints when helping me. The only time I came close was when some brat came to the door while I was in a foul mood, but he had chocolate."

Buffy laughed, sliding the tray of cookies in the oven. "Chocolate cures what ails ya."

"Then there's you and your chums, all helpful and nice to me. Makes me want to be nice and good and all that rot," he continued. "I'm telling you, I've become a bloody wuss."

"But a cute wuss," Buffy said. He scowled at her, making her laugh again. "I have a question for you."

"Ask away," Spike said.

"Your nightmare," Buffy began. She picked up the green sugar and began sprinkling the cookies. "What was worse - you being a vampire again or me not remembering?"

"Now that's a loaded question if I ever heard one," he replied. "But I'd have to say being a vampire again."

Buffy arched her brow. "Really?"

"Slayer, I loved you for a long time before you knew it," Spike said. "If you suddenly didn't remember all this, but I was human, I'd take my chances on you giving me an opportunity to at least be your friend."

"Well, you do have the tendency to grow on people now that you're not an annoying, blood sucker," Buffy said. He flicked flour at her. "Hey!"

"Watch it, pet. Just because you're pregnant with my baby, doesn't mean I'll let get away with talking like that," he growled playfully.

"You're no fun," she pouted.

Spike gave her a wicked grin as he set the cookie cutter down. Buffy's eyes grew round as he sauntered over to her, trapping her between himself and the chair. "Are you sure about that, Slayer?" he said in a low voice just before his mouth descended upon hers.

Spike and Buffy looked at each other when the doorbell rang. They were snuggled together on the couch, watching a movie after a long day of lovemaking, sleeping and eating, in the Slayer's case. Glancing at the clock as he disentangled himself from the comforter, Spike made his way to the door.

"Maybe it's more chocolate," Buffy suggested, pulling the blanket up to her nose. He glanced over his bare shoulder at her and rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm hungry."

"There are cookies on the table by your feet," Spike pointed out as he unlocked the door.

"They're burned," she whined.

"Then get off your cute arse and get yourself something," he told her. "Do I look like your bloody manservant?"

"Depends. Do manservants wear frilly aprons?" Buffy asked.

He scowled at her, then opened the front door. His scowl deepened when he saw who it was. "What do you want?"

"Buffy," Angel answered, glaring at Spike. He was not happy when he found out that Buffy was at the former vampire's house for the weekend when the emergency arose. He was now even unhappier to see that Spike was only clad in a pair of well-worn jeans which were not buttoned and riding low on his hips. The gold cross around his neck only further perturbed him. "Are you going to let me in?"

"No," Spike replied, folding his arms over his chest.

"Spike, who is it?" Buffy asked, not able to see the door from the couch.

"No one, pet," he replied over his shoulder, not removing his eyes from his sire.

"Spike, Buffy is needed in Sunnydale," Angel told him sharply. "Now let me in the house."

"Fine. Come in and close the door behind you," Spike said as he turned and walked back into the great room. He grabbed the remote from the end table and switched off the television as Buffy turned to see who came inside.

"Angel? What are you doing here?" Buffy asked, blushing because she was only wearing a white tank top, panties and socks. She was glad she was buried under the comforter.

"You're needed," Angel answered. "Rupert sent me down to pick you up."

"Why didn't he just call?" Buffy said as she stood, making sure the blanket stayed around her.

"He did, but there was no answer," he replied.

"But we've been here the whole...oh!" Buffy blushed deeper. "I'll go and...go."

Comforter trailing behind her, the Slayer quickly headed up the stairs. "What did you drive?" Spike asked as he watched her hurry up the stairs.

"Why?" Angel said.

"Because one, I'm coming with and two, there's no way in bloody hell I'd let her ride on the back of that stupid motorcycle of yours," Spike snapped.

"Like hell you're coming with," Angel growled. "Buffy doesn't need you."

"Listen, mate," Spike said in a deadly tone. "That's my woman and my child and I'm going to protect them no matter what, so fuck off!" He turned and stalked up the stairs to get dressed.

Angel stood staring after him with a dumbfounded expression on his face. He felt as though he'd been hit by a sledgehammer as Spike words ran over and over in his mind. *That's my woman and my child, my child, my child, my child...*

Upstairs, Buffy exited the bathroom to see Spike shoving both their clothes into her overnight bag. She saw that he was fully dressed and had a pensive look on his face. "Spike, what's wrong?"

He stopped what he was doing to when she touched his arm. Looking down into her worried face, he sighed and pulled her into a hug. "Nothing, luv. I'm just concerned about this emergency. I don't want you or the baby getting hurt."

"We won't," Buffy promised. "This is my job, remember? And I'm damn good at it, too."

Spike chuckled, then gave her a quick kiss on the nose. "That you are, pet."

The two hour drive back to Sunnydale was made in silence. Buffy had curled up against Spike in the backseat of Angel's car and was sleeping while the former vampire stared out the window, absently stroking her arm. Angel would shoot fiery daggers with his eyes at Spike every so often, but since he didn't reflect in the rearview mirror, it was rather pointless.

"We're here, ducks," Spike said quietly as they pulled into the high school parking lot.

"Good, I have to go to the bathroom," Buffy replied sleepily. "And I'm hungry again."

"I think I stashed some of those cookies in our bag," he said with a small grin. Buffy rolled her eyes, then got out of the car.

The trio made there way to the library to find Wesley and Giles waiting for them. The look of relief on the librarian's face made Buffy giggle, knowing it was because her new Watcher must have been driving him up a wall. "I'm here, oh fearless leaders," Buffy said. "Even though I'd much rather still be on the couch watching the rest of True Lies in my underwear and did I just say that out loud?"

"You-you did," Giles replied, then cleared his throat. "I'm sorry to have to break into your weekend, but Faith has disappeared again and a Slayer was needed."

"No big," Buffy said, pulling Spike's arms around her waist as she leaned back against him. She could feel his tension fade somewhat at her actions.

Giles noted what Buffy had done and was glad that it seemed she and Spike were together. After overhearing countless conversations between her and Willow, the one thing that immediately came forward in his mind was, *About time.* The fact that he was at one time a soul-less vampire didn't bother him as much as Angel with his soul did. Perhaps he was just prejudiced against the vampire part.

"Buffy, it would seem there is a demon of sorts causing havoc, raising the dead and what not," Wesley said. "So far, according to Miss Chase and Mr. Harris, he has turned a party of teenagers into monkeys and is currently amassing a small gaggle of zombies."

"I hate zombies," Buffy grumbled. "They don't die unless you kill the creator."

"Yes," Wesley said. "We have ascertained that with Angel's assistance, you should be able to get close enough to-to...well, kill him."

"Sounds like a plan," she replied, moving out of Spike's arms towards the cage. "What kind of weapons should I use?"

As the Slayer talked weapons with Giles and Wesley, Spike shifted on his feet before going over to Angel and pulling him aside. "You better not let her get hurt, or I will rip your heart out with my bare hands," he growled. Before the vampire could respond, he turned and stalked over to Buffy and kissed her hard.

Buffy staggered when he released her, a slightly dazed look in her eyes. "Well," she said, then cleared her throat. "I think I'm ready to kick some demon tail."

"We shall be right behind you, Buffy," Giles said, packing a bag with more weapons.

"Ok," Buffy said. She smiled at Spike, then looked at Angel. "Let's go."

After the two had left the library, Spike spun and kicked the cage. Wesley jumped, but Giles just raised a brow as he put on his jacket. "I say, what was that for?" Wesley asked, nervously wiping his forehead with his handkerchief.

"I'll explain later, Wesley," Giles said with a small sigh. He shouldered the bag and left the library, Spike right behind him.

"I shall await your return," Wesley called after them.

"Pillock," Giles and Spike both said under their breaths. Giles chuckled as he led the way to his ancient car. "We need to stay back unless Buffy needs our assistance. She cannot be distracted by trying to safeguard us as she fights."

"I can take care of myself," Spike growled.

"I have no doubt," Giles said as they started towards the cemetery. "However, I'd imagine Buffy would be rather put out if you got yourself hurt. I know she hounds me for bloody hours if I do."

They arrived at the cemetery to see Buffy and Angel embroiled in battle with several zombies and vampires. Spike grabbed the crossbow from the bag, and before the car even stopped, he was out the door, picking the vampires off with well placed bolts.

He watched as the zombies were knocked down, only to rise once more. A song drifted through his mind as the Slayer made her way closer to the demon leaning casually against a large, ornate tombstone. *I get knocked down, but I get up again. You're never gonna keep me down.*

Giles started beating back several of the zombies that had turned their attention towards them and Spike bashed one in the head with the crossbow just as he saw a vampire holding a knife behind Buffy. "Slayer, behind you!" he yelled, ducking under a slow swing and coming up behind a second zombie to crack him across the back of the neck with the metal weapon.

Buffy spun and shot her leg out in a low sweep, knocking the vampire to the ground. She quickly staked him and turned back to the demon only to see that he was no longer there. Turning, her eyes scanned the immediate area, lashing out with her fist as a zombie came close to her. She grabbed its arm and flung it over her shoulder to the ground.

Spike shoved a zombie away and turned to see the demon standing in front of him. "Hello, Spike," it said. "Fancy meeting you here."

The former vampire narrowed his eyes, kicking back with his foot at the approaching zombie. "Do I know you?"

"No, but I had the pleasure of knowing your beloved Drusilla," it said with a leer. "Such a charming girl. Her screams are very pleasant on the ears."

Spike saw red as the demon began to laugh. He launched himself at the beast, but it stepped out of the way, using Spike's momentum to send him flying against the side of the car. "You know," the demon said conversationally. "I am rather surprised to see you. Drusilla insisted that if you became mortal again, you would commit suicide. But, seeing as you're standing here before me, I guess she lied."

"I'm going to eat your intestines for breakfast, you bloody pillock," Spike growled, sending a kick at the demon's chest.

The demon went on as he blocked Spike's kick. "It makes me wonder what would destroy you."

"I know what's going to destroy you," Buffy said from behind the demon. It turned to face her. "Me."

Her hand holding a long, wicked knife shot out towards his chest in a killing blow. It stopped a millimeter from the demon's bare chest, held by an unseen force. "I think that you will find you are mistaken, Slayer," it said, using magick to turn the blade in her hand.

"NO!" Spike screamed from behind them. He tore around the demon and shoved Buffy away from it, the knife in her hand clattering to the ground. He spun and kicked the beast, connecting with its face.

The demon began to laugh maniacally, ducking under Spike's next kick. "So that is what would destroy you," it said. The knife shot from the ground to his hand. "A double bonus for me - killing the Slayer thereby killing you. It gives me goosebumps." He raised the knife in his hand.

Buffy had gotten to her feet in time to see the demon holding a knife in its hand, just like her dream. And just like her dream, she threw herself at Spike, pushing him out of the way, thinking that the blade was meant for him.

Spike crashed to the ground as the demon let out another delighted, evil laugh. He saw the knife fly from the beast's hand past the Slayer's blocking to embed itself in her stomach. He heard her gasp out in shock and pain and something inside of him snapped. With a vicious roar, he flew at the monster, grabbed its head and twisted with all his strength. A loud snap was heard and suddenly the zombies disappeared as the demon fell dead to the ground.

He was at Buffy's side in an instant. "Slayer, pet, luv, Buffy," Spike said in a choked voice as he saw her blood covered hands as she held them around the knife sticking out of her.

Buffy opened her tear filled eyes to see Spike. "I hate my dreams," she whispered, pain wracking her body.

"Buffy, hold on," Spike said, tears running down his own cheeks. "We'll get you to the infirmary, just you don't die on me."

She felt her world growing dark, as it did in her dreams. "Spike, I'm glad you came down with a case of humanitis," she told him, her voice small and weak.

"Shh," Spike said, brushing her hair off her face.

"I love you," Buffy said, blinking rapidly. Then everything went black.

"I love you, Slayer," he choked out as the former Watcher pulled the car up.

Angel had finally killed off the remaining vampires and had just arrived at their side in time to hear Buffy and Spike's words. But he did not hesitate as he helped get the unconscious Slayer into the car.

The trip to the hospital was fraught with tension, Spike's pain filled voice whispering to Buffy as he applied pressure to her wound to staunch the bleeding the only sound. Giles drove right up to the emergency entrance and leapt from the car to run inside and get assistance. Angel opened the back door and, between him and Spike, got the injured Slayer onto the gurney. The former vampire was stopped at the swinging emergency room doors and Angel had to physically push him down into a chair.

Waiting was agonizing for the trio, each of them loving the petite blond in their own way. Giles called Joyce, who arrived shortly thereafter and immediately drew Spike into her arms, comforting him. Xander and Cordelia appeared, as did Oz and Willow, each having been called by the librarian.

"Mrs. Summers, Mr. Giles?" a doctor asked, approaching the worried group.

"How is she? Is she ok?" Spike said rapidly, grabbing the doctor by his white coat.

"Spike," Joyce put a hand on his arm. "You have to let him speak first."

Spike let go, taking a step back from the doctor. "Is she ok?" he asked again, his voice tinged with fear.

"She going to be fine," the doctor told them. "As will the baby. The knife missed her vital organs, which was very lucky. Family will be allowed to visit with her until she is cleared from ICU."

"Thank you," Giles said as the group collectively breathed a sigh of relief. The doctor nodded and walked off.

Spike closed his eyes and sent up a prayer of thanks to a god he hadn't believed in for a long time. He opened them when he felt someone tug on his arm. "Come on," Joyce said, giving him a small smile. "Let's sneak you back there."

"You are a bloody pain in the arse, you know that Slayer?" Spike said as he lifted her feet and put the pillow she requested under them.

"Hey, don't talk to me like that," Buffy replied. "I might get mad and make you go get me some ice cream. Ooh, ice cream. That sounds good."

Due to the Slayer's enhanced healing, Buffy was out of the hospital in no time. Graduation came and went with no major problems save the Mayor's ascension. Faith had been killed by him for failure to destroy Buffy, but between the Slayer, her Watcher, her former Watcher, the vampire, the former vampire, the mother, the werewolf, the Witch, the Zeppo and the prom queen they were able to defeat him.

Now Buffy was in her seventh month of pregnancy and college would be starting soon. As promised back when Spike had been sick, she visited him every day while in LA with her dad for the summer. In reality, it was closer to her visiting her dad while she stayed with Spike.

"We have mint chocolate chip, pistachio, praline, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, raspberry, cookies and creme, chocolate chip cookie dough, hot fudge, peanut butter cup and chunky monkey," Spike rattled off, giving her a smug grin.

Buffy giggled. "Chocolate, please."

"Chocolate, coming right up," he said, leaving the bedroom. Buffy sighed happily, her hands resting on her very swollen belly. She giggled again when she remembered the look on Spike's face when the baby kicked after their lovemaking session. After close to three months of feeling that very thing, he was still amazed.

"Here you go, pet," Spike said as he came back into the room, holding a bowl and spoon in his hands. "I put some of those decorations you like so much on top."

"You're sweet," she replied, taking the bowl from him without looking. She held out her hand for the spoon and growled at him when he proceeded to play with it rather than give it to her. "Gimme that."

"What do you say?" he asked, grinning.


Spike chuckled and handed it to her as he sat on the edge of the bed. His heart was hammering in his chest as he watched her. Unconsciously, he wiped his hands nervously on his jeans.

Buffy was about to dig into the ice cream when she froze, her eyes growing huge. She looked up at him, then back at the dish, then up at him again.

"Well?" Spike asked. She squealed in reply, quickly setting the bowl aside to awkwardly throw herself at him. He grabbed her up in a passionate kiss, holding her as close to him as he could, wanting to never let her go.

On the bed beside them, the diamond ring sank a little further into the melting ice cream.


The End


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