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Poll Archive

What did you think of BtVS Season ONE?
4 Stakes 1221 51.65% 51.65%
3 Stakes 640 27.07% 27.07%
2 Stakes 327 13.83% 13.83%
1 Stake 77 3.26% 3.26%
Haven't seen enough of it to judge. 99 4.19% 4.19%

Do you still watch old episodes of Buffy?
Heck yeah, all the time! 9195 73.71% 73.71%
Fairly often. 1862 14.93% 14.93%
Once in a while. 1023 8.20% 8.20%
Almost never. 146 1.17% 1.17%
I haven't seen an episode since Season 7 ended. 249 2.00% 2.00%

Do you watch Veronica Mars? (You should!)
Yes, religiously! 724 37.53% 37.53%
Yeah, when I happen to catch it. 201 10.42% 10.42%
I've watched one or two episodes. 208 10.78% 10.78%
Nope, I choose to miss out on this great show! 796 41.26% 41.26%

What did you think of the ANGEL series finale?
4 Stakes 6190 38.68% 38.68%
3 Stakes 2568 16.05% 16.05%
2 Stakes 1488 9.30% 9.30%
1 Stake 1787 11.17% 11.17%
Haven't seen it yet. 3971 24.81% 24.81%

Do you think Spike has been a good addition to "Angel"?
Yes, he adds a lot to the show! 7862 66.32% 66.32%
Yeah, he's a good bonus. 2785 23.49% 23.49%
Meh - he makes no difference to me. 589 4.97% 4.97%
No, he has a negative effect. 262 2.21% 2.21%
No, he really ruins it for me. 356 3.00% 3.00%

How are you liking Angel so far this season?
It's great! 3995 52.22% 52.22%
It's pretty good. 2393 31.28% 31.28%
I'm not impressed. 847 11.07% 11.07%
It's craptastic. 416 5.44% 5.44%

Did you watch Angel (regularly) last season, and are you watching it this season?
Last season YES, this season YES. 3236 60.13% 60.13%
Last season YES, this season NO. 179 3.33% 3.33%
Last season NO, this season YES. 1519 28.22% 28.22%
Last season NO, this season NO. 448 8.32% 8.32%

What do you think about Spike joining the cast of 'Angel' next season?
I'm thrilled! 12858 64.22% 64.22%
I'm reserving judgment until I see how they do it. 5662 28.28% 28.28%
I'm annoyed and think it's stupid. 1502 7.50% 7.50%

What did you think of "Chosen"?
4 Stakes 7407 62.90% 62.90%
3 Stakes 2053 17.43% 17.43%
2 Stakes 753 6.39% 6.39%
1 Stake 453 3.85% 3.85%
Haven't seen it yet. 1110 9.43% 9.43%

What did you think of "End of Days"?
4 Stakes 1797 63.27% 63.27%
3 Stakes 544 19.15% 19.15%
2 Stakes 166 5.85% 5.85%
1 Stake 75 2.64% 2.64%
Haven't seen it yet. 258 9.08% 9.08%

What did you think of "Touched"?
4 Stakes 1189 59.07% 59.07%
3 Stakes 455 22.60% 22.60%
2 Stakes 138 6.86% 6.86%
1 Stake 48 2.38% 2.38%
Haven't seen it yet. 183 9.09% 9.09%

What did you think of "Empty Places"?
4 Stakes 849 46.85% 46.85%
3 Stakes 486 26.82% 26.82%
2 Stakes 199 10.98% 10.98%
1 Stake 109 6.02% 6.02%
Haven't seen it yet. 169 9.33% 9.33%

What did you think of "Dirty Girls"?
4 Stakes 2530 55.40% 55.40%
3 Stakes 1044 22.86% 22.86%
2 Stakes 305 6.68% 6.68%
1 Stake 150 3.28% 3.28%
Haven't seen it yet. 538 11.78% 11.78%

What did you think of "Lies My Parents Told Me"?
4 Stakes 2482 56.78% 56.78%
3 Stakes 1072 24.53% 24.53%
2 Stakes 237 5.42% 5.42%
1 Stake 89 2.04% 2.04%
Haven't seen it yet. 491 11.23% 11.23%

Who would you most like to see as the lead character of a new BtVS spinoff?
Amanda 54 0.38% 0.38%
Anya 330 2.32% 2.32%
Dawn 852 5.99% 5.99%
Faith 3514 24.71% 24.71%
Giles 1021 7.18% 7.18%
Kennedy 344 2.42% 2.42%
Spike 3986 28.03% 28.03%
Willow 3414 24.01% 24.01%
Someone else already on the canvas 168 1.18% 1.18%
A completely new character 539 3.79% 3.79%

What did you think of "Storyteller"?
4 Stakes 1840 53.15% 53.15%
3 Stakes 869 25.10% 25.10%
2 Stakes 338 9.76% 9.76%
1 Stake 143 4.13% 4.13%
Haven't seen it yet. 272 7.86% 7.86%

What did you think of "Get It Done"?
4 Stakes 1135 50.18% 50.18%
3 Stakes 665 29.40% 29.40%
2 Stakes 222 9.81% 9.81%
1 Stake 76 3.36% 3.36%
Haven't seen it yet. 164 7.25% 7.25%

What did you think of "First Date"?
4 Stakes 1310 52.03% 52.03%
3 Stakes 766 30.42% 30.42%
2 Stakes 203 8.06% 8.06%
1 Stake 53 2.10% 2.10%
Haven't seen it yet. 186 7.39% 7.39%

What did you think of "The Killer in Me"?
4 Stakes 1054 46.49% 46.49%
3 Stakes 685 30.22% 30.22%
2 Stakes 257 11.34% 11.34%
1 Stake 101 4.46% 4.46%
Haven't seen it yet. 170 7.50% 7.50%

What did you think of "Potential"?
4 Stakes 1397 38.83% 38.83%
3 Stakes 1248 34.69% 34.69%
2 Stakes 477 13.26% 13.26%
1 Stake 167 4.64% 4.64%
Haven't seen it yet. 309 8.59% 8.59%

What did you think of "Showtime"?
4 Stakes 1897 50.15% 50.15%
3 Stakes 1124 29.71% 29.71%
2 Stakes 369 9.75% 9.75%
1 Stake 110 2.91% 2.91%
Haven't seen it yet. 283 7.48% 7.48%

What did you think of "Bring On the Night"?
4 Stakes 2519 55.85% 55.85%
3 Stakes 1077 23.88% 23.88%
2 Stakes 308 6.83% 6.83%
1 Stake 100 2.22% 2.22%
Haven't seen it yet. 506 11.22% 11.22%

What did you think of "Never Leave Me"?
4 Stakes 2923 64.65% 64.65%
3 Stakes 893 19.75% 19.75%
2 Stakes 171 3.78% 3.78%
1 Stake 50 1.11% 1.11%
Haven't seen it yet. 484 10.71% 10.71%

What did you think of "Sleeper"?
4 Stakes 1461 54.37% 54.37%
3 Stakes 800 29.77% 29.77%
2 Stakes 159 5.92% 5.92%
1 Stake 39 1.45% 1.45%
Haven't seen it yet. 228 8.49% 8.49%

What did you think of "Conversations With Dead People"?
4 Stakes 1660 70.67% 70.67%
3 Stakes 387 16.48% 16.48%
2 Stakes 108 4.60% 4.60%
1 Stake 59 2.51% 2.51%
Haven't seen it yet. 135 5.75% 5.75%

What did you think of "Him"?
4 Stakes 983 36.84% 36.84%
3 Stakes 761 28.52% 28.52%
2 Stakes 462 17.32% 17.32%
1 Stake 227 8.51% 8.51%
Haven't seen it yet. 235 8.81% 8.81%

What did you think of "Selfless"?
4 Stakes 2209 65.86% 65.86%
3 Stakes 633 18.87% 18.87%
2 Stakes 164 4.89% 4.89%
1 Stake 40 1.19% 1.19%
Haven't seen it yet. 308 9.18% 9.18%

What did you think of "Help"?
4 Stakes 757 40.50% 40.50%
3 Stakes 636 34.03% 34.03%
2 Stakes 241 12.89% 12.89%
1 Stake 81 4.33% 4.33%
Haven't seen it yet. 154 8.24% 8.24%

What did you think of "Same Time, Same Place"?
4 Stakes 759 42.31% 42.31%
3 Stakes 609 33.95% 33.95%
2 Stakes 210 11.71% 11.71%
1 Stake 50 2.79% 2.79%
Haven't seen it yet. 166 9.25% 9.25%

What did you think of "Beneath You"?
4 Stakes 1444 56.94% 56.94%
3 Stakes 685 27.01% 27.01%
2 Stakes 164 6.47% 6.47%
1 Stake 48 1.89% 1.89%
Haven't seen it yet. 195 7.69% 7.69%

What did you think of "Lessons"?
4 Stakes 1387 47.98% 47.98%
3 Stakes 937 32.41% 32.41%
2 Stakes 219 7.58% 7.58%
1 Stake 43 1.49% 1.49%
Haven't seen it yet. 305 10.55% 10.55%

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