Wendy's Spoiler Zone


Latest news - May 29, 2002

Hello everyone!

I've decided to go on hiatus for the month of June while I pay attention to my "real" life for a little while. I also think there will be little to no credible spoilage anyway until late June/early July. I'll try to get in an update in early July summing up everything we will have learned about Season 7 so far.

I wrote my very first Spoiler Zone on June 3, 2001--almost exactly a year ago. And it's been a great year! I just want to thank everyone who's made it so much fun, particularly:

Frank and Michelle, two of the best spoiler colleagues ever. I've really appreciated your humor, support and generosity.
Herc, who gave me my very first scoop.
"D," who may not want our friendship publicized, but I've always enjoyed our talks about life, love, and BtVS. And I'm sorry the season sucked so bad for you.
Sweetie, who helped me get a handle on the beginning of the season and who was always willing to share.
My Sisters, who listened to me when I needed people to listen--and especially "K," who could write this page herself, and probably could do a better job.
"N" and "C," who talked with me about Spike and life and bunnies and ferrets.

Leoff, for feeding my wildfeed addiction every week and not minding my hysterical attempts to make sure he knows if the wildfeed time has changed.

And if I start naming more names or initials, I'll start offending people I've left out. But I consider myself really lucky to have met so many interesting people in Buffy fandom. And if I'm getting sappy now, it's pregnancy hormones, you hear?

I'll definitely be updating the web page with baby news (he's due mid-July), so watch this space!

Do you want to:
Correct me? Yell at me? Praise me? Send me spoilers or inside info?
E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com

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