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Latest news – April 11, 2002
Now Shooting: Episode 22
- first unit shooting seems to be over with, and they're just finishing up bits and pieces! Our season is almost over!

Latest Rumors:

Posted by David Fury on the Bronze Beta on 4-5-02

Episode 22, the season finale is in the latter stages of filming. So that's it for season 6. We get started on next year in a week (though have some preliminary ideas.)

Posted by AngelX on BC&S on 4-6-02

UPDATED! Spike shows up in Africa where he puts his life on the line to be returned to who/what he was before the chip. He meets with a demon and confidently agrees to take on whatever challenges the demon offers as long as he gets what he asked for in the case that he wins. (Changed this one again just to get rid of the word "demon" because some people had issues with it describing Spike. Don't ask me why. I reworded this as a safety measure after re-reading some of my material. Since the material I have doesn't make it *perfectly* clear that Spike specifically wants the chip out or that he'll get it out if he wins, I just want to make sure I'm not misleading anyone on the basis of some non-specific lines and unclear "all powerful" demon speak. It's possible that Spike will be returned to his former self without the chip being removed... I can't say for sure. I doubt it, but better safe than sorry.)

* With so much danger surrounding the gang, Buffy takes Dawn to stay with Spike, but instead encounters Clem crypt-sitting for the vampire and learns that Spike left Sunnydale for a while.

Two To Go
* Ep: 21. Writer: Doug Petrie. Season finale, Part 1. Airdate: 5/21/02 (Should be the first half of a 2-hour season finale)

* NEW! The title is a clever little continuation from episode 20, where the last line of the episode is, "One down." I do not have much information on the season finale and I'm not going to report anything I don't get from my own sources.

* Ep: 22. Writer: David Fury. Season finale, Part 2. Airdate 5/21/02 (Should be the second half of the 2-hour finale.)

* No clear information at this time.

Posted by AngelX on Extra Spoilage on BC&S on 4-6-02

* Ep: 20. Writer: Marti Noxon. Airdate: 5/14/02.

* NEW! Tara isn't the only one seriously wounded in this episode. Buffy is also shot in the chest (in episode 19, but 20 picks up immediately after the shooting) and rushed to the hospital. Doctors have a great deal of difficulty saving her and before they can fail, Buffy's rescued from (yet another) certain death by...Willow.

* NEW! Xander is with Buffy when she is shot and accompanies her to the hospital and (once she is healed) works at Buffy's side for most of the episode.

* NEW! Willow's good deed is rescuing Buffy at the hospital. This takes place at the hospital *after* she consumes an enormous amount of black magic, making it possible for her to save Buffy by literally removing the bullet from her friend's chest.

* NEW! After discovering that his aim was not quite so perfect and Buffy didn't actually die when he shot her, Warren desperately seeks help from Rack. The demonic dealer suggests Warren run like hell before Willow catches up with him and frightened, Warren demands magical assistance to help him escape. Rack agrees, but warns there isn't enough magic in the world to save the man from the witch's wrath.

* NEW! With her concerned friends in tow, Willow chases after Warren. She senses his presence on a bus leaving town and uses magic to intercept it. However, the Warren she sensed on that bus turns out to be a robot, which Willow strangles to the point of destruction. (Willow kills both the Warrenbot and the real Warren in this episode.)

* NEW! With everyone else out of the house, Dawn unfortunately goes into Willow's bedroom and finds Tara's body. After Buffy and Xander hear from Willow that Warren killed Tara when he tried to shoot Buffy, they return to the house to see for themselves, and find Dawn still there. (This eventually leads to Dawn going to Spike's crypt.)

* NEW! After Willow raids the Magic Shop (and consumes dark magic from books that turn her hair and eyes pitch black), Anya is rescued from one of Willow's spells (Anya's frozen in place, but not in an ice way) by Xander and Buffy. She indirectly reveals to both of them that she's returned to her vengeance demon roots and for Willow's sake, she agrees to lead the way to the dark witch. The three of them find Willow...but it's too late to stop her from killing Warren.

* NEW! Katrina (Warren's ex-girlfriend) is brought back in a walking-dead sense as a tool for Willow to use in her torment of Warren. (I'm not perfectly clear on whether Katrina's actual body is brought up from the grave or if it's just a vision of her dead body that is used. I suspect the actual body though.)

Posted by AngelX on http://www.angelicsunset.com/spboard.html

Spoilers: 4/7/02
Posted at Kitten Board

Re: Why Anya helps the gang...
I think it might have more to do with Anya not wanting Willow to successfully kill Warren. From the way she acts, I get the feeling that she has too much of an emotional bond with the gang and vengeance demon or not, she doesn't want Willow to go that far. Willow doesn't want anyone's help...I think that gets to Anya somehow. She's just as shocked as the others to see what Willow does. Could be totally off, but this is just based on what I know so far.

Re: Anya's actions in episode 18...
Anya spends episode 18 trying to get her sweet revenge because he hurt her so badly. She gets her revenge just fine when Xander finds out about what she did with Spike. As much as she wants to blame him for it all, she also feels guilty as if she caused their relationship to dissolve the way it did. She doesn't want him killed...she just wants him to know how much she hurts and she gets that.

Re: Do Dawn, Xander and/or Buffy know about Willow and Tara being back together before the events of 20?
I really don't know. If anyone does find out, it's in episode 19 and I don't have enough information on that ep to say. I don't think it has an effect on Dawn, Buffy or Xander's reaction to the news about Tara. The fact that Willow and Tara broke up didn't change how much either one of them felt for the other and I don't think the understanding of how important both women were to each other was lessened or lost on any of the gang because of the breakup.

Re: Speculation on some false rumor that Tara is shot in the neck...
Whoa... Tara's not shot in the neck. She's struck in the back. I assume it's a direct hit with her heart. Not sure where in the room she is or what she's doing at the time, but it is a chest wound.

Spoilers: 4/6/02
Tons of spoilers here. Mostly from the Spoiler Q&A on TBC&S, but a few comments from the Kitten board.
Don't read unless fully spoiled.

Posted at BC&S:
Where are Buffy and Tara when they get shot?
Just judging on where the bodies are in episode 20, Buffy is in the backyard and Tara is in Willow's room. I *think* Willow is with Tara when it happens as Xander is with Buffy when it happens, but I'm not sure. Willow could be elsewhere in the house or something, but I don't see how she could be anywhere but in the house.

So Willow is either with Tara when it happens, or finds her, and then Willow just leaves Tara's body where it is and Dawn stumbles across it? Am I understanding this right?

How does Warren know who Rack is, and where to find him? Does Rack survive the ep, and what kind of assistance does he give Warren?
I really don't know how Warren finds Rack. He just shows up at the invisible traveling magic place. As far as I know, Rack survives... he just gives Warren some magical skills to battle against Willow.

Re: More on Spike and Africa...
If I had anything to clarify with I would...but I don't. The scene in episode 20 is short, vague and confusing. Like I said in the spoiler, I don't know what Spike is asking for, what he has to do to get it or what he gets in the case that he wins. Spike says very little that is telling and the demon he is meeting with speaks in an "all powerful/all knowing" kind of way and doesn't give any direct hint as to exactly what is going to happen or what Spike wants. It is implied that the chip has caused him trouble and he wants to go back to what he was before it. How far back, I don't know.
The only message my spoiler should be conveying is that Spike goes to the demon and in exchange for some challenge(s), he gets something that he wants. Beyond that, I don't know.

Re: Who finds Willow first? Etc...
Willow is the first to find the body...she is there either when it happens or very soon afterwards. She would have no reason to go all black magic like if she didn't know about Tara's death. Once she finds that Tara cannot be saved, she leaves on a mission to do whatever it takes to get her revenge on Warren.

Re: Do "One Down" and "Two to Go" refer to the Trio?

Who disarms Warren, Xander? And does Xander try to give Buffy first Aid and call the cops?
I don't know. Warren gets away, so I would assume no one, but the event actually occurs in 19 and I don't have enough information on it. An ambulance is called, I assume by Xander since I don't think anyone else is home (other than Willow and Tara upstairs) at the time.

Re: Whether Jonathan and Andrew know about Warren...
The guys are in jail throughout the episode, waiting for Warren to bail them out. They're out of the loop.

Re: Dawn's reaction to finding Tara...
It's pretty predictable. We don't see much of the reaction, it's mostly silent shock.

Re: How come Dawn returns to an empty house? Why isn't she with the rest of the gang?
The events happen during the day. Dawn is at school while all of this takes place and returns home afterwards when everyone is gone.

Re: Anya's role...
She has a pretty big role in the events. Xander tries to work things out with her in 18, but it doesn't work out. She plays a big part in finding Willow in 20 (because she can sense Willow's need for vengeance) even though it doesn't help them stop Willow.

Re: the "but it's too late" part of one spoiler. (It's been reworded now...)
The others show up in time to see Willow finally kill Warren.

Does spike know that buffy got shot and do you think 'two to go' and 'one down' refers to the members left of the scoobie gang?
No to both. Although it's possible the two to go thing does refer to the Scoobies, it just doesn't make much sense with the plot as far as I can tell.

Re: Whether spoilers were indicating a B/X romance...
No. I wasn't trying to imply that romance is going on, because it's not as far as this episode is concerned. It just happens that Xander's role in episode 20 is centered around being at Buffy's side. Just trying to point out that he actually plays a part in the episode.

Explanation on Buffy's injury in ep 19...
Buffy's back is injured in 19 somehow. Totally unrelated to Spike or Warren. The shooting does not happen until the very end of the episode...after her back injury, after her encounter with Spike.

Re: Buffy being awake or saying something after getting shot...
She's out. Unlike Tara, the bullet doesn't kill Buffy quickly. It's a serious injury, but she's still alive. She's just completely out until Willow heals her. (Edited later to clarify cause the logic alarm in my head went off... Buffy isn't knocked unconscious or anything by the shot. She just is very seriously injured... gasping for breath at first and clinging to life later. She doesn't say anything and really doesn't have much strength to *do* anything until after Willow saves her.)

Re: Final words between W/T, how Buffy is saved by Willow, and whether anyone notices Willow's strange look at the hospital...
As far as I know, there are no final words between them. I'm pretty sure Tara's wound is immediately fatal...but I don't know for sure. We really don't know the whole story yet, give it a chance. As I said above, Willow levitates the bullet out of Buffy and heals the wound. And Willow doesn't come in through the door and she sends all the doctors and nurses out of the operating room, so no one really is able to notice.

Re: Halfrek...
Hallie is in ep 18, but not 20. I don't know about 19.

Re: Anya's appearance and reactions to her being a demon again from Buffy and Xander...
Anya is the same as she was before as a demon in "The Wish." Capable of being human looking and demon looking. Buffy and Xander have a lot on their mind when they find Anya and find out that she's a demon again. Their concern lies in whether or not she will help them save Willow or whether she's going to be their enemy. They don't spend a lot of time dwelling on it...there isn't any to spare.

Re: Are Andrew and Jonathan actually seen in 20?
Yes, we see them.

Re: Do we see Amy at all?
Not as far as I know.

Re: How ep 20 starts...
An ambulance arriving at the house and a blood-covered Xander directing the paramedics to Buffy is how the ep starts.

Re: Does Willow heal Buffy enough that she leaves the hospital?
Willow removes the bullet and closes the gaping hole in Buffy's chest with magic. She awakens immediately and appropriate jokes about her dying again are made. :)

Video watching and relationship revelations in 18...
The whole gang (minus Tara and the obvious participants on the video) watch the video. Willow and Dawn know from looking at the way Buffy reacts and Buffy leaves the room and soon after confirms the truth about it in a private conversation with Dawn. Buffy and Xander go over to the Magic Shop where Anya and Xander find out about Buffy/Spike when Spike manages to let it slip.

Re: Does Willow seem in her right mind when she kills Warren?
Anyone who goes through what she goes through would be in their right mind. But considering how far she ultimately takes things and as dark as she gets, I wouldn't consider temporary insanity an excuse. It goes further than just a rage-induced accidental killing. She knows what she's doing and she's determined to do it. Her friends remind her repeatedly that killing humans is wrong, but that doesn't stop her.
I don't doubt the possibility that she'll be brought back from the darkness... but it won't be something the characters will be able to get over really quick or blame on a momentary loss of mind.

How Buffy and Tara are both shot when so far apart from each other...
I don't know. I don't have the scene, I don't know how it happens. Somehow it does and Warren doesn't realize that one of the bullets missed the target. It really isn't until his encounter with Willow at the end that he finds out that he killed Tara. Until then, he assumes Willow is after him because he shot Buffy.

Re: Why Willow can't bring Tara back and what happens...
Willow tries to resurrect Tara like she did with Buffy earlier. She calls on Osiris but a demon appears and brutally rejects her request. Willow screams in agony and anger, expelling some kind of power from within herself that kills the demon.

Re: Amount of attention paid to Dawn and the discovery of Tara's body...
There's a very quick scene where she discovers the body and then that is picked up again later when Buffy finds her in the bedroom with the body. Buffy and Xander take care of calling the coroner and the body is removed from the house soon after.

Re: Whether we see any tests Spike faces and how big of a role he has in ep 20...
Not in 20 [for the tests]. He gets one scene in 20. It's fairly long, but it's not very revealing.

Re: Request for elaboration on Clem's presence...
He's just in 20 watching over the crypt. Nothing further is given.

Re: More on Dawn finding Tara's body...
No one else (other than Willow) knows what happened to Tara before Dawn finds her. Willow really isn't in a mental state to call for a coroner. And personally, at that point, I think she's kinda got issues with the "human" ways. It's "human" actions that get Tara killed and keep her from coming back. And Buffy and Tara are shot at about the same time... it happens very fast.

Re: Why Anya helps Buffy and Xander find Willow...
Anya *wants* to help Willow. She's a vengeance demon again and it's kinda her purpose to help those seek vengeance. Buffy and Xander ask for her help, for a spell that will locate Willow for them, but Anya doesn't need one. She agrees to help them because helping scorned women is what she does and she wants to help Willow. She doesn't regret it... she really isn't given a big enough reason to.

Re: Whether Willow sets Warren on fire...
Willow does a lot of things to Warren. The final battle scene between her and Warren takes up almost the entire final act and a good portion of the third one. I thought for sure I'd already reported some of this when I first reported Tara's death, but...maybe not. Ultimately, in the end of it all, Willow hits Warren with a fireball that burns him to death.

Posted at Kitten Board
Re: Far out speculation on the censorship of the B/S scene in 19 and who censored it...
UPN did not step in and get involved. They had nothing to do with the scene getting cut down, it was Fox. The really *big* execs. When they're concerned about a storyline, they do that. It's not that big of a deal, I was just trying to point out (and really didn't intend for it to become tabloid news on any boards but my own) that the scene as many know it was cut down and we don't know how the final product will end up. That's all. Re: Comments about the spoilage on joking remarks made after Buffy is revived and my own opinion on Tara's body being left at the house... It is Xander doing the joking. Willow doesn't say too much.

And, I don't know if this helps any... but I really don't think there's too much intentional disrespect to the fans intended with Tara's body being left there. Willow is the *only* one who knows it happens when it does and she leaves devastated. Honestly, I couldn't imagine her going to a phone to call for a coroner or anything like that. She knows Tara cannot be helped by doctors and as far as the supernatural forces are concerned, she's not coming back by their means either. Her attention is consumed by the need to take matters into her own hands. Having Tara taken away physically would mean some sort of finality to Tara's death and that isn't something Willow can accept. But maybe that's just how I see it.

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 4-8-02

From sisjane: Any news on Giles returning to Buffy? I miss him.
I know. According to Marti Noxon, they haven't been able to get him to this side of the pond. According to a Peeping Tom on set, he has already been here. Whom to believe?

From aylandi: What do you know about Amber Benson, Alyson Hannigan and Emma Caulfield's contract status on Buffy?
Ends this season; ends next season; ends this season.

From doyoublush727: Is it just me, or is Anya on Buffy the most annoying human? I hope she turns back into a demon and the Scoobies finish her off! Is she the Big Death?
I can't say much about the Big Scooby Death (I like my body in one piece), but I can tell you that Anya gets more than she bargained for when she visits Spike and asks him to help her exact revenge on Xander. And they see each other in a new light--thanks to booze goggles.

Posted by Fraz on FF on 4-8-02

OF course most everyone knows that TV shows on the norm film out of sequence only sitcoms film in sequence with a live audience. There is always exceptions to the rule. With having said that I have info on the Cemetary shoot. I dont have any dialog but this was shot during the day and they were there to discover that Spike is gone and the crypt completely empty of anything that is Spike related. As if he was never there.

Now the mystery did Spike clean it out because he isnt returning? or he hids his stuff since it is mostly one of those deals he doesnt want another vamp nesting with his stuff? not knowing how long he will be gone?

I fear he thinks he is leaving for good? not to be around Buffy and hurt her? But he gets there knowing he will be drawn back as always to Home away from Home Sunnydale. How many times have we seen him say he is going to leave but yet he pulls up and you know he has arrived in Sunnydale once more...LOL

Posted by BBOvenGuy on BC&S Spoiler Board on 4-9-02

There were two Buffy location shoots going on today. The primary unit was at the Korean Friendship Bell at Angel's Gate Park in San Pedro. You can find out more about that here:


The second unit was at the Los Angeles County Arboretum in Arcadia. You can find out more about that here:


With two shoots going on, I had to team up with some people from other boards so we could all get everything covered. I received word that Alyson Hannigan and Nick Brendon were in San Pedro, so I drove down there first.

The Korean Friendship Bell sits on top of a large hill. The Buffy crew wasn't at the Friendship Bell itself, but was down the hill a bit, at the edge of a steep slope near a really funky looking pointy-statue thing. I'm not exactly sure what that was. There were all sorts of fake trees and shrubs there, and trucks were bringing in large amounts of dirt. Another truck was bringing in large pieces of stunt equipment.
In the midst of it all was Alyson Hannigan, dressed in a very dark blue top, black pants and brown hiking shoes. Her hair was jet black, and she was wearing black lipstick and the all-black contact lenses. It was overcast and windy when I first got there, and she was huddling in a big coat whenever the cameras weren't rolling. Also there was Nick Brendon, dressed in the same clothes he was wearing last week near Stoner Park.

There was a major VIP presence. David Fury, Jane Espenson, Marti Noxon (waddling around looking quite pregnant) and Joss himself were there. Joss looked like he was "helping" the director a great deal.
So here's the scene. Willow is standing on the edge of a cliff. Xander comes up to her. Judging from the body language Nick was using, it looked to me like Willow had put up some kind of energy barrier that wouldn't let Xander get near her. They argue. Xander gets blown backwards. They argue some more. Again, judging from body language, it looked like Xander was trying to talk Willow into something, or perhaps out of something. Willow makes a motion with her arm, and Xander turns his head quickly and brings his hand to his face - did Willow just zap him? It wasn't that bad if she did, because Xander doesn't fall down again or anything. He does walk away, though.

We were pretty far away, so hearing dialogue depended largely on which way the wind was blowing or whether we could lip-read what we were seeing on the video feed (yes, it's possible to pick up the video feed on a portable TV if you know the frequency). Since they weren't filming the scene sequentially, I can't tell you what order the following lines go in, and I also can't guarantee their accuracy 100%, but here are the few snippets we heard:

"I can't take it any more."
"...the only way to stop... {unintelligible} ... is to..."

"Well, this carpenter can drywall you into the next century..." (This was during a rehearsal, so it might have just been Nick goofing around.)
"Well, I was just going to drop you over this cliff." (This was said in typical Xander joking style.)
"I love you."
"If I'm going down, it's going to be right here."

Meanwhile, the stunt crew had set up several mats and rigged up this really cool little catapult-thing. This was for the shot where Xander gets blown backwards by Willow. Since Willow's stunt double was also there, I'm guessing there's some kind of Willow stunt coming up as well, but I don't know what that might be.
One other amusing incident - some couple who were apparently friends of the VIPs was there, and they had a toddler with them. During a break, Nick and Aly went up to meet them, and Aly scared the toddler with her black eyes and lips. "I don't always look this scary!" said Aly with a pout.

Watching Aly running back to the base camp when it was time for lunch was an amusing thing to see, too.
By 3:00 we had gotten word that the Arboretum shoot involved Sarah Michelle Gellar, Michelle Trachtenberg, Danny Strong and Tom Lenk. There were also rumblings that Adam Busch was part of the shoot, but that couldn't be confirmed. Supposedly the shoot in the Arboretum was taking place up on a hill, near a waterfall. Eager to see if I could confirm the Adam Busch sighting, I left my co-snoopers to keep watching the San Pedro shoot and hustled through traffic back to Arcadia.

By the time I got there, the shoot inside the park was over. SMG and Michelle had gone. The crew was still shooting in the parking lot. Danny and Tom were in the cab of an 18-wheeler (not the same one as the one that was chasing them in Van Nuys), along with this big trucker-guy. It looked like Jonathan and Andrew had hitched a ride with the trucker. I watched that for about half an hour, and then they wrapped for the day.

The shoot in San Pedro is supposedly going on for another couple of hours, so I might get more word later tonight. Given the LA traffic at this time of day, I think by the time I got back down there I'd arrive just in time to see them wrap. Cross your fingers and hope I hear from some people.

(separate post)
Here's some more info on last Friday's shoot at the Rosedale Cemetery. I heard it today when I was in San Pedro.

The night shoot at cemetery involved Nick Brendon, Michelle Trachtenberg, Danny Strong and Tom Lenk. Some of the flats and set pieces normally used on the graveyard set at the Buffy lot were set up as well.
The scene apparently involved Xander, Dawn, Jonathan and Andrew running through the graveyard and trying to get into several of the crypts. Spike's crypt - or rather, the same set pieces used for Spike's crypt, which may or may not have been representing another crypt - was locked, and Jonathan and Andrew were trying to pick the lock with their swords. Finally Xander got fed up and started yelling at them about what nerds they were.

Posted by Tenetria on the Kitten Board on 4-9-02

I got to the San Pedro shoot at about 5:15. I saw 2 shots being filmed (both with Willow and Xander).
In the first shot, Willow is waving her hand at Xander and he falls to the ground. I guess the effects will be added later. They did this shot a couple of times, then Nicholas Brendan changed into a shirt that was the same but had a large tear in it. He also had a large cut on his face.

In the second shot, Willow is still attacking Xander. He falls to the ground, then gets up and starts approaching Willow slowly while talking to her. I couldn't hear much of the dialogue, except Xander said "I love you." As he approached Willow she said "Shut up" and "Stop." Eventually Xander reached Willow. She started pounding on his chest with her fists and then collapsed on the ground. Xander also moved to the ground, holding Willow as she cried.

It definitely seemed like this scene was a breakthrough for Willow and possibly the beginning of her redemption. I guess we'll find out for sure in a few weeks. : )

Also, the prop that Bob mentioned was in this scene too. To me it looked like the top of a building. Maybe it was part of some destruction caused by Willow?

Reported by "S" on 4-9-02

So -- here's what paltry info I gleaned from my foray at the Arboretum today:

Actually saw Danny Strong (all in black, sleek as a little seal, so I guess Jonathan isn't dead), someone with her arms around him who was probably Hannigan (long choppy red bob, very small but also oddly solid) but might also have been her stunt double, and two people who were *undoubtedly* SMG's and NB's stunt doubles/stand-ins (SMG double dressed/coiffed same as the BuffyBot in "The Gift" (severely slicked-back ponytail, black clothes); NB double looks alot like Season 3 Xander, ie, not skinny but not bloated either).

The scenes were shot at the park's Aquatic Garden, on a hill right over a gorgeous waterfall. Lots of ponds, fountains, etc., as well as the ubiquitous mallard ducks, Canadian geese, koi, and around a thousand peacocks and peahens. I'm just extrapolating this, however, because about two-thirds of the way up the stairs to the top we were barred from going any further.

As I was walking back to the park entrance right before 3 o'clock, I noticed a caravan coming back to where the honey wagons, grip trucks, catering truck, etc. were parked. Two flatbed trucks had lots of the prop geraniums (v. ugly, if you ask me) and some other prop stuff. A van unloaded the camera people, and probably the director and ADs -- no actors. They finished shooting and were striking the set at around 2:45 p.m.!

Posted by bdbdb on thebigbadboard.com on 4-10-02

With having said that I have info on the Cemetary shoot. I dont have any dialog but this was shot during the day and they were there to discover that Spike is gone and the crypt completely empty of anything that is Spike related. As if he was never there.
Sorry guys, I was at the cemetary shoot on 4/5 and this isn't what was filmed.

Maybe this info is being confused with something that was shot on the cemetary set at the studio???....

Reported by Deanna on 4-10-02

I went to the Arboretum to try to see what bits of filming I could see, which wasn't much. I tried skirting the area by means of a path on the hillside above where they were setting up, but I was quickly spotted and intercepted by one of their security guys and politely escorted back the direction I came. I pretended that I was just trying to skirt around the crew to get to the stairs going down to the waterfall, but was told they were filming *on* the stairs, so I couldn't get through that way. Um, okay. Well, can I watch you film? No. This is a closed set. How on earth do the Kittens manage to watch filming?

What I did see is that they had three large stone gravestones, one in the shape of a cross, set up at the top of the stairs. The stairs themselves are stone slabs with a metal railing, twisting down the hillside under a canopy of trees. They weren't filming down at the waterfall, which is at the base of the stairs. There are usually aquatic gardens near where they were filming (the illusion being that the water flows down to the phony waterfall, but it really doesn't) but they're under renovation right now, so it's dry up top. They brought in a truckload of plants to the Arboretum (which is kind of ironic, btw) to cover up the paved road next to where they had the tombstones. I spotted SMG chatting with Danny Strong, MT arriving in the transport van (which had the AtS logo in the front window), and Joss running around doing Joss things. Didn't recognize anyone else.

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

We are starting to get bits and pieces about the final two episodes thanks to the location shoots. For enxt week, I will probably try to put together episode summaries for the final episodes, but they will be sketchy in places.

I think we are definitely seeing that Spike's arc in Sunnydale is over with. The story is taking him to Africa right now and his attempts to become dechipped or ensouled (we don't know for sure which yet). This is obviously setting him up for his Season 7 story. Personally, I can be patient. I'm happy to see Buffy and Spike separate for a while and deal with their individual issues for now.

I am still excited about the action of the final episodes. Willow has always been my favorite character (believe it or not, it hasn's been Spike!), and her problems have been very compelling to me. I think we see her so overwhelmed by emotion and grief in the final episodes that she explores her dark side. But is this temporary or permanent? Does she plan to kill herself, as the scene with Xander would suggest, or will she be prevented from suicide? Will she be redeemed for her murder of Warren?

Still no sign of a reset button--just plenty of action. I'm curious about the Arboretum shoot involving, it seems, Buffy, Dawn, Jonathan, Andrew, and maybe Xander. Deanna's report of the three gravestones is intriguing. Whose are they? The Troika's? Buffy's three deaths?

Finally, I'm glad to see that Clem is in the final episode(s). In a way, he seems to be taking on Spike's role as protector while Spike is in Africa.

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Ep. #18 Drew Greenberg
Title: Entropy

Ep. #19 Steve DeKnight
Title: Seeing Red

Ep. #20 Marti Noxon
Title: Villains

Ep. #21 Doug Petrie
Title: Two to Go Updated 4-5-02

Ep. #22 David Fury
Title: Grave Updated 4-5-02

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