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Latest news – March 13, 2002
Now Shooting: Episode 20

Latest Rumors:

Reported by Wyvern on 3-5-02

I have the script in hand, I kid you so not.
Spike leaves town.
And there's more...so very much more.......
'Nuff said.
mwa ha ha ha <evil smirk>

Reported by Wyvern on 3-7-02

> Does he have any scenes with Dawn?
yes, great guilt.

Posted by ms.curious on FF on 3-7-02

Spoiler info.
BtVS is looking for African-American women to play tribeswomen.

Posted by Willowfan on the Bronze Beta on 3-8-02

sickning amount of spoilers
Spike screws anya (drunk), xander comes in to apologize, sees them
anya goes vengence demon and goes rip****
xander finds out about buffy and spike
xander goes rip****
Spike goes to get his chip out and goes rip****
Tara is shot in willows room after they have post makeup sex by warren. Willow finds her body and goes rip****
Willow kills warren and then
buffy goes rip****
Anyone still want to watch this?
3 evil scoobs, all the ships broken for good.
Tara dead for no good reason...
Buffy wounded
xander ******
So much for a light ep..

Posted by azwica on AICN Talkback

I am serious, I am writing some HUGE Spoilers, so if you do NOT want to know, do not read on...OK, here we go...the big death is Tara and she is killed by Warren. This sends Willow into magic in a big way. This season's big bad is the characters themselves. How they react to the world around them and the various things that happen to them. Their responses. Here is another MAJOR spoiler...Anya gets it on with Spike. It is for revenge purposes and unbeknownst to them, Buffy, Willow and Xander see the whole thing when they find the nerd's lair. The nerds had set up a surveillence system and Buffy, Willow and Xander happen upon it just in time to watch the deed take place.

Posted by AngelX on 3-9-02

Ep: 18.

NEW! Having accepted the offer to become a vengeance demon again, Anya attempts to curse Xander for the pain he caused her...but she can't do it herself. Instead, she secretly enlists the help of someone else and it doesn't go how she expected.

NEW! The Trio have been following the Scoobies everywhere they go with hidden cameras. When one camera is discovered and the rest are traced, what some characters see on video proves to be devastating.

NEW! Buffy tries to spend quality time with Dawn to make up for her violent actions in "Normal Again" (if you consider trying to kill all her friends violent), but Dawn's idea of time well spent is the dangerous world of patrolling.

NEW! Buffy confesses to Dawn about her relationship with Spike and after an odd turn of events, Xander and Anya find out as well.

NEW! Dawn's stealing is readdressed.

NEW! After some sweet time spent together after class and a during coffee date, Willow and Tara do get back together and make with the major smoochies.

NEW! The Trio steal a disk needed for one of their upcoming big evil plans.

Seeing Red
Ep: 19.

I don't have a ton of information on this episode, but I have a tiny bit...

NEW! The Trio do something that leads to Jonathan and Andrew getting arrested (I'm assuming that they try to steal a lot of money, but I can't confirm how it happens). Warren on the other hand avoids being caught and instead begins his solo career. If you doubted he was evil before...you won't by the end of this episode.

Ep: 20.

NEW! One sweeps episode... lots of drama. The lives of two Scoobies are gravely endangered and a big bad is unveiled.

NEW! The return of three familiar faces: Rack, Clem, and Katrina, but no Giles.

Posted as Extra Spoilage by AngelX on 3-11-02

Ep: 20.

General Note: Unfortunately, enough information has been provided that the following information is now confirmed. I really wish it wasn't and I'm really sorry to have to post this. Thank you to BBOvenGuy for providing the necessary information to confirm these spoilers.

NEW! (Repost) Sadly, the Scooby Gang member who is fatally wounded is Tara. She is accidentally killed by Warren. Willow tries to bring her back, but is unsuccessful. As a result, Willow is guided by her rage into dark magic. She consumes every possible element of it that she can and seeks the necessary revenge on Tara's killer. At her hands, Warren suffers terribly and is killed. (The actual event of Tara getting shot should occur in episode 19, but I don't specifically what happens. The ending of the episode should be a big cliffhanger and picks up immediately with episode 20. I have no information that says these events are permanent changes, but I also have no information that says they aren't. As always, you'll be kept informed.)

NEW! (Repost) The big bad of the season? Willow. Sure, Warren can easily be considered the big bad up until episode 20, but Willow quickly takes his place. And since Warren doesn't survive ep 20... there's no telling what she can do in later eps. After losing Tara, she loses all reason to stay away from magic. Although initially, she does a very good deed, she is later blinded by the desire for vengeance. No one (and as you'll see, nothing) is able to stop her.

Posted by Silverbee at Fanforum

Hey. Just heard this from a friend of mine whose does extra work. She said that she filmed a scene for Buffy (which she knows I watch) and she did a scene a while ago at the Bronze and it had Xander getting drunk and saying that he caught his girlfriend having sex with a vampire. And then he gets thrown into a wall. So I guess the rumors about Spike/Anya sex are true. And since I ship them... I'm a happy girl.

Posted by BBOvenGuy on the BC&S Spoiler Board on 3-10-02

It's not just Tara dying. It's Tara dying and Willow turning evil and Anya being a vengeance demon and Spike trying to rape Buffy, injuring her in the process and Spike leaving for Africa to get his chip out.

Posted by Steve DeKnight on the BronzeBeta on 3-10-02

Noxon is writing 20, Petrie 21, and Fury 22. It’s the big guns, baby.

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 3-11-02

From tamarac661: There are so many new spoilers out there regarding Buffy...
Two tidbits I've been given clearance to leak: Willow and Tara reunite, and it's very, very steamy when they do. Also, Warren loses the bookends and flies solo for a while. And when he does, we see how truly evil he is.

From slayermode: Is Willow gonna get any darker before this season ends? (I'm so asking for a "tan" reference by using "darker.")
Thanks for the setup: Let's just say she lowers her SPF.

Posted by BBOvenGuy on the BC&S Spoiler Board

* Tara is indeed dead. The scene where Willow finds Tara's body was filmed yesterday. The PA's described it as "Amber's last day," although since PA's aren't privy to what's being planned for future episodes, we can't really confirm that as being true.
* There were actually *two* buses being used, as well as two identical cars. That's usually done so they can use one set for wide shots and/or stunt shots, and another set for close-ups.
* The crew was asking someone from the bus company if it would be possible to make the bus controls look like they were going berserk.
* The prop list for the day included Aly's all-black contact lenses and "robot prosthetics."
* James Marsters was scheduled to be shooting out there tonight with the second unit. It is confirmed that Spike leaves for Africa to get his chip out, so presumably that's what they'll be shooting. There was a crew setting up these little primitive-looking huts in the desert. One of them had a TV antenna sticking up out of it. I don't know if that was for a Buffy shoot or for another crew doing something else at the same spot, though. It could have been either.

Given what I've heard about Episode 20 and what I saw today, I think I can make an educated guess as to what the scene they were filming is about: DarkMagicWillow is chasing Warren, who she thinks is trying to flee on a bus. She finds the bus and takes it over, making everything go berserk. However, instead of Warren, she finds a Warren-Bot, planted on the bus to distract DarkMagicWillow. Buffy and Xander also show up, although I don't know if they're trying to catch Warren or trying to catch DarkMagicWillow. My guess, though, is that Buffy will probably have to do something heroic to save the other bus passengers from getting caught in the crossfire of DarkMagicWillow's wrath.

Posted by AngelX on the BC&S Spoiler Board on 3-12-02

Hi, Michelle. One of your Entropy spoilers is ambiguiting me out. You wrote Anya secretly enlists the help of someone else to curse Xander. Do you mean
she keeps the helper a secret from everybody else, or do you mean the helper is unaware of being used by Anya?
Somewhat both. Through the entire episode she tries to get all of the characters to wish badness on Xander, but it doesn't work out for her with anyone.

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

The always credible AngelX confirms the biggest news of the season--that there will be a character death, and it will be Tara. She also confirms that Willow will be driven to badness as a result of Tara's death. These are shocking developments and demonstrate ME's willingness to push the boundaries of even sympathetic characters.

This willingness to push boundaries may also extend to Spike. I have some information that I still need to confirm further that there may be a scene where Spike attempts to force himself on Buffy but does not succeed. The report I have indicates that he does feel remorse when he realizes what he has tried to do in the heat of the moment.

Last week, just before I was about to update, I received email from "Wyvern," who had access to a script for episode 19. She is unable to reveal too much without getting her source in trouble, but what she does reveal confirms that Spike will be leaving town in episode 19. I am not sure if the spoiler about Dawn making him feel guilty relates to his leaving town, though.

I will say this, however: I strongly suspect that Spike's attempt (we don't know if it is successful yet) to get the chip out will set into motion a redemption storyline for him. I cannot believe that ME would be foolish enough to trot out another "rejected boyfriend of Buffy becomes Evil" storyline. Willow is already revealing a dark side; it would be way too much of a cliche for Spike to return to his. I suspect that we will think he is, but that he will not actually be Evil again. Whether a redemption story means that Spike and Buffy will grow towards a stronger relationship in Season 7 is unclear.

I'm sorry I can't be more helpful in shedding more light on all the spoilage out there. At this time I have no info that contradicts much of what has been reported. I am querying all my sources for information, but right now, as you can imagine, there is a major lockdown on season finale spoilage. I will update you all as soon as I have something to share.

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Ep. #18 Drew Greenberg
Title: Entropy

Ep. #19 Steve DeKnight
Title: Seeing Red

Ep. #20 Marti Noxon
Title: Villains

Ep. #21 Doug Petrie
Title: Unknown

Ep. #22 David Fury
Title: Unknown

Do you want to:
Correct me? Yell at me? Praise me? Send me spoilers or inside info?
E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com

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