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Latest news – December 5, 2001
Now Shooting: Episode 13

Personal News!

I apologize for the lack of recent updates lately. I've had some new things going on in my personal life--mainly that I am now pregnant! I am one of those women who get very spacy and tired during the first trimester of pregnancy, so I've been sleeping a lot and trying not to be nauseous. I seem to be starting to come out of it a little, plus I'm working on getting new spoilage. Be patient with me!

Latest Rumors:

Posted by MN Timberwolves on CSM on 11-28-01

KC will be taking a small hiatus from spoilers until the new year so she can work on her websites

in Episode 16, Warren proves to be more evil than the rest of The Troika.
KC is still working out the kinks.

Also this
Marc Blucas will not be returning to Buffy anytime soon. A conflict arose in his schedule and he is unable to appear in a guest spot before Feburary Sweeps.

Posted by goldengirl on Fanforum

spoilers from KC at CSM:

Written by:
Directed By:
Airdate: November 20, 2001

FREE AT LAST - A bizzare accident causes Spike (James Marsters) to discover that his chip is no longer activated leaving him with the ability to kill once again. However he finds himself in a quandry whether to give in to his darker tendencies or to stay loyal to the scoobs. Meanwhile Willow (Alyson Hannigan) uses her powers to free Amy Madison (Elizabeth Anne Allen) from her rodent prison.

Episode 10
Written by:
Directed by:
Airdate: November 27, 2001

BLINDED- Unable to get her mind off Spike (James Marsters), Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) begins to derelict her slaying duties resulting in a catastrophic chain of events involing the scoobies.

Episode 11
Written by:
Directed By:
Airdate: December 2001

FALLING DOWN - Spike (James Marsters) finds himself indebted to Willow (Alyson Hannigan) after helping him win himself back into the Scoobs good grace -- albeit underhanded. Meanwhile Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is floored by the return of a famillar face who is in worse shape than she is.

Posted by AngelX on BC&S on 11-27-01

Ep: 12. Writer: Jane Espenson. (I'm taking a risk and posting these here. It's "prior to filming" info, which is subject to change in the set/cutting room. More later.)

--Buffy gets a job in fast food (hence the title), but wait until she finds out what's *really* on the menu...
--Willow works on staying clear of magic, but a certain so-called friend won't let her give it up that easily.
--The sexual tension between Buffy and Spike continues, but Buffy keeps her mind on her work.

Posted by AngelX on the BC&S Spoiler Board

The "Gone" refers to the three supergeeks. It's more their episode than anything, I think. Willow doesn't get kicked out. I just know the ep is about them and "Doublemeat Palace" picks up somewhere where "Gone" leaves off. I can't say there won't be other storylines...but it's definitely a big supergeek ep, there's a lot to be found out.

... Like I said, I only know so much about the episode and one of those things is a dissapearance, which is picked up in the following ep. Whatever else it may refer to, maybe even Buffy's demon situation (maybe a "the slayer she once was is now 'gone'"), I don't know.

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 12-3-01

From lsw171: I heard that Seth Green may make a return to Buffy. Please say it's true. Please, please, please.
It's not true--yet. I'm told the producers desperately want Oz's return just as badly (they had written him into the Halloween ep, but he had to pull out), and they're working to get him back on the show (possibly for May sweeps). Keep your digits crossed!

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

Not much going on these days other than the false spoilage posted by anonymous people that has been circulating. If it's not here, don't believe it.

You can also dismiss much of what "spoiler queens" like Wanda and KC are posting these days. Wanda is still trying to cover her butt over that Seth Green mistake she made in October. I strongly doubt that Seth Green was ever planned for the Halloween episode, and until I hear it from Steve DeKnight's fingers, I will continue to disbelieve it. It's easy to pass on all sorts of false casting spoilers because you can always fall back on the old chestnut, "Oh, the scheduling didn't work out."

Which brings us to KC. Having suggested that Riley would be coming back in Episode 11, she falls back on the "schedule conflicts" excuse when it ends up her spoiler isn't true. it's highly unlikely that they would have changed the script at this late date. They were filming Episode 11 at the time she posted her "spoiler." Given her incredible inaccuracy dating back to last season, I think her "hiatus" is long overdue.

AngelX's spoilage is very credible. She has always been very accurate. I have unconfirmed but credible reports that her information is true, not that I doubted her.

I have an anonymous (to you all) but credible tip that Drew Greenberg is writing Episode 14. If anyone can tell me what the hey Doug Petrie is doing instead of writing BtVS, I'd greatly appreciate it. Doug, we miss you!

When, eventually, the USPS gets its act together and delivers me the spoilage I'm expecting in the mail, I'll update the site with the new spoilers (all Episode 12). Check it out on Friday.

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Ep#11 David Fury
Directed by David Fury
Title: Gone

Ep#12 Jane Espenson
Title: Doublemeat Palace

Ep#13 Steve DeKnight
Title: Unknown

Ep#14 Drew Greenberg Unconfirmed 12-5-01
Title: Unknown

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E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com

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