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Latest news September 18, 2001
Now Shooting: Episode 6
Episode Summaries
For those of you who are as spoiler-whorish as I am, I am posting complete summaries of what I know about the episodes. I'm making these into links so that those who do not want to be spoiled that much can just pass them by. Episode 1 and 2 (Updated 9-11-01)
Posted by Bob on the Kitten Board on 9-12-01
New Buffy location shoot announcements.
There are three of them.
This is once again in the Stoner Park area, where part of the snake-monster chase in "Shadow" was filmed and also where the Anya/Tara scene and the playground scenes from "I Was Made To Love You" were filmed. Viewing opportunities should be very good.
Here is the map to this location. It's on the west side of LA. I might have to make a recon trip to find out exactly what the neighborhood's like and what the viewing possibilities are.
This one is on my birthday. Unfortunately it also looks like the least accessible of the three. Sand Canyon Road is one of those middle-of-now here desert/canyon locations that Buffy has gone to before. In fact, I think they've gone to this one before.
Posted on the message board at http://www.amtam.com on 9-12-01
Okay, I addressed that, here's some good news. I just got a guest spot of ' buffy the vampire slayer" AND also a Wim wenders/ Spike lee movie. yeah!
Posted by Janna on smgfan.com on 9-14-01
The shoot was for the Halloweenepisode written by Steven DeKnight. Yes there were lots of little kid extras, one dressed as a flying monkey (and this being a Steven DeKnight episode the costume is probably referred to as a flying "butt" monkey) and yeah, the one kid that looked too old to be trick or treating looked like he was dressed as a pimp.
The spoilers that I have heard about the Halloween episode have Dawn out getting into trouble with her friends and Buffy having to save her. Well what I watched tonight was Dawn, with what looks like a good friend (Amber Tamblyn) and the two guys that are trying to impress them. And BBOvenGuy said that they obviously look older than Michelle, but Amber is only two years older than her. Now the actors that play the boyfriends are a little older than that.
I stayed longer than BBOvenguy and caught the last shot, so I'll pick up from there... for some reason Dawn was on her own at that end of the street. One of my friends made a comment that she was "strutting" down the sidewalk. She did that two or three times and little kids in costumes ran by her and then she quickly walks down the street and crosses it, it looks like she's somehow walking right into trouble or something by the way they shot it.
Here are my little anecdotes about Michelle's fun behavior on the set.. she did a lot of dancing while standing on her mark (adorable), before a couple of shots she threw her head forward and down and whipped it back up to do that cool hair thing that girls with long hair do (those who have long hair know what I mean), she likes hanging by the craft service table, she laughs a lot and tells cute stories to her fellow actors that get a lot of laughs, and just all in all seems like a really fun and sweet person.
Okay, now here's the really fun part, when the director said that Michelle was done for the day, my friends and I went over and talked to her, I got a photo with her, and I got my Hollywood Reporter Buffy mag signed "To Allie" for my sister who I told Michelle all about. I told her that her name is even Niblet on this board! She said that was really cool and very cute. I also told her what an asset she has been to the show and I thought it was really great that a fan, even an actor fan, got their chanceto be a part of it. I thanked her for the autograph and photo and my friend got her Buffy UK mag signed. It looked as if maybe her Mom and Lil sis were with her, I think her lil sis was dressed in costume and was one of the extras (she gave Michelle a huge hug and wouldn't let her go, she was very cute) and they liked the mag my friend had, the Buffy UK cover had Aly, Sarah, and Michelle on it. Also they called her Mitchie!
Now that I've given my sister a heart attack (hey Niblet, maybe I'll try to get James' signature for you tomorrow night), I will end this little review except to say that I absolutely love to watch them shoot and of course the little experience at the end was just the icing on the cake.
Posted by Bob on the Kitten Board on 9-14-01
Tonight the Buffy crew was just south of Stoner Park, site of many other exciting Buffy shoots. They had taken up the entire length of Westgate Avenue between Missouri Avenue and La Grange Avenue, and had decorated many of the houses with lights, pumpkins, ghosts and orange crepe paper. Lots of little kid-extras in various costumes were milling around, along with various parent-extras. There was also this one guy who was dressed up as either Stevie Ray Vaughan or a pimp - I couldn't tell which. Yes, it's time for Halloween in Sunnydale.
Into this setting we introduce Dawn and three guest characters - two guys and a girl, all older than Dawn. Well, all older than Michelle Trachtenberg, at any rate.
Okay, clothing first, since I know people are always itching to hear about it. Michelle had on a black "Hello Kitty" t-shirt and denim jacket, a green and black patterned skirt, black leggings and big black Buffy-style boots. The other girl - who is even taller and skinnier than Michelle - had on a fuzzy top that was cropped on the bottom and had a big turtleneck, over which she wore a tan jacket. She had on a pair of very low "hip hugger" jeans. The two guys had on jeans and t-shirts. The guy I believe was supposed to be Dawn's date had on what looked like a Sunnydale High letter jacket. It was done in the Sunnydale High maroon-and-gold and had a big "S" on it. The other guy had on a black jacket.
The cast and crew went down the length of the street filming a sequence of shots.
In shot #1, Dawn's date is letting the air out of the tire of an SUV parked in a driveway. Dawn is watching him do it and talking to him. The other guy yells something like "Yeah! Three points! Woo!" and then Dawn starts saying something. I could only hear a little bit, which sounded like "you don't want to make them mad." Then the other guy runs past, yelling "Hey! New target! Come on!" Dawn's date gets up and follows the other guy.
Shot #2 was a travelling shot immediately following. The camera sets up on the other side of the SUV and catches Dawn as she comes around from behind it. Dawn and the other girl walk down the sidewalk, talking and giggling.
Shot #3 immediately follows that. The two guys are walking down the sidewalk, and the other guy (not Dawn's date) kicks a mailbox off its post. The guys talk, presumably about the girls, then the girls catch up to them. They had to shoot this scene so many times (trouble with coordinating cameras, microphones, the guys and the girls walking at different speeds, all the extras in the background, etc.) that they had to get a second mailbox because the first one had been kicked off its post too many times.
There was more shooting to be done even farther down the block, but it was getting late and so that was where we called it a night.
FroggyFrog from the Kitten Board was there tonight as well, with his wife and daughter. Mrs. Froggy had a digital camera with her, so we could have some shots or even a video clip in the near future.
I must say that Michelle Trachtenberg is a hoot to watch on a shoot. She's got almost as much energy as Amber Benson, and is always goofing around. At one point during shot #2, this crewmember came up and sprayed fake-mist all over the SUV to make it look like it was cold out. Behind the SUV, where the camera and director couldn't see her, Michelle started doing this overdone coughing-and-gagging routine. It was pretty funny. Speaking of coughing and gagging, though, I about freaked during one break when the three guest stars all whipped out cigarettes and lit up. I was afraid for a second that Michelle would join in, but much to my relief she didn't.
All in all, another good shoot. It was a fun time.
By the way, I did drive past the location for tomorrow's shoot on my way out to Stoner Park tonight. It's not in the greatest of areas, but I do think it's better than the Willow Street area I've been to twice now. 1416 4th Avenue looks to be a big old spooky-looking house. Could Dawn be in for more Halloween fun? Could be! I'm still not sure whether or not I'm going out there (it depends on how my writing goes), but I'm sure someone will catch it and give us the scoop.
Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 9-14-01
http://www.eonline.com/Features/Features/Tube2001/Tipsheet/index3.html 12. Robo Buffy to the Rescue! In case you still don't know, Buffy isn't really dead. The show's moving to UPN and Sarah Michelle will be there--in one form or another--for the entire season. In the premiere, we discover that the Scooby gang has rejuiced the Buffy Bot so she can fill in while the real Slayer is six feet under. When the season's first baddie, a motorcycle-riding Freddy Kruger, short-circuits the plan, Willow must conjure up the real deal. Although we see less of Giles this season (Anthony Stewart Head is going back across the pond), we see plenty of him--and the rest of the Scoobies--singing, as the sixth episode is an all-musical extravaganza. "Five, six, seven, eight...stab, stab, jazz hands!"
13. Undead Love: You didn't think I'd forget to mention TV's greatest unrequited crush, did you? Rumors are starting to leak from the set that Buffy and Spike will get more than enough lip action this season--and I'm not talkin' fangs and necks--to make fans forget all about what's-his-name on that other network. Still, my advice is to believe the tonsil-hockey rumor when you see it. Creator Joss Whedon can be a tricky, spoiler-squashing dude.
Posted by Hercules on AICN on 9-15-01
OZ BACK FOR A BIT? E! is running an "Everything Emmy" special (featuring interviews with the fabulous Wanda) that bemoans the Academy of TV Seniors er, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and its continued snubbing of the best show eligible for Emmy nomination, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." The weird part: all sorts of footage depicts Seth Green frolicking with the current regulars. Says Jules Asners voice-over: they caught up with the "Buffy" crew as they shot their latest Halloween episode. Is Oz back for a bit, or was E! just airing a bit of stock footage? Herc's guessing Oz is back for Halloween.
FRESH WHEDON FOR SALE? Yes, the first issue of the four-part "Angel" comic book miniseries, co-authored by Buffyverse mastermind Joss Whedon, went on sale this week. This is only the second comic book series ever written or co-written by Whedon. (The first is the excellent, ongoing "Fray" series, which depicts the adventures of a far-future brunette slayer named Mel.)
What many dont know yet (mammoth spoilers ahead):
Weve just learned that rumors of a major "Buffy" character dying this season are only too true. This character will likely die at the hands of a demon and, unlike Buffy, will not undergo any kind of successful resurrection. The character is not Jonathan and it's not Giles. The character is one Herc will miss an awful lot (admittedly, this narrows it down very little). This characters death will precipitate horrendous consequences for the Slayer Circle. The season premiere of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" airs Oct. 2 on UPN.
Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 9-17-01
kristodd69 asks: There are huge rumors on AICN, that said another major character will die on Buffy. Is it true and who is it?
Wanda replies: I'm tongue-tied at this very second. But for now, let me just say that Joss is a big proponent of tragic endings - especially when it comes to four-lettered words.
slyrgrl730 asks: Wanda sweetheart coming back to dish has certainly lifted my spirits this week. Now can you give us Buffy lovers something to smile about?
Wanda replies: Gladly. Amber Tamblyn, whom you soap dopes know as Emily
Quartermain on General Hospital, is going to plop into Sunnydale this season.
My source, who's got a yapper like Fort Knox, would only tell me Amber plays someone who "comes between Buffy and Dawn." Hmmm...
lanahere asks: On Buffy, What does "come between" mean? Please tell!
Wanda replies: Knowing how tricky this source is (but, ahem, I'm so appreciative, really!) I wouldn't doubt if she were simply talking about Amber's age: She's 18.
Posted by Sarah's Carl on smgfan.com on 9-17-01
From Yahoo Club buffyandfriends
"My band just finished a scene for Buffy mrlemonsus
9/17/01 7:41 pm
This past weekend my band, Man of the Year, went to LA to film a scene for the Halloween episode o Buffy. We played in the "new Bronze." The scene was with Willow and Tara. We played a song off our record, 'The Future is Not Now' called "Just as Nice". For more info on Man of the Year go to www.lovelessrecords.com."
I am still not feeling completely up to spoiler analysis. Here are a few incoherent thoughts.
Love Herc, but he made a massive mistake with his claim about Oz possibly returning to BtVS. The footage he refers to is from the Season 4 episode "Fear itself." Unless, of course, it's not a mistake but is a clue relating to his other item about a major character leaving. This is pure speculation, but my money is on Tara. Wanda seems to know who it is and is suggesting it's a character with a four-letter-long name.
Bob's and Janna's location shoot reports confirm my spoilage for Episode 6, the Halloween episode centering on Dawn's night out joyriding. Amber Tamblyn (Emily from General Hospital) is playing Janice, Dawn's friend.
Sources: Jane Espenson and Drew Z. Greenberg (BtVS writers) at Succubus Club (http://www.geocities.com/succubusclub/archives/interviews/JE010523.html) and Steve DeKnight and Drew Z. Greenberg at the Bronze. Also comments by Jane Espenson at the San Diego ComicCon 2001, posted on the Kitten Board. Ep #1 Marti Noxon (Part 1 of premiere)
Ep #2 David Fury (Part 2 of premiere)
Ep #3 Jane Espenson
Ep #4 Jane Espenson and Doug Petrie (directed by Petrie)
Ep #5 Jane Espenson Unconfirmed 9-5-01
Ep #6 Steve DeKnight
18:00 - 23:59
18:00 - 02:00
1416 4TH AV
18:00 06:00
Title: Bargaining
Title: Hell Unconfirmed 9-11-01
Title: After Life
Title: Flooded
Title: Life Serial
Title: All the Way Confirmed 9-5-01
Ep #7 Joss Whedon (musical episode)
Ep #8 Rebecca Rand Kirshner Updated 8-26-01
Ep #9 Drew Z. Greenberg
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