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Latest news July 30, 2001

Scheduled writers:

Sources: Jane Espenson (BtVS writer) at Succubus Club and Steve DeKnight and Drew Z. Greenberg at the Bronze. Also comments by Jane Espenson at the San Diego ComicCon 2001, posted on the Kitten Board.

Ep#1 Marti Noxon (Part 1 of premiere)
    Tentative title: Bargaining
    Unconfirmed 7-29-01

Ep#2 David Fury (Part 2 of premiere)

Ep#3 Jane Espenson

Ep#4 Jane Espenson and Doug Petrie (directed by Petrie) Updated 7-22-01

Ep#5 Steve DeKnight

Ep#6 Joss Whedon (musical episode)

Ep #9 Drew Greenberg

Latest rumors:

***Exclusive to the Spoiler Whore Zone*** 7-29-01

Thank you to Hercules for these exclusive Spike-related tidbits:

"God knows if they'll film it, but there's a really cool scene in the script where Spike acquires a motorcycle from a
speeding demon who tries to run Spike over.

The other big thing with Spike in 6.1/6.2 is Spike no longer likes it when the Buffybot comes on to him.

I guess it's worth noting that Spike and Giles are the only regulars who DON'T learn by premiere's end that Buffy is
back among the living."


Hercules from AICN has a new set of spoilers, posted 7-29-01


Buffy 6.1/6.2 FAQ

When does it air?

The two-hour UPN premiere airs 8 p.m. Oct. 9, 2001.

Whos responsible?

Marti Noxon, who wrote last seasons opener (as well as the Joyce-resurrection episode), wrote the first hour;
David Fury, who wrote "Crush" (the one in which Drusilla returns), authored the second.

When does the sixth-season premiere take place?

Months after the final battle with Glory. Everyone has settled into their post-Buffy lives.

Is the Buffybot really attending Dawns parent-teacher meetings?

It is. The Scoobs are anxious to keep Buffys death a closely-guarded secret. Notes Giles: "We need the world
and the underworld to believe Buffy is alive and well."

But wasnt there a gravestone?

Presumably the funeral was a very private affair. Also, the fact that Buffy was a slayer still isnt exactly common
knowledge (something we learned when Buffy first enrolled at UCSunnydale).

Has Hank Summers taken custody of Dawn?

No, its established that Dawns daddy has not been alerted to Buffys demise. Willow and Tara, who have moved
into (and thoroughly redecorated) Joyces bedroom, have informally taken on the roles of Dawns parents.

Is Willows power still growing?

It hasnt diminished. In the teaser, we see she now manages the dusting activities of the entire former slayer circle
via telepathy. Towards the end of the two-hour premiere, we see her turn her eyes black and demonstrate several
really impressive new superpowers.

Willow is now leader of the Scoobs?

Yes. This is made clear in a very funny scene in Xanders apartment.

Why isnt Giles the leader?

Now that theres no longer a slayer to watch, Giles has announced his intention to return to England. Anya will run
the Magic Box in his absence.

Does Giles actually leave Sunnydale during the premiere?

Yes. He leaves a note at the Magic Box and takes off for the aiport without otherwise saying goodbye. He boards
his flight about 35 minutes in, and doesnt return (at least not during the two-hour premiere; hes expected back
briefly around 6.4).

When does the real Buffy return to the living?

At the very beginning of season sixs second hour.

How does Buffy return?

Willow resurrects Buffy with a spell a spell requiring the last known Urn of Osiris. Anya obtains the urn using her
Magic Box connections.

Doesnt Giles know what Willows up to?

No. Giles, Dawn and Spike are not told of Willows resurrection plans.

How come its a good idea to bring back Buffy, but it wasnt a good idea to bring back Buffys mom?

Willow explains that Buffy would not be coming back as a zombie. Willow is using a very different spell that can be
effective if the resurrectee didnt die a natural death. (Buffy, of course, was slain by mystical energy.)

When Herc revealed on July 4 that Willow uses a spell to resurrect Buffy, a talkbacker calling himself "Writeguy"
wrote this: "Buffy won't be revived -- she will be re-created using the same method that was used to create the
First Slayer many millennia ago in ancient Africa." True?

False. Buffy is revived, and theres no indication Buffys resurrection has anything to do with the First Slayer or
Buffys status as a slayer.

The same talkbacker wrote: "The Buffy Summers in the grave is dead and will stay dead. She WON'T be revived."
Did "WriteGuy" get this part right?

No. The original Buffy, the one in the grave, is revived. She wakes up inside her own coffin and has to dig her way
to the surface. There is no Buffycorpse inside the coffin with her.

The Scoobs go to the trouble of obtaining the Urn of Osiris but cant be bothered to dig up their revived friend?

In the middle of Willows spell, demon bikers arrive and destroy the Urn of Osiris. Though the contents of the urn
leak onto Buffys grave, the Scoobs (understandably) assume their resurrection attempt is a failure and flee the

Wait a second. Demon bikers?

Long story short: A vampire injures Buffybot and discovers shes full of wires and computer chips. The vamp
escapes and lets a bunch of demon bikers know that Sunnydale is now slayer-free. The bikers head into town to

Is the resurrected Buffy in a state of decay?

Nope, Willows spell took care of that too. Post-spell, Buffys disoriented but in perfect physical condition. (She
does get a bit dirty and bloody escaping from her "final resting place.")

At UPNs recent Television Critics Association presentation, Joss Whedon noted cyptically that some of Hercs
spoilers were on the money and some were not, but would not specify which were which. What did Herc get wrong
in his infamous July 4 post?

The chronology of events at the very end of the two-hour premiere. Buffy actually rejoins the Scoobs and helps
them defeat the demon bikers before she returns to the site of her death. The only Scoob she reunites with at
Glorys tower is Dawn.

How does Dawn find Buffy?

The savaged Buffybot tells Dawn of Buffys return. Dawn then follows the trail of demon corpses to Glorys tower.

Why does Buffy return to Glorys tower?

Its strongly implied that Buffy was happier in the afterlife and intends to kill herself to get back.

How much faith does Herc put in these spoilers?

Tremendous faith. And more than a little kendra. If there are still doubting talkbackers, let them be specific about
what we got wrong, and well be certain to compare prognostications come Oct. 9

Posted by AngelX on BC&S on 7-27-01


Ep: 1 & 2. Airdate: 10/9/01.

From everything I've been told so far, the two-hour premiere will consist of two separate episodes aired together
like the show's initial premiere. The

premiere episode on the NEW network will supposedly reintroduce the show to new fans and still continue the story
for old fans. :)

A reconstructed Buffybot temporarily fills in for Buffy after her death. This ensures that Dawn doesn't get taken
away and that the streets of

Sunnydale are kept somewhat safe.

[Note: AnGelX has also posted at this site photographs obtained by someone who visited the set of a location
shoot at a local high school. See below.]

Posted by smggodessfan on smgfan.com on 7-28-01

" only sarah and michelle were on the set because they were filming at a school where dawn is registering for high

Posted on the alt.tv.angel on 7-23-01


Q: No, actually the fans of both shows enjoy the little comparisons that we can make between them. And my other question is: is Amy ever gonna be de-ratted?

J: Y'know, it's just getting cruel at this point, isn't it? Amy is going to be de-ratted, this is a promise! [cheers] As a matter of fact, I called Marti Noxon from London, and one of the first things I said was, "Oh, and by the way, with that story we were talking about. de-rat Amy, 'cause it's just getting cruel, it's just bad, we gotta do it." So it's gonna happen.

[Beat.] She's going to become an antelope.

Q: Doesn't the good and valuable work done by the Buffybot validate Warren's experiments in the first place?

J: OK, y'know, I know we're talking about the Buffybot, but I'm still not sure what the question is. not all at once. [Audience: "Is Warren a hero
now?"] Is Buffybot the new hero? [Audience: "No, WARREN!"] Oh, Warren! Actually, no, Warren isn't really a hero, he's kind of a [??? sounds like "shimp"], but Warren is actually gonna make a reappearance, we've got some plans for him. We've got some plans for some of our old characters coming back, not the least of whom and very dear to my heart is Jonathan. [cheers]

Q: And at what point did you decide to have Spike fall in love with Buffy?

J: That was towards the end of his first season [?Does he mean 3 or 4?], where he had come on and really didn't have that much to do, he'd show up and go [Spinal Tap voice] "I hate the Scooby gang. 'bye!", he was sort of the wacky neighbour, and we thought, "Well, there's more there; how do we find it?" And it was like one of those things that just hits you on the head like a baseball bat, because it made such perfect sense for him to fall in love with Buffy because he wants to get his ass kicked and she's the person who always does that. And their relationship was so intense and so filled with the hate that it was as though we had been writing towards it anyway. And when I told James, he was like, "I wanted to pitch that but I thought that would be presumptuous of me," and I was like, "Well, don't worry, 'cause we're gonna go there the full nine yards." It seemed so obvious when I thought of it that I was like, "Why didn't I think of it before?", but I just have to wait for it to come.

Q: Spike has often done heroic things, whether because he's had to or because he wanted to. How far do you think he can go to being a real hero figure, or do you think he'll never.?

J: That's one of the questions we're asking ourselves now as we break next season, is like, y'know, 'cause Spike has done very selfless things, he's
shown real caring, and at the same time he can be a complete pain in the butt. We don't know the answer to that, and we're sort of gonna feel our way around and find out. And different writers have different opinions about how heroic he's been and his motivations and what's gone on, and we debate about it a lot. The only thing I can tell you is it's a real issue for us: where is he heading and how far can we take him in that direction and still feel that we're being true to the character?

Q: There are rumours that in S6 Buffy's going to quadruple her powers because of her death; isn't she powerful enough already?

J: Well, I hadn't actually heard that one. No. Not gonna happen. Just a rumour.

Q: If Angel visits Buffy's grave in Sunnydale, is he gonna have a big bust-up with Spike, because [cont. p. 94].

J: Well, you've worked it out, so why don't you write me a treatment and. There's all sorts of possibilities, but we're not really thinking in the crossover mode now because of the whole network thing. But it's certainly an issue.

Q: I've heard a rumour that in S6 Spike gets his bite back and Drusilla's involved.

J: Keep these rumours comin', 'cause I know exactly how many of them are true and how many of them are ridiculous, and the more ridiculous ones there are, the easier it is to hide the true ones, and that is one of the ones that you've just talked about. [I've no idea what he meant; probably deliberate obfuscation.]

Posted by BBOven Guy on the Kitten Board on 7-26-01

Sorry for the double post, but yet another location shoot has been added to the schedule:




This may look like two shoots, but it's actually only one - they put the trailers and equipment in one spot and shoot
in the other.

Here is a map of the location. It's just to the west of the river, where Whittier Boulevard becomes Sixth Street.
This is the same location they used for the factory scenes in "No Place Like Home" last year.

Also of note is that the two Griffith Park shoots next week now have a start time of 7:00pm instead of 6:00pm.

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

The spoilers are few but of high quality this week.

First, Hercules on AICN has posted new spoilers about the premiere. Needless to say, these spoilers confirm, with
one small exception that he notes, spoilers he has already posted. However, he maintains a high level of confidence
that must be considered. His spoilers also confirm script spoilers that have been corroborated by the notoriously
conservative AnGelX of BC&S.

Hercules' spoilers thus have a high probability of accuracy.

I seem to be the first to report the tentative title of Episode 1: Bargaining. (Though I don't know why; this info has
been known since early July.) This title ties into existing spoilers in a major way. You see, "bargaining" is a stage of
the grief process, according to psychologist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross:


The third stage of grief, bargaining, functions as either an intermittent tool or an essential mechanism present until
actual death. Finding that anger will not resolve their problem, and still unwilling to resign to Fate, the person may
consider a more "fruitful" approach. Like a resilient child, the person may promise certain resolutions contingent
upon salvation from the inevitable or upon an extension of life (KR 94). People may also bargain for a temporary
reprieve from pain or discomfort, one last experience or forgiveness for a wrong. Bargaining is based upon a plea,
often to God, that one wish is not so much to ask, even though people continue to wish until their death (KR 95).
Overall, bargaining is an attempt to postpone the physically inevitable in order to prepare mentally.


Stage 3: Bargaining

Bargaining is a way of postponing the inevitable fate that one knows they will ultimately come to. It is like that of a
child who does not get his way. The child will scream, cry, and bangs things only to get sent to their room. They
then decide, "if I clean my room, will you let me out?" This idea is still present in the terminally ill, but usually they
are bargaining with God, or another form of higher existence, instead of a mother or father. "If I eat all of my food,
and go through all of my treatments, will you give me an extra couple of days?" Most of the bargaining that takes
place is for an extension of life, or some time without all of the pain and discomfort. Most bargains are made with
God in private, and usually kept a secret. This is why this stage is not readily known.


Stage Three- Bargaining- In the bargaining stage of grief, the person is beginning to come to some realization that
there is or might be a problem but to compensate they are working hard to try to continue to avoid fully facing
the solution or reality of their circumstances. To bargain is to try to maintain control and continue live without real
change taking place.

Sorry for the long-winded psychology lesson. Usually Kubler-Ross's theories apply to those grieving a loss or those
preparing for dying. Obviously, some use it to refer to the process of overcoming addiction as well.

The main point is that the existence of the BuffyBot is a way for the Scoobies to avoid facing the reality of Buffy's
death. They are postponing the inevitable. Most often, those who "bargain" promise to "do good" in order to be
spared additional pain. This could also refer to Spike, who might pursue good instead of evil as a stage of grief. I am
not a psychologist, so my analysis is necessarily underinformed. But I'd also like to point out that several episode
titles in S5 had an addiction theme (Tough Love, Spiral, and Weight of the World). And Joss has been frank that
Angel's story is an allegory of an addiction recovery story.

The additional spoilers from Hercules suggest that Spike will find out about Buffy's return to the living in Episode
3--separate from the other Scoobies. If Hercules' July 4 spoiler is correct and Episode 3 concerns Buffy's feelings
about the afterlife, then we may be in for some serious Buffy/Spike conversations in Episode 3. Written by Jane
Espenson. Let Numfar do the Dance of Joy.

Do you want to:

Correct me? Yell at me? Praise me? Send me spoilers or inside info?

E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com

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