Angel, the Series (as opposed to the character)
Buffy Cross and Stake board, run by AnGeL X. Most commonly,
the acronym is used for the BC&S
Buffy In A Flash.
It comes from an episode from Season Two, "When She Was Bad."
Willow, Giles, and Xander are talking about what's wrong with
Willow: That's what it was! I mean, why else would she be acting
like such a b-i-t-c-h?
Giles: Willow, I think we're all a little too old to be spelling
things out.
Xander: A bitca?
Big Lug Blocking Our View Of Spike. (::cough::Riley::cough::)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the series as opposed to the character).
Other useful acronyms to know are SMG (Sarah Michelle Gellar),
JM (James Marsters), DB (David Boreanaz), NB (Nicholas Brendan),
We also often use initials when talking about the writers; thus
DP is Doug Petrie and MN is Marti Noxon. However Joss is just
God. <G>
Canon is what happens on the screen. So it's canon that
Giles has said, for example, that a vampire is not a person.
It's NOT canon that Giles was either (1) right or (2) telling
the truth.
The Buffyverse canon is still open, which means that Joss and
his writing staff get to reinvent and reinterpret and retcon
canon at will - this happens all the time. They've made many changes
in the mythology (for one tiny example, Spike's age).
In the Giles example, he could (1) change his mind, (2) reveal
that he was spouting CoW propaganda to ease
Buffy's mind, (3) learn something new, (4) start telling lies
the other way if he had been telling the truth previously, or
(5) many other things we haven't thought of yet.
The Council of Watchers. Or Wankers, if we believe Spike
Redemptionistas use this term to
denote their polar opposites. To an Evilista, Spike is forever
owned by his basic vampire nature. He is unable to change, learn
or grow, because he lacks a soul. He is eternally evil, unredeemable,
forever and ever, amen.
Sounds dirty, doesn't it?
But there's no shame in it. We all do it!
Fanwanking is as simple as coming up with a scenario for what
you think happened offscreen during a particular time on the show.
For instance, in season Six we've seen very little Spike/Dawn
involvement. We've had no real scenes of them hanging out together
since Bargaining. But when Dawn is injured in Wrecked,
Spike and Buffy wordlessly divide their tasks: Spike looks after
Dawn, and Buffy kicks demon butt. We can therefore fanwank that
Spike and Dawn are still close, and probably doing things together,
Fic is short for "Fanfiction", the unpaid, unprofessional
fiction of the fandom itself, incorporating characters and situations
from the show.
A good place to start (when it's up) for selected quality fanfic
will be Bloody Revelation (coming soon). In the meantime, our
sister list Spike's
Salvation hosts fanfic postings and discussions. You could
also try
Fundie (Fundy)
A Buffyverse fundamentalist. This term refers to people who adhere
blindly to the onscreen canon of Season One and their hallowed
Season Two. Nothing that contradicts anything from that period
can be recognised as valid. Thus there can be no character growth,
no added backstory, that is not "Revisionism" (A Dirty
To Fundies, Vampires lack souls and therefore lack humanity.
Except Angel, because he's Special.
These people are committed to canon and show history, and tend
to value Strict Adherence to Previous Canon over characterisation
and storyline plotting. They are often literalists, insisting
that whatever we've seen onscreen in seasons 1 and 2 are literal
truth, and any deviation from the established history is 'retconning.'
Examples of Fundyism include:
- "Spike is just over two hundred years old."
- "Angelus sired Spike."
- "The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys
are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats,
and, uh, we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever
dies, and everybody lives happily ever after." - Yes, some people
think Giles was serious.
Mighty Big TV. See TWOP
ME is short for Mutant Enemy, Joss Whedon's company that produces
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.
The newsgroup. More specifically, the
newsgroup, for text discussions. Sometimes used for the Buffy
Binaries newsgroup, alt.binaries.multimedia.buffy-v-slayer (where
you can download Buffy episodes, promos
and other multimedia)
Pod Person
This term comes from the old sci-fi movie "Invasion Of The
Body Snatchers". In the movie, aliens came down to a town
and started 'replacing' all the people with alien duplicates.
The duplicates were hatched in pods, hence 'pod people'.
In this context, it means "People who have the same names and
faces and memories as the people you used to know, and have taken
over their lives, but are so totally and completely *not* like
them." Or, to put it more shortly, it's a curse for "Damn, this
is *SO* out of character."
Porn Without Plot (or Plot? What Plot?)
Fanfic of the -errrm- titillating variety.
Sometimes slash, sometimes not. Like the name says, Plot is *very*
optional. Sex (or sexual activity) is not.
People who believe that Spike can be redeemed, despite his lack
of a human soul. Redemptionistas come in many shapes, sizes and
flavours. At BTVS-TabulaRasa, most of us believe that Spike will
be redeemed through his interactions with the other characters,
and especially Buffy.
Originally, this term referred to MBTV posters
who refused to see Spike as Just Another Evil Vampire. Redemptionistas
look at Spike as an anomaly among vampirekind, they see his tremendous
capacity for empathy and humanity. They (We!) believe that Spike
can overcome his vampire nature to embrace his humanity.
A change in Buffyverse canon, usually made to expand or reinterpret
existing storyline history.
For example, "You were my Sire, man, you were my Yoda." Spike's
sire is explicitly given as Angelus in season two, but later contradicted
in Fool For Love, when we see him turned by Drusilla. (Incidentally,
Joss has explained this!)
Resolved Sexual Tension. A rarity to see done well on television,
this refers to the spark between a couple who have already consummated
their relationship onscreen, and may also refer to couples engaging
in an ongoing sexual relationship.
Ships (or 'ships)
A relationship (geddit?) on a show. The characters are usually
identified by their initials.
This is an old term, originally from X-Files Fandom.
Shippers ('shippers)
People who support (or want to see) a particular 'ship.
For example, many of us at BTVS-TR are S/B shippers. Some are
A/C shippers (Angel/Cordy - yes we do watch the other show as
well!). It's safe to say that none of us are B/A shippers (Buffy/Angel
- wash your mouth out), B/R shippers (Buffy/Riley) or B/X shippers
The term Sides refers to casting or shooting sides. In both instances,
it refers to actual bits of script that sometimes get out ahead
of the episode. Casting sides in particular become available early
on, because they are what actors and actresses reading for a particular
part on the show use to audition with.
The term Slash originated from the / in a particular 'ship
Before there were named and designated 'Shippers, there were
fic writers. Ficwriters who gave us the likes
of Kirk/Spock, or Mulder/Krycek, and created the term 'Slash'.
It means a pairing is Boy-Boy or Girl-Girl, and generally features
heavy smut.
Your FAQ Queen would thus direct you to Days
of Our Unlives for some serious slashy goodness.
The Spikefeed is the wildfeed summary
provided early Monday morning by our very own (and very fabulous)
Dori. It's Spike-centric, so it's a good contrast to the points
of view provided by other Wildfeed reporters.
We get an early (preliminary) Spikefeed about 5:15am ET, and
post it to the site. Later, Dori writes a detailed description
of the episode. This goes up some time during the afternoon. Both
are mailed to the BTVS-TabulaRasa mailing list and posted here
at our site.
You can see the Spikefeeds of episodes that have already aired
(and of the one that's about to air if you check in on Monday
or Tuesday) in the episodes
area of our site.
Wow, you really are innocent :-)
"Yield to temptation, as it may not pass your way again."
Spoilers refer to material about or from an as yet unaired episode.
They can be concrete material from legitimate sources like casting
sides or scripts, or unsubstantiated material
from setside sources, stunt doubles, people in post-production,
and the like. Tabula Rasa members (in general) love spoilers.
We adore them. We are a listful of Spoiler Whores.
Nonetheless, our spoiler-phobic friends would greatly appreciate
a warning in the thread title if you're going to talk about spoilage
in a post.
To get the goods, see Wendy's SpoilerZone
on this site.
The Powers That Be.
On the show(s), TPTB refers to some amorphous god-type beings
who have a purpose planned for Angel and who, according to Whistler
the demon, "never saw [Buffy] coming."
In production terms, TPTB refers to all the writers, producers
and network execs responsible for making the decisions that affect
the characters we love and the environment they inhabit.
Television Without
Pity (Formerly Mighty Big TV) . Be warned - their name says
it all.
U/C Ships
Unconventional 'ships, or character pairings.
Until Season 6, S/B was considered a U/C ship.
If you can think of the pairing, it's likely that someone else
has too. If you think I'm exaggerating, go visit
and have a look at the wide and very creative range of ships that
people like to write about.
Unresolved Sexual Tension. Chiefly, the spark of chemistry between
characters who have not yet consummated their relationship onscreen.
The Wildfeed is the feed from production companies to networks,
that runs in advance of the network broadcast. People with C-band
Satellite dishes have access to this feed. Leoff, from the BC&S
boards, posts his Wildfeed Summaries for both Buffy and Angel
at his web site
At Tabula Rasa, we're lucky enough to have Dori and her Magic
Spikefeeds to keep us sane.