Just the Important bits...
Buffy asks Spike to hold her. He comes to the bed, slides in beside
her, puts his arm around her. Pulls her close, her head on his
shoulder. She leans against him, her hand underneath her chin, and
he strokes her hair, rests his other hand on her knee, which is
leaning against his leg.
They're a little apart, but still holding on to each other. Buffy is
looking up at him, almost mesmerized, one hand resting on his
stomach, her other hand covering his, which is on her elbow. She's
stroking his finger. His other arm is behind her neck, and he's
holding onto her upper arm. She's surrounded by him, one leg resting
between his thighs. He's looking into her eyes, and maybe there's a
hint of a smile on his lips...
She's fallen asleep, her head on his shoulder. He's sitting up a
little, his arm behind her neck, stroking her hair. His other hand
is cradling her hand, which is up near her chin. He presses a kiss
into her hair, but it's light enough not to wake her.
Now he's asleep, his head on a pillow at Buffy's shoulder, curled in
to her. His hand rests on her hip, and her arm is around his neck,
her hand resting on his shoulder. The fingers of her other hand curl
lightly around his wrist. He looks very peaceful.
(Read the Full Spikefeed)