Dori's Spikefeed

back to episode 7.15 - Get It Done

Get It Done

Read the FULL Spikefeed here.

NOTE: This is the MINI-Spikefeed. It's taken from a chat transcript, and doesn't read the way a full Spikefeed would. We post it to give an early indication of what the episode was like, from a Spike perspective.

You are welcome to post a link to the Spikefeed and mini-Spikefeed, or to any of the pages at the BTVS-TabulaRasa site.


Does Spike get the duster from the house?

No. Duster in the damn school basement.

Does Buffy or Spike tell Wood about his soul?

I think Buffy tells him, but ONCE AGAIN we don't see it.

Does Buffy flirt with Principal Wood?

I saw no flirting.

Is the Spike fight scene any good?

Well, he mostly gets smacked around until the very end, and then he has Had Enough, and tears into the demon.
I loved the bit when Spike realizes that he's having fun fighting the demon.
And I'm here to tell you, I LIKE rocks-back Spike.
The fight is very short, though, and intercut with Buffy's fight with the shadow men.
He lights up after he kills the demon. Although, what that ciggy tasted like after a year in the coat pocket... <shudder>

How does the Spike/Wood confrontation come off? Is Spike suspicious?

I don't think so, but it's definitely a pissing contest

Important stuff....what's Spike wearing?

Black tee, black pants, that grotty jacket. And then, THE COAT

How's the poor lad's face?

He gets cut up some in the fight with the demon.

Is it clear that Spike did not ask Anya out on a date... that Anya just misunderstood?

Yeah, and he's very uncomfortable with her innuendoes.




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