Dori's MINI Spikefeed

back to episode 7.07 - Conversations with Dead People

MINI Spikefeed - Conversations with Dead People

NOTE: This is the Mini Spikefeed. It's taken from a chat transcript, and isn't supposed to be grammatical or complete :-)
The full Spikefeed - when available - will be posted at this page

She admits that she behaved like a monster and that he really loves her. That he really loved her -before- he got the soul.

I am SO PISSED about Jonathan! Dammit!

Okay, the story is told in four separate lines, and none of them overlap with each other--that is, each character is in a solo bit. (Well, Andrew and Jonathan are a group.)

Q: re vampire and siring
Dori: he =said= Spike was his sire. Can we trust that? Nobody was really who they seemed to be in this ep... Joyce wasn't really Joyce, it wasn't really a message from Tara, Andrew was planning to kill Jonathan all along. I'm guessing that wasn't really Spike we saw, either, at the end. Or, if really Spike, possessed by the First.

Q: Dori is there really *no* Xander at all this episode? And no Anya?
Dori: Yeah. <G> No Xander, no Anya.

Buffy seems completely willing to talk to this Psych Major vamp, and they keep finding reasons to continue to talk instead of fighting, until he says Spike is his sire. And then he's dust--no fight, no muss, no fuss.

Q: It's still All.About.Spike then
Dori: IMO, yes. And she looks devastated when she hears this. Okay, maybe I'm biased...<G> Maybe I'm reading it stronger than I ought. <G> But she definitely got that wide-eyed, OH NO! look.

He asks her if her last relationship was with a vampire, and she says yes. They talk about that for a while. Then, when they get ready for the fight, she mentions Spike's name. And he says, "Whoa, Spike?" "How do you know Spike?" "He's my, what do you call it, sire."
That's approximate; I'll have to get exact dialogue in the transcription.

And all the time we see Spike, we never once hear him say a word. We see him talking to the girl, walking her home, biting her, but we never hear him talking.

Q: No explanation of how Spike can *apparently* be killing people despite the chip
Dori: No, and no apparent chip pain, either. So, thinking, Not!Spike.

Q: Or totally possesed Spike
Dori: Yeah.

This is the biiiiig setup episode.

I wish I could describe Buffy's face when the vamp tells her that Spike sired him. <sigh> I'm afraid I'm reading too much into her expression, because I so WANT her to be as upset as she was in BECOMING when Angel's soul came back. <sigh> Because, damn. She's got to be thinking, NOT AGAIN!

Q: tell me about the song at the beginning ;)
Dori: I'll have to review the tape. BUt we see Spike in the Bronze, drinking, during part of it.

Q: So Buffy and Spike have no interaction this episode (just checking)
Dori: Nope. No interaction at all. None of the Scoobies interact with any of the other Scoobies, in fact.

Q: And are Xander and Anya off making up and shagging like bunnies or is Xan enjoying having his apartment to himself and Anya pining for Giles?
Dori: I vote for pining for Giles...

She's got a superiority complex. and an inferiority complex about the superiority complex. <G> According to the Psych Major Vamp.

most of the Spikey stuff is in Buffy's conversation, actually.
Well, we -see- that he's talking, but not much. We can't hear it.

Q: who offs J?
Wendy, Andrew. Damn his black heart to hell...
it's a blood ritual; they've dug up some sort of big seal or sigil, and I'm guessing it needs blood to activate or open it.

Just going by her expression at the end, and how fast she staked the vamp for saying Spike sired him, I think so.

Well, I think the Kittens will be happy with Willow's expression of feeling for Tara...

I liked it.

Some positive B/S stuff. <G>

Q: is there much in this ep that will set people off into a frenzy of Spike paranoia?
Dori: Well, the biting, ...
She definitely sees that as part of the problem, but she admits that she behaved like a monster to him. Monster was definitely her word. I'll have to review for exact dialog.

BUt it seems to me that they definitely have a path planned out for the rest of the season. Know where they're going, how to get there...




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